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Better than no bike at all! :lol:
again porter, FUCK YOU! im working on it!!

The Bwahahahahhaaaahaha was for the previous 2 posts but if it offends you you that it was for the other comment then.................bwahahahahahahaha

You gotta something you want to say? :beating:




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I think I saw that listed on Netflix for the 360. Any good?

i should have sent you a message i saw you on we could have watched it in party mode :banana: lol

O rly? At least you're open minded enough to watch it*. Isn't that kinda like going behind enemy lines? :p

*Even though you have to temper everything in there knowing there's an agenda.

i have told you i try to stay open minded ;) and yes it was hard to watch it while i was disagreeing with the tv it was fairly interesting.

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