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Dealing with Bike Haters


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Hey All,

I was just wondering if any of you have gotten the speech "Everybody lays there bike down!", "You will kill yourself!", "Even if you are the safest rider ever, a car will still run you over!", "Riding is irresponsible!" ?" Ever since I bought my bike, my dad and his side of the family have been ragging on me non-stop about how it is a deathtrap. I was just wondering if you have had to deal with this and if so what did you say?

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  quwip10 said:
Hey All,

I was just wondering if any of you have gotten the speech "Everybody lays there bike down!", "You will kill yourself!", "Even if you are the safest rider ever, a car will still run you over!", "Riding is irresponsible!" ?" Ever since I bought my bike, my dad and his side of the family have been ragging on me non-stop about how it is a deathtrap. I was just wondering if you have had to deal with this and if so what did you say?

I just say.. Yea, you are right, but i'll die with a smile on my face :p ... But seriously.. Thats what I say... Its a risk to ride, its a risk to drive, heck its a risk to walk on an icy driveway.. Only thing we can do is to be as safe as possible, and try to avoid the cage ass hats... Not much more u can say...

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I like the , "It's not if, it is when are you going down". Seriously. I have been riding for 6 years, and have not been down yet. I consider myself a fairly aggressive rider, but not dangerous. There is a place and time for everything. I just tell people it is better that living in a locked box all of my life. You can die doing anything, why not it be something you enjoy?

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my grandmother seems to forget that my brother and i have bikes, and every time she sees them, she's as horrified as the first time.

My reply to her concerns has been, "Grandma, you're aware that the majority of household accidents happen in the bathroom, right? Lots of people slip in the tub, or on the wet tile floor, right? This kills and seriously injures people pretty routinely (pause) Is any of that knowledge going to stop you from bathing?"

Life is a terminal condition. Enjoy it.

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  Cycle Search said:
I like the , "It's not if, it is when are you going down". Seriously. I have been riding for 6 years, and have not been down yet.

You realize you just jinxed yourself right?

Most of my family rides and understands that life is full of risk and thats what makes it enjoyable, the rest know not to mention it or I'll just tell them to mind their own business or to piss off, depending on how closely related they are.

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  redkow97 said:
it is rather funny when smokers tell me i'm going to kill myself.

my favorite one was when I rolled up to a friends house and his buddy who is a massive coke head said "I dunno how you can put yourself at such risk" I could do nothing but laugh

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  redkow97 said:
it is rather funny when smokers tell me i'm going to kill myself.

Except if you smoke too :p

Actually riding helped me quitting Cigerates, as i couldn't smoke as i did in the car, not with that helmet " i always wear one " .

but smoking never helped improving my riding skills :p

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Well I can't make smart ass remarks, to my dad especially since he is being nice enough to let me store it in his garage for the winter, but all he keeps telling me is that I should sell it and make some money off of it instead of risking my life constantly

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  quwip10 said:
Well I can't make smart ass remarks, to my dad especially since he is being nice enough to let me store it in his garage for the winter, but all he keeps telling me is that I should sell it and make some money off of it instead of risking my life constantly

I'd tell your dad to man up and quit being a pussy.

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People die in their sleep all the time; I'm still going to sleep.

I have lost my father and grandmother in car accidents, I still drive.

My grandfather was a disabled veteran from WWII, I still joined the military.

Doctors and nurses work on people who have deadly diseases, they still treat them.

Policemen and firemen die in the line of duty every day yet people still join the departments.

Everyone assumes risk in their life, everyone’s level of accepted risk is different. I don't try to decide someone else’s level of risk and I don't tolerate someone else dictating mine.

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  Uncle Punk said:
People die in their sleep all the time; I'm still going to sleep.

I have lost my father and grandmother in car accidents, I still drive.

My grandfather was a disabled veteran from WWII, I still joined the military.

Doctors and nurses work on people who have deadly diseases, they still treat them.

Policemen and firemen die in the line of duty every day yet people still join the departments.

Everyone assumes risk in their life, everyone’s level of accepted risk is different. I don't try to decide someone else’s level of risk and I don't tolerate someone else dictating mine.

Well said. This is exactly what I tell someone when this comes up. I know the risks...and I take certain precautions (gear, helmet, avoiding 90 degree turns and speed limit signs on Rt60) to mitigate those risks. If the universe decides it's time for me to go while I'm on my bike, so be it. Sucks for me and my family, but I won't regret riding.

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