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"50 best Ohio roads"...does such a list exist? Do the roads exist?


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  psyco1 said:
245 from St Rt 29 through West Liberty to St Rt 33

287 from St Rt 245 at Macochee Castles to St Rt 33

Thanks. I added these to the list.

  rawlins87 said:
147, 678/664, 26

Is 147, 678/664, 26 a route or just three random, good roads?

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Pulled some more from the ohios best roads thread:


We hit 50. I'd like to map all of these, but that probably won't happen anytime soon given my schedule. And I'll probably need clarification (start and end points) on the roads where I only have a number.

Thanks for the great responses.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i live right on st. rt. 97 in lexington oh. id say this road is a bad ass road for fast and fun but if you take it you would want to go from loudenville to lexington its better than takeing lexington to loudenville you just take st.rt. 39 to loudenville then turn right on to st. rt. 97

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  • 1 year later...
  Uncle Punk said:
Have you tried these roads? Don't knock them until you have because there is much wisdom and experience in his post.

270, 275, 71, 77, 70, 161, 271, 23, 470, 670, 675, 90, 490, 76, 80, 480, 33, 16, 40, 256, 310, 62, 3, 605, 37

Ok dude if you insist - 270 (cbus), 275 (cincy), interstate 71, interstate 77, 271 (cleve), 675 (dayton bypass, my backyard), 90 & 80 (ohio turnpike), interstate 76, 33 (cbus to athens, ok for a cruise ride)

There's my been on list - ok if your in a cage, boring on a motorcycle. -Well I admit one very early sunday morning I did 675 at about a buck fourty, that was entertaining....

There's plenty of great motorcycle roads in this thread that are way more entertaining. :cool:

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  Mick783 said:
Is there some site where we can map all these up? It would be nice to have them all listed with descriptions/reviews etc...

there are several websites that have popular motorcycle roads however most of them have very limited choices. I've found way more good info here about roads than any of these specific motorcycle road websites.

When I bumped this I debated making another thread instead of calling it the best, calling it Ohio's must hit Roads or something like that. Add in maps of where they are located and what not. If work continues to be boring as hell, I just might do it

  mello dude said:
Most of those are Interstate or bypass - wouldnt put them on a best list...

they need a sarcasm font :D

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  Bad324 said:
there are several websites that have popular motorcycle roads however most of them have very limited choices. I've found way more good info here about roads than any of these specific motorcycle road websites.

When I bumped this I debated making another thread instead of calling it the best, calling it Ohio's must hit Roads or something like that. Add in maps of where they are located and what not. If work continues to be boring as hell, I just might do it

they need a sarcasm font :D

I like your idea - we could make it 50 must do Ohio motorcycle loops and have a map for each loop.....

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