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What to do next with my life


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So a somewhat serious thread (if that is possible)...

I am trying to decide what to do next with my life.

I have been working for an Americorps non profit organization for the past 2years, for which I am getting 10g in scholarship money, which just about every college will match. Also a couple colleges give me 50% tuition for being an alumni....I'm a high school graduate, I've held and am currently holding my 4th job.(never fired)

My past jobs were grounds keeper and maintenance man at a senior citizens apartment complex, worked for landscaping company, and worked for an auctioneer. I have a pretty sweet resume for my age....I've held 3 president positions on 3boards, been a camp counselor, and been involved in MANY volunteer positions.

The Americorps gig that I am currently doing was UPTO 2years, and now those years are gonna be up. My last day is June 18th! So I gotta figure out and decide what I'm gonna be doing June 19th.

Just looking for some some job suggestions or anything like that. I open to ANYTHING I don't care where I live, I am good to get up and leave and go do anything. And I honestly don't really even care much about pay. Last year I was living on a stipend of $165 a week.

Right now I am looking into-

Become certified welder

Join the Marines- I'm currently studying the AFAST and AFOQT

Police Officer- eventually k-9 unit...

Go to OTC- Ohio Technical College for bike building/powersports; I know the job market there isn't very huge so IDK...

And then there is the just go to college but I have NO IDEA what I would go for, and I don't feel comfortable going unless I have a major in mind.

Tips? Suggestions? Job offers?-haha


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I would take a hard look at what you're passionate about, and what you think you can realistically make a living doing - then find the compromise.

for me, Automotive Journalism was my dream job, but I did it backward and focused on being a journalist who liked cars, rather than an Automotive Engineer who could write.

Marines are going to kill me for phrasing it this way, but that is likely the 'easiest' route. Not as far as effort, but in the fact that it sets you on a clear 'career trajectory.' Probably your safest bet financially, but most dangerous in all other respects.

A good welder is always in demand. Also an interesting field in that you can qualify for a lot of jobs at high-profile places, without a high-cost degree. A friend of mine has an aeronautical engineering degree, and the welders make more than him (with overtime).

Police are getting hammered by the economy right now. poor cities can't afford to staff the cops they need, and wealthy suburbs are always going to be hard to get into. I considered this route, and thought better of it.

OTC would be something you love, but you have to ask 2 questions here: "do i want to make something I love into my job?" and "does Ohio have enough demand for MC mechanics?" When gas was at $4 per gallon, and everyone and their brother was talking about getting a bike "for the gas mileage," i would have said the latter wasn't a concern. maybe it won't be in the future...

college is only worth it if you know why you're going. I have a degree i barely use, and all it got me was 4 years of frustration (working), and eventually, into law school (holy shit do i wish i'd done this 3 years ago, so i could be FINISHING now, instead of starting)

But you can go to college part time, and work throughout. It puts a damper on your social life, and doesn't give you the 'full college experience,' but you'll come out far more employable.

good luck.

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1. the army pays more than the marines.

2. at that age you should get a college degree and go officer if you want to join the armed forces.

3. you shouldnt really have to study for the ASVAB (its based on an 8th grade knowledge level)

4. you should go to college. investing in human capital is priceless. theres plenty of things to do with a college degree, and some degrees hold more worth than others so do some research or talk to some people.

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Out of the list that you have I would say go the Law Enforcement route and go to school for Criminal Justice on your days off. You can either get hired by an agency & they will send you to the academy or you may go to an academy yourself & search for a job after being qualified. If ya wanna move, Dallas is in need of officers as well as several growing cities out West & most of them have some nice signing bonuses. Good luck & go with what your heart tells ya.

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The GI Bill is a wonderful thing if used with common sense.

there is a new GI bill out too' date=' which is generations better than the old one as far as covering all the costs of being a student. with three years active duty, you can pretty much go to any school you want for free and they also pay you varying amounts for rent each month depending on where you live AS WELL AS money each year for books. i really cant say enough about how awesome it is. though it is heavily dependant on what state you live in. ohio is one of the better ones for getting the most out of the bill. look it up at www.va.gov

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If you are interested in being a certified welder I HIGHLY suggest looking into becoming a pipe welder. The guys that do work for our company make ridiculous bank welding. I know you said money isn't a big deal but im talking 6 figure range. Also, the union halls are rather thin with Welders and with the plethora of work going on in this region and Western PA (we do a lot of work there as well) it should be easy to stay employed

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All much appreciated replies! They were quick too, shew! Any suggestions are far as a cool job that I didn't list that I should look into?

cool as in how? if you want to be a cool guy, special forces from the army is a one way ticket.

if you want some cool cash, overseas government contracting pays some serious $$$$$$. look up kellogg brown and root.

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I would take a hard look at what you're passionate about, and what you think you can realistically make a living doing - then find the compromise.

So much I'm interested in that's my problem:confused:.... I mean I was doing competitive bodybuilding, and then was getting my personal trainer certification and then I realized that being a nutritionist or personal trainer and having to retell the same simple thing over and over again is the LAST THING I wanna do....

I'm cool with plumbing, an apprenticeship would be nice... Radio host would be totally awesome, but likeliness of that is close to zero. Gah I just have no real clue of what I really wanna do, cause there is so much I wouldn't mind doing.

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I joined the Army specifically for the GI Bill. I would have went into the Air Force, but I didn't want to wait 6+ months. If you can put up with the BS for 3 years, that's a good option to pursue. If you can find a way to go into the service as an officer, even better.

Your quality of life will be better in the Air Force vs Army vs Marines.

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cool as in how? if you want to be a cool guy, special forces from the army is a one way ticket.

if you want some cool cash, overseas government contracting pays some serious $$$$$$. look up kellogg brown and root.

Cool as in not your typical 9-5 job.... fireman, radio host, park ranger... a job that will be kinda fun and kinda different everyday.

I really am trying to make sure that whatever job it is, I enjoy it. I see what it is like first hand, to pretty much HATE your job, but not leave because of the pay(my dad)

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I joined the Army specifically for the GI Bill. I would have went into the Air Force, but I didn't want to wait 6+ months. If you can put up with the BS for 3 years, that's a good option to pursue. If you can find a way to go into the service as an officer, even better.

Your quality of life will be better in the Air Force vs Army vs Marines.

Well if I joined the armed forces, I see myself making a career out of it. It was my original plan out of high school, but it made my mom sick to her stomach and cry every time I brought it up and was studying for it...I mean I wasn't even moved out at the time and there she was imagining her "baby" being shipped off to war. So I told her I would wait it out and see if it was what I still wanted to do after moving out, I just FOR SURE wanted to take a break from school- hence my americorps job

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As you get older, the need (and want) to make money becomes stronger.

When I was young, money didnt matter as long as I liked what I was doing. I got a degree in natural resources. I dont use it because I realized very quickly that money doesnt buy you happiness, but lack of money buys you misery and stress.

What ever you decide to do, make sure it has a future and will provide for you, and your future family, down the road as your situation changes.

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I second the welding field. I work for a welding company and pipe welder are in demand. The drawback is that, depending on what you are welding, you will be outside if you are doing oil or gas lines. Hard skill to master, but the pay is great.

I am almost 40 and had a few good jobs. I like working outside and not having a boss over my shoulder all day. If I could make money with photography or motorcycles, i would.

I can see when i have my "mid-life crisses", I will cash out my 401k, buy a touring bike, and take pictures of the county.

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I second the welding field. I work for a welding company and pipe welder are in demand. The drawback is that, depending on what you are welding, you will be outside if you are doing oil or gas lines. Hard skill to master, but the pay is great.

I am almost 40 and had a few good jobs. I like working outside and not having a boss over my shoulder all day. If I could make money with photography or motorcycles, i would.

I can see when i have my "mid-life crisses", I will cash out my 401k, buy a touring bike, and take pictures of the county.

No kidding, I had no idea. Who is it that you work for?

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Take this how you want' date=' but I'm in my thirties... If I could have the last 15 years back I'd go into the Military. Most likely the AirForce, but any branch can offer you substantial compensation for the time spent. The GI Bill is a wonderful thing if used with common sense.[/quote']

:plus1: Well, add 6 years, and a strong maybe, not a definite.

Also, don't let your parents make the decision for you. DEFINITELY listen to their concerns regarding the military, but the choice is ultimately your's. I would imagine the closer someone is to their parents, the tougher the decision is, also. I know people that have retired from the military, traveled the world while they were in, and now make HUGE piles of money in civilian jobs with contractors. The military is no joke when it comes to one's future!

As you get older, the need (and want) to make money becomes stronger.

When I was young, money didnt matter as long as I liked what I was doing. I got a degree in natural resources. I dont use it because I realized very quickly that money doesnt buy you happiness, but lack of money buys you misery and stress.

What ever you decide to do, make sure it has a future and will provide for you, and your future family, down the road as your situation changes.

You DO need to like your job, as well. It sounds like you work with people fairly well, so Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS, or some other sort of public service sounds like a good thing for you to look into. Firefighters have a nice schedule, and many work nearly full time hours on their off days.

You are young enough that you can try out a few jobs, and see what you like!

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I second the welding field. I work for a welding company and pipe welder are in demand. The drawback is that, depending on what you are welding, you will be outside if you are doing oil or gas lines. Hard skill to master, but the pay is great.

I am almost 40 and had a few good jobs. I like working outside and not having a boss over my shoulder all day. If I could make money with photography or motorcycles, i would.

I can see when i have my "mid-life crisses", I will cash out my 401k, buy a touring bike, and take pictures of the county.

I'd LOVE to be good enough with photography to earn a living with it! I guess the only way to get better would be to practice!

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Whatever you do stay away from fertile women.

That will fuck your life up faster than anything.

I'd have to agree with my man jagr on this one. :drink: but not while ur around fertile women :lol:

You could always take some cheap welding classes at a community college..see if ur still interested in it afterwards..

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