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OR Holiday party in NEO - Sat. Dec 19th


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You'd better make the trip, MJ. I will take it personally if you don't take advantage of the opportunity to come to my home.

She won't be able to go snowboarding, I heard she took her board in for service and they said her boots were shot so she had to get new bindings too :)

Will be interesting to meet some folks without helmets on... what the hell do we talk about?!?

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I just had an epiphany!!!

We can use MJ as THE model on RVT's bike to make the next OR calendar!!!

RVT will probably need to buy a new seat cuz someone will more than likely rip it off and wind up sleeping with it. And don't get any ideas Steve, I ponied up for the PCIII you're on your own for a new seat!!


Just thinking of the photo shoot possibilities. MJ....the RC...a jar of Hellman's.


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i'll try and make it.

do you want us to bring anything? tacos? eggs in a basket? durian?

I think it would be cool if everyone (or most) could bring some sort of unique dish. Say, something they usually roll out for special occasions or a secret family recipe. Once we get a bit closer to the date and have a semi-accurate head count, I think that would determine how much stuff folks would need to bring. Thanks for asking! Looking forward to having you out!

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lol, if OR humped mj's leg anymore than currently, she'll have a hole in her leg. and then a week later, someone will make a comment about how hawt the hole in her leg is and try to fill it with cool whip.

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She won't be able to go snowboarding, I heard she took her board in for service and they said her boots were shot so she had to get new bindings too :)

BaaaaZinnnng!! :lol:

Then Justin'll start ranting at her like a jilted lover or pre-mentrual bitch :D

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someone will more than likely rip it off and wind up sleeping with it.


She won't be able to go snowboarding, I heard she took her board in for service and they said her boots were shot so she had to get new bindings too :)

Will be interesting to meet some folks without helmets on... what the hell do we talk about?!?

very funny .... :rolleyes:



Funny though and it never gets old.

you sure about that? :D


Just thinking of the photo shoot possibilities. MJ....the RC...a jar of Hellman's.

man, i'm gonna be tagged with the mayo thing for a while aren't i. You did get the memo that I got rid of all of my mayo right? Mayo and I are just friends. :lol:

lol, if OR humped mj's leg anymore than currently, she'll have a hole in her leg. and then a week later, someone will make a comment about how hawt the hole in her leg is and try to fill it with cool whip.

yeah... that's weird.

To partially quote another member:

'On a scale of 1 to 5, MJ is Cool Whip.'

origin of quote plz :)

damn......looks like if there's good snowI will be skiing.....and see mj....;) somewhere in NY........

yeah... that's basically what will decide it for me. If there is decent snow, i'm gonna have to head to NY. I have a trip to colorado to go boarding early january, so I have to practice some or i'm gonna come back broken and mangled.

However, if there's crappy snow, i'll definitely be at the party... maybe I could bring something that isn't food. I'm just really bad at food... I'll volunteer up some :drink:... I'm taking a bartending class for fun... maybe I could make us some tropical drinks to practice :D

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