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10 things we don't know about you...


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1) I'm in my later 30's with one daughter and I've been married for almost 8 years now.

2) Started riding motorcycles at age 11 in the dirt and was hooked from then on. Was in my late teens before getting into street riding, which is fun but dirt is where my heart is.

3) Playing guitar for about 20 years now, and I've been lucky enough to be part of some of the best metal acts in my area - I'm good at heavier music but the last 4-5 years I've been trying other genre's to further my skills as a musician/composer.

4) I am the 2nd generation born in the U.S. since my grandparents travelled here from Germany/Austria - I'm a little guy in my family at 6ft 280lbs, my father and uncles are all 6'3" - 6'7" big built fella's and even my grandmother is over 6ft.......but my mother is 5ft so I got stuck in the middle:D

5) Was raised by my stepfather after my biological moved away with his new wife - and don't think I'd have it any other way......stepdaddy was quite the mountain man, heart and soul......he was the smartest man I've ever known and he knew how to survive with little to nothing - he brought me up camping, canoeing, shooting, hunting, knifesmithing, gunsmithing, etc......he was a great man and is DEARLY missed - Rest in Peace Pops!!

6) Was a cubscout / boyscout growing up - and it taught me a lot about survival skills and other awesome experiences from tent-camping in the dead of winter to building foot bridges and small structures by simply lashing rope and tree limbs/branches - and yes, I can start a fire with an old flintlock rifle if necessary;)

7) Played a lot of baseball as a youth as well as some football and wrestling later on......but I'm not very athletic anymore as you're able to tell if you meet me!! comment based on #4 ;)

8) Planned on getting a sport tourer when I bought my ZX14, guess I had a last minute change of heart since I'm getting older and can't afford a 4 wheeled toy to play with......once I saw it, just had to have it......but I'm happy overall, this bike's faster than most any muscle car I've ever wanted and saved me quite a bit of cash as well as garage space;)

9) Living in town currently, basically a long-term live-in flip until we can manage to sell at a profit margin large enough to get out in the sticks where I belong!! Hate the city life sometimes, even though I'm not living in a metropolis......but I still long for the quiet, tree canopied life away from the hussle and bussle.

10) I'm easy to talk to, once you talk to me that is.......I've always been told by my buddies that I'm intimidating, but that's basically because people tend to judge me by looks alone before striking up a conversation and realizing I'm actually a nice guy who can empathize with most anyone; so don't shy away, I enjoy good convo with anybody!!

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1) I am a pretty decent (steel-tip) dart thrower; I've won money in tournaments and beaten the (at the time) number 1 and number 3 ranked players in the U.S. (2 out of 3 games, not just lucky in one game).

2) I am a professional musician (trumpet), but I don't make a living at it. I auditioned at and was accepted to The Juilliard School, but was talked out of it by my mother, who also was a professional musician (and made her living at it). I own 6 trumpets (Bb (2x), C, D, Eb/F, and a Bb/A piccolo).

3) I'm a "unicorn" server engineer, in that I'm the mythical beast you've heard of but have never actually seen - one that administers Windows, Unix, and Linux servers.

4) I am a voracious devourer of fiction, mostly mysteries or spy thrillers (leCarre', Flynn, Thor, Silva, etc.). I average a book a week.

5) I played a lot of baseball growing up, usually on travelling teams. My American Legion team won our region and came in 3rd in the U.S. at the national tourney.

6) When I was born I had Hemolytic Disease (this was before mothers/fathers were tested for Rh factor) and required 3 complete blood transfusions.

7) I have a 10 year old son, who is my entire reason for being.

8) I just this past weekend moved from a too-large house on 5 acres in Galena to a regular-sized house in Westerville. Jr. (see #7) needs to be able to go outside and play with kids, and it's within walking distance to the pool.

9) I have a dog and two cats who all get along together fabulously. Usually.

10) My 'first time' was with two girls (seniors) during my freshman year H.S. spring break, in Lausanne Switzerland. It's been downhill ever since.

Edited by jblosser
speling eror
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1) I'm not really Mexican nor I do I really look like Turtle from Entourage

2) I do look like a fatter shorter version of Ronnie from Jersey Shore

3) I'm good at a lot of things but not great at much

4) I like A LOT of music, and a decent amount most people would be ashamed to admit they like.

5) I have no shame

6) I was in a fraternity that was less like a fraternity and more like a bunch of assholes who lived in the same house and partied 7 days a week. The administration at Cinci commonly referred to us as their "Animal House"

7) I'm far too domesticated for a man but its a direct result of my parents being divorced when I was young causing me to grow up quickly

8) i have a HUGE ego but 70% of it is just for entertainment value

9) I'm usually a super nice guy that can get along with just about anyone but I'm generally considered as an egotistical asshole

10) I'm the 2nd greatest man alive

Edited by Bad324
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1. I worked as a male model here and there and spent a week in Miami about a year ago for a website.

2. My neighbors made up my username when I needed one to play Call of Duty on Xbox live.

3. I have ADD so school is incredibly hard and I spent a lot of time in extra courses and summer courses. I'm far from graduating OSU.

3a. Because of my ADD staying focused on the bike at track days is very difficult and also scary/frustrating although medication is helping. Every bike accident I've had (there have been many) was from my inattentiveness.

4. Outside the corporate environment I am very, very shy around people for some reason.

5. I own a small business but have a lot to learn and do before I get where I want to be. So, I work with photography and cinematography for now which is fun and I'm getting better little by little.

6. I work as one of the two IT administrators at an architecture company that designed Nationwide Arena, The Schott, RPAC, the new Student Union, and lots of other stuff on campus and in Cbus.

7. I always wanted a diesel dually F350 ever since I was a little kid. I still want one, haha.

8. I sold a bike and bought a Porsche 944 Turbo last year and soon after realized that I don't really have any interest in sports cars at all.

9. I get in my race gear and turn my city into a race track with my 250 sumo. I rarely do any other form of street riding.

10. I don't like to party but I do have fun; I largely just enjoy staying absorbed in my work. There are some things I hyperfocus on and spend weekend nights with instead of going out.

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  jblosser said:
10) My 'first time' was with two girls (seniors) during my freshman year H.S. spring break, in Lausanne Switzerland. It's been downhill ever since.

:eek: I wouldn't even be able to get outta bed anymore, knowing I just peaked at life.

Everything else for the rest of your years would just seem so.....mundane.

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  JRMMiii said:
:eek: I wouldn't even be able to get outta bed anymore, knowing I just peaked at life.

Everything else for the rest of your years would just seem so.....mundane.

Ed Zachary. :( 'Cept that time (or times way back when) when me and my female friend du jour may or may not have been using a certain hallucinogenic identified by its initials. <That> was pretty interesting.

Edited by jblosser
edited for clarity's sake
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1) I'm considered an ass most the time.

2) I'm a damn good shot even half asleep at 3am when my door gets opened.

3) I usually don't "proof read" what I'm about to say because I don't care how it makes you feel.

4) I'm an open book with no shame, wanna know something just ask.

5) I like sex 8-10 a day and it's difficult to find a girl to keep up and why I'm usually late everywhere because we stop and play somewhere along the way.

6) I eat massive amounts of pasta.

7) I eat at every Waffle House I can.

8) When you think I'm joking, chances are I'm not.

9) I love my job because I love blood, trauma, broken bones and human suffering. Yet I'm prolly the one you'd most want on the squad comming to get you

10) I would kill anyone in a split second for hurting my daughter and the body would never be found.

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  1000rrrider said:

5) I like sex 8-10 a day and it's difficult to find a girl to keep up and why I'm usually late everywhere because we stop and play somewhere along the way.

I don't know about all of that (how could a woman walk after all of that?!).

Edited by saralynn518
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1. The letters RFM are my initials. I wasn't given a middle name at birth though. I signed my marriage license Roland Fudsworth Millington. Legally, my middle name became Fudsworth.

2. I learned to ride a motorcycle riding a Sportster back from Farrow's. Child's play.

3. I have full custody of a teenaged daughter.

4. I lost my parents my freshman year.

5. I am a British citizen.

6. I still don't really know if I'm an ass or a breast man. Depends, I guess...

7. I can make three paper airplanes with my college degrees.

8. I can't help but laugh whenever I hear a fart.

9. I've never owned anything but European cars.

10. I found $1.68 on my Aprilia before.

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  RFM said:
1. The letters RFM are my initials. I wasn't given a middle name at birth though. I signed my marriage license Roland Fudsworth Millington. Legally, my middle name became Fudsworth.

2. I learned to ride a motorcycle riding a Sportster back from Farrow's. Child's play.

3. I have full custody of a teenaged daughter.

4. I lost my parents my freshman year.

5. I am a British citizen.

6. I still don't really know if I'm an ass or a breast man. Depends, I guess...

7. I can make three paper airplanes with my college degrees.

8. I can't help but laugh whenever I hear a fart.

9. I've never owned anything but European cars.

10. I found $1.68 on my Aprilia before.

Dangit. I come over here to get away from the UK and find this place is dripping with limeys. :nono:

Were you born there, or did you inherit citizenship from your parents? The difference is that if you became a British Citizen by being born on British soil then you may pass British citizenship to your child (that would be my case, born in Yorkshire). However your child, if born outside the UK, cannot pass on British citizenship to your grandchildren (unless said grandchildren were born on British soil). (that would be my son's case, born in Columbus)

My son is recognized as a dual (US and UK) citizen by both the US and UK governments - US by birth (citizen parents) and UK by Descent (Born British father). However *I* got US citizenship via naturalization, so the US government no longer recognizes me as a UK citizen. The UK recognizes me as dual (US/UK).

You must have lived in the UK if you laugh at farts. That's 97% of British humor. When I get helmet intercoms so I could talk to my 7yo when we're 2-up, little did I know that would lead to helmet-to-helmet burping competitions. Cars next to us must think we're insane when we sit there in apparent silence and then both bust out laughing for no reason. :D

My father is still with us but I lost my mother soon after coming to the US. The heartbreak was that my green card took 3 years to process and during that time I could not leave the US to visit home (not a family emergency, I could leave but they would consider my green card application abandoned). I missed the last 3 years of her life and was only allowed to travel home by the INS when the doctors asked us to "gather the family", and the next time I saw her she was in ICU, and she died a couple of hors later. I hated the INS for that. Still do. :nono:

Edited by Scruit
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1.I like big butts and I can not lie

2. When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in my face

I get sprung.

3. I get hooked and I can't stop staring

4.My homeboys tried to warn me but that butt ladies got makes me so horny.

5.I'm tired of magazines sayin' flat butts are the thing

6.I like 'em round, and big

7.I just can't help myself, I'm actin' like an animal Now here's my scandal

8.I want em real thick and juicy

9. I gotta be straight when I say I wanna fuck till the break of dawn

10. I'm long, and I'm strong and I'm down to get the friction on

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  Scruit said:
Dangit. I come over here to get away from the UK and find this place is dripping with limeys. :nono:

Were you born there, or did you inherit citizenship from your parents? The difference is that if you became a British Citizen by being born on British soil then you may pass British citizenship to your child (that would be my case, born in Yorkshire). However your child, if born outside the UK, cannot pass on British citizenship to your grandchildren (unless said grandchildren were born on British soil). (that would be my son's case, born in Columbus)

My son is recognized as a dual (US and UK) citizen by both the US and UK governments - US by birth (citizen parents) and UK by Descent (Born British father). However *I* got US citizenship via naturalization, so the US government no longer recognizes me as a UK citizen. The UK recognizes me as dual (US/UK).

You must have lived in the UK if you laugh at farts. That's 97% of British humor. When I get helmet intercoms so I could talk to my 7yo when we're 2-up, little did I know that would lead to helmet-to-helmet burping competitions. Cars next to us must think we're insane when we sit there in apparent silence and then both bust out laughing for no reason. :D

My father is still with us but I lost my mother soon after coming to the US. The heartbreak was that my green card took 3 years to process and during that time I could not leave the US to visit home (not a family emergency, I could leave but they would consider my green card application abandoned). I missed the last 3 years of her life and was only allowed to travel home by the INS when the doctors asked us to "gather the family", and the next time I saw her she was in ICU, and she died a couple of hors later. I hated the INS for that. Still do. :nono:

I was born in New Jersey to a British father and first generation US mother. I visited family a lot (primarily the Midlands), and when I lost my parents, lived with an aunt outside of Birmingham. Learned to drive stick with the left hand in an old BMW 316.

Sorry to hear of your experience with your mother. I recieved US citizenship when born, and it was a simple application process to get the British passport rolling.

Yes, I see you understand British Humour too. I've destroyed any chance my daughter had of a normal life by laughing at every last one of her toots. She is going to have a baptism of fire when she moves beyond the nest here...:p

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1. I start Seminary June 27th.

2. I was NRA regional Champ in service pistol (.45) in 84 shooting for the National Guard State Pistol team. Got a big ass trophy the wife won't let me display on my mantle. :nono:

3. I've been married 29 years and have 2 great daughters who shoot well also.

4. Retired from the military in 2001 after 25 years. 19 Air Force and 6 Army. That experience has taken me around the world twice.

5. Been riding 40 years. Started in the dirt at 13 with a Suzuki TC125. Currently ride a 99 Goldwing and love long distance touring. I would rather ride then drive.

6. I'm a 2nd degree Black belt in combat Hapikdo. My martial art career is over due to a neck injury 3 years ago. Just got the offending vertebra fused 4 weeks ago.

7. I'm a sarcastic fun loving smart ass that loves to laugh and hear other people laugh.

8. I like all kinds of music but I lean toward Country and Classic rock. What can I say, I'm a conservative, old fart...so Gaga...nah, not so much.

9. I'm a geek like some others. I'm the net admin for a law firm.

10. I would rather grill out (in any weather) than cook indoors. I've had two different people tell me I made them the greatest steak they have ever eaten. Secretly I would love to have a steak house.

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  Warlock said:
1. I start Seminary June 27th.

2. I was NRA regional Champ in service pistol (.45) in 84 shooting for the National Guard State Pistol team. Got a big ass trophy the wife won't let me display on my mantle. :nono:

3. I've been married 29 years and have 2 great daughters who shoot well also.

4. Retired from the military in 2001 after 25 years. 19 Air Force and 6 Army. That experience has taken me around the world twice.

5. Been riding 40 years. Started in the dirt at 13 with a Suzuki TC125. Currently ride a 99 Goldwing and love long distance touring. I would rather ride then drive.

6. I'm a 2nd degree Black belt in combat Hapikdo. My martial art career is over due to a neck injury 3 years ago. Just got the offending vertebra fused 4 weeks ago.

7. I'm a sarcastic fun loving smart ass that loves to laugh and hear other people laugh.

8. I like all kinds of music but I lean toward Country and Classic rock. What can I say, I'm a conservative, old fart...so Gaga...nah, not so much.

9. I'm a geek like some others. I'm the net admin for a law firm.

10. I would rather grill out (in any weather) than cook indoors. I've had two different people tell me I made them the greatest steak they have ever eaten. Secretly I would love to have a steak house.

And to think in the years I have known you, I had no idea you could've killed me so easily and make me a kick ass steak!

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1. My name is Nicole and not Nikki or Nicki or any other variation that may steam from just plain old Nicole.

2. I was the mascot for my high school (a yellow jacket) my senior year and got in two mascot fights and won.

3. I've been playing cello since I was in 5th grade.

4. I was never around motorcycles when I was growing up and it seemed kind of a shock to my family and friends that I got one

5. I make car seats for Honda.

6. People call me shy and quite but when I start talking I "lay down" all these stupid jokes. For example; At work we use torque wrenches and one day we couldn't find one so I went up to my supervisor and said "maybe someone "torque it" (It fits when you say it out loud I guess)

7. I was going to college for Physical Therapy and two years into the course I decided to call it quits. It didn't interest me as much and the chances of me actually getting into the program seemed slim... so I'll just stick with car seats and buy a house with the money I'll save.

8. I obsessively save because growing up we didn't have any money since my mothers alcoholism interfered with her abilities to think logically.

9. I'm in love with history. I could tell you about samurai warriors, troop numbers before WWII broke out, mythological figures, and many other things.

10. I have a "bucket list" even though I'm 20 years old... I want to make the most out of my life and do things my grandparents weren't able to.

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1. I will be married for two years on Monday.

2. I have an 11 month old daughter named Hudson and a soon to be 3 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier named Mardy.

3. My wife is due with our second child in January.

4. I recently found out that I am allergic to dogs...Mardy doesn't shed and is considered a to be hypoallergenic dog :D

5. I was an Intervention Specialist (special education teacher) for four years and have been a school administrator for the past four years.

6. I had negative rep on OR for a long time...apparently I'm a liberal douche.

7. I believe that our rights as individuals end, where an others begins...dammit apparently #5 might be right :cry: (back to negative rep I go LOL!)

8. I may quite possibly have the best and most supportive family ever. I would be nothing without them.

9. I am also a first generation American. My father was born and raise in Wanganui, New Zealand and my mother was born in Burlington, Canada. They met in NZ. My mother was lead in a production of the musical Oklahoma. My dad was on a date that night. Went back the next night and ask my mother out after the show. They were married two weeks later and have been happily married since 1975.

10. My FZ6 was the first and only new vehicle I have ever owned.

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Brian's the name but I answer to BA as well.

1. I was a pretty sick kid and spent some time in an oxygen tent like a certain dead pop star.

2. Once I discovered reptiles, I became obsessed with them for almost a decade. To this day I own one gecko, who is more than 17yrs-old.

3. I was not born with the gift of being really intelligent. However, I have a decent memory when it comes to fiction that I have read.

4. I am a strict atheist. Religious fanatics should all be killed.

5. I once forced a sub-normal classmate to take my medication while in the 1st grade. I was found out and I took a trip to the principals office. The principal was a nun.

6. Right now I am obsessed with classic films from the 70's, as well as B movies from that era as well.

7.I do not believe I was born for this time-period of advanced technological achievement. Yet here I type on a laptop that I own...

8. I DO believe that I fell in love when I was 12yrs-old and now I am almost indifferent to having a relationship.

9. I will take advantage of the services of a professional to satisfy my carnal desires.

10. In the near future, I plan to learn how to play a keyboard.

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Well...Isn't this an interesting thread? Therapy 101 :wtf:

1. My name is Greg, Ive been married going on 31 yrs.

2. Refer to 1, as all I said was I have been married going on 31 yrs.

3. Don't lie to me, it won't fly, at all.

4. If you do lie, expect a response, sometimes in public sometimes not.

5. I have riden the street for 37 yrs., been on 2 wheels for 41 though.

6. I am a first born son to a football coach, can you guess what I did for

almost 18 yrs of my life?

7. If I was single, you would not see me on here, you would see me

out there on the road 24/7/365.

8. I love to teach anyone that is willing to learn.

9. Kids love me, even at 6'3" and 245 lbs. they gravitate to me, everywhere. Must be the Grandpa in me.

10. If we ever get to talk in person, please understand, we have done this all before, many many times.

Ride safe all.


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