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Is ORDN a "family friendly" place?

Benyen Soljax

Is ORDN a "family friendly" place?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Is ORDN a "family friendly" place?

    • yes.
    • fuck no.
    • hookers and blow.

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when i first read this really fast it looked to me like............

i about shit my pants :lol:

I knew someone would read that wrong.

Sheltering your kid from bad language is stupid. They hear worse on the bus. I dont sweat when my kid hears cuss words because I want her to see that just because someone lets a 4 letter word fly, it doesnt mean they are bad people. No one is perfect.

All that being said, she is not allowed on OR, except to play in the arcade.

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I knew someone would read that wrong.

Sheltering your kid from bad language is stupid. They hear worse on the bus. I dont sweat when my kid hears cuss words because I want her to see that just because someone lets a 4 letter word fly, it doesnt mean they are bad people. No one is perfect.

All that being said, she is not allowed on OR, except to play in the arcade.

and answer my pm's :D

jk buddy :lol:

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I raise my kids as "do what I say, not what I do". Before anyone calls this hypocritical hear me out. I drive a car, however my kids know they have to be of age and get licensed to do so. I can drink a beer, however they know that they need to be 21 years of age to do so.

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I raise my kids as "do what I say, not what I do". Before anyone calls this hypocritical hear me out. I drive a car, however my kids know they have to be of age and get licensed to do so. I can drink a beer, however they know that they need to be 21 years of age to do so.

Exactly. The same goes for some behaviors, too. You know better, you're trying to teach them better. Once they're old enough (out of the house) to fend for themselves, they can do as they please, just hope that you've taught them well by that point.

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I'm tired of stupid breeders trying to censor my behavior just so they can avoid teaching their screaming crotchlings about the real world. It's not my job to raise other people's children.

I'm sick of this 'family-friendly' nonsense. All it seems to accomplish is creating young adults with absolutely no experience or guidance in dealing with actual people.

If people want to raise their kids in a fucking closet, they should do so, and stop trying to turn real life into Sesame Street.

Fuck 'em, with a flaming pineapple.

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I'm tired of stupid breeders trying to censor my behavior just so they can avoid teaching their screaming crotchlings about the real world. It's not my job to raise other people's children.

I'm sick of this 'family-friendly' nonsense. All it seems to accomplish is creating young adults with absolutely no experience or guidance in dealing with actual people.

If people want to raise their kids in a fucking closet, they should do so, and stop trying to turn real life into Sesame Street.

Fuck 'em, with a flaming pineapple.

Somebody had a bad experience with Mr Rogers..... :lol:

I happen to agree. Just not with as pissed off of a tone. Too many "parents" want the school, community, other parents, or anyone else to raise their kids. Sorry! It doesn't work that way!

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I'm tired of stupid breeders trying to censor my behavior just so they can avoid teaching their screaming crotchlings about the real world. It's not my job to raise other people's children.

I'm sick of this 'family-friendly' nonsense. All it seems to accomplish is creating young adults with absolutely no experience or guidance in dealing with actual people.

If people want to raise their kids in a fucking closet, they should do so, and stop trying to turn real life into Sesame Street.

Fuck 'em, with a flaming pineapple.

You have a way with words. I kind of want you to just tag along with me all day so that when something bad happens I can point to you and have you go off :)

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It's because of overly sensitive sheltering parents that we can't see nudity on TV... but it's those same idiotic retards that insist breast feeding is a natural act and it's a violation of their civil liberties to be banned from breast feeding in public.

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I've already stated above I don't think this site needs to be "family friendly", but it's obvious some of you don't have kids yet

Trust me.... Provided you want to be a good parent to begin with.... They change your world & outlook on EVERYTHING

If you're just a narcissistic sperm/egg donor who happened to create an embryo..... Nothin's gonna change for you.... Carry on. If you don't want kids, or are worried you can't give anyone else more attention than yourself.... Do them & society a favor & don't EVER have any! I don't feel like havin' to put up with your experimental mistake

My kids got me a t-shirt years ago for Father's Day.... "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy"

I try to earn that shirt each & every day

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