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what tires???


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Pirelli Diablos Stradas, little harder wear compound in the center of the tire. Softer on the sides for grip traction.Rated to 149mph+ Best prices I've found are at Iron Pony, mail order. See if there's someone local that will mount them for you. I pay a friend of mine $15.00 a wheel for mounting on an air assisted changer that has protected spoons. Avoids wheel scratches

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I always run race takeoffs they usually only have 20-22 laps on them and are sticky as hell the big bonus though is you get a 350 - 500 set of tires for 150 or less and usually get 2000 - 3000 street miles out of them

but thats me some people dont like this practice but there are a bunch of us here that do powerones are my choice

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This also is a good idea esp. on a budget.Never done it but several guys I ride with do. You might consider type of riding you will do and how far you will ride. Although 2 of my buddies rode all the way to N.H. last year on race take-offs.

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is it worth the difference to get the better compound? like i know that have kinds that are like DR's and some that are just like all season tires. is it worth it to bump up to the better tires?

also. what brands should i stay away from?

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is it worth the difference to get the better compound? like i know that have kinds that are like DR's and some that are just like all season tires. is it worth it to bump up to the better tires?

also. what brands should i stay away from?

all of the major tire manf. have their good and bad. Tires matter 100X more on a bike than a car, you will definitely notice the difference between mediocre and good tires on a sportbike.

Edited by wrillo
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yeah i would imagine a tire would make a big difference on a bike over a car. just not sure if soft compunds get eaten fast like DR's on a car.

yes. race take-offs will last you approx 1/2 as long as a street orientated sport tire

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Pilot Powers are the single best NEW tires for the money. period.

if you don't ride aggressively on the street, trackday takeoffs will still have a lot of center meat on them. I wouldn't ride a race compound on the street, simply due to the heat cycling. Street tires are made to deal with being hot, then cooling down and repeating often.

if the tire has a bare shoulder new, I wouldn't want it on a street bike. no wet traction, and probably a softer compound than I want or need.

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Oh yeah, not to sway your decision or anything but think of the contact patch of thos tires. As your speed increases that contact patch gets a bit smaller. Don't skimp on tires and brakes.

how much would a good set of tires run me? for both

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