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Nope. The full tank w/ stabil + an understanding wife who lets me keep it in the sunroom ( heated) I back the backend of the bike out the door, unplug the trickle charger and fire it up and let it run for 8-10 min. about every 10-12 days, all winter. Only problem is, now w/ 2 bikes don't know if she'll let keep them both in there?

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Curious as to why you put it up for the season? I run mine all 12 months - clearly is sits in the garage during snow and ice times, but there are MANY 45+ degree days between now and April.


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Don't like road salt on my bike, generally too much grit on the road, don't like the pre-treatment on the road, don't like cold weather that much, but will ride usually until the first salt goes down.

word bud... thats the way me and Theresa will do it... both bikes on front and rear stands, batteries on chargers gas filled mixed with stable.. exhuast plugs in and their off to sleep

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I'm ok with the idea of road salt if I'm planning on rinsing it within a week.

Full take of gas, 3/4 of a bottle of seafoam in the gas tank, 1/4 in the crank case. New oil, ran her around the neighborhood, parted her on a towel, just gotta shove some work paper towels in the pipes....

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Why would you put your bike up in Ohio?! There's tons of great days all through December. January you can get a few rides in and February you can get a few in. March I rode 10 days through-out the month and it was a cold bad winter. These were 56° to 62° days. That's just March. You're going to get a bunch of great days to ride ahead so I would leave the battery in and Tender® it.

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stabil and up on the pitbulls and juniour tended.......no need to start it up and run it every 10 days.......just let her sleep;)


Bad idea to start it and turn around and shut it off. Condensation in the oil and all those dry starts for no reason. Park it and let it sit.

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Bad idea to start it and turn around and shut it off. Condensation in the oil and all those dry starts for no reason. Park it and let it sit.

Bad idea in a cold garage maybe, but not when it's sitting in a heated area. Gets put up w/ clean oil and filter and gets changed after a ride or two in the spring.

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Curious as to why you put it up for the season? I run mine all 12 months - clearly is sits in the garage during snow and ice times, but there are MANY 45+ degree days between now and April.

Um.. Because its cold. :) I don't like cold.

I have heard of some guys filling the crank case completely full with oil. I think that is extreme for a winter. I usually don't change the oil before I put it up. I usually change it in the spring. Maybe I should..

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