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67 year old santa kicks butt

Uncle Punk

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I was gonna sign up too lol

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I believe she doesn't have the bag... but she did say "Go through that shit" on the original video. She's a chronic instigator, not only in the fight ("Kick his ass", then "It's on tape we can sue" - or whatever to that effect), but going through the bag too.

I guess my stance, as it's always been... is talk is cheap. That white guy can be as racist and bigoted as he wants to be as long as he stops at just speaking it. Once the black guy initiated a physical confrontation - then the white guy finished it off. Them's the bricks.


Edited by JRMMiii
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I believe she doesn't have the bag... but she did say "Go through that shit" on the original video. She's a chronic instigator, not only in the fight ("Kick his ass", then "It's on tape we can sue" - or whatever to that effect), but going through the bag too.

I guess my stance, as it's always been... is talk is cheap. That white guy can be as racist and bigoted as he wants to be as long as he stops at just speaking it. Once the black guy initiated a physical confrontation - then the white guy finished it off. Them's the bricks.

Wow, I think we agree on something.:wtf:

I'd like to add: Fuck her! I want my 5 minutes back.

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I don't know how true this is but I've heard the black guy is 50 years old. I keep hearing him being referred to as the kid. This might explain some of the fail in the confrontation. The old guy with the exception of his first punch didn't really lay into the guy and the black guy made no effort to make it look like a fight. I don't think the white guy was on drugs I think he was off of his meds.

The video of the girl who filmed it is very hard to watch. The school system in her area should be ashamed. There is nothing wrong with being retarded but I feel sorry for her because apparently she doesn’t have any friends either. Someone should have told her that video makes her sound like an idiot before she posted it.

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On the plus side' date=' I never knew the words to that one song, but now I do...

"Woah, Black Betty, Ambalamps."[/quote']

Thank you, pussnuts. I was singing these lyrics in the shower this morning since I can't get them out of my freaking head!!!!:mad::p

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And of course I'm in the office today and can't watch the fail boat above.


Don't get too excited she doesn't sound quite as stupid as the Carolina beauty queen. She was just trying to extend her 15 minutes and didn't put much thought behind it. She wrote out a speech but she went off her teleprompter and got her words confused. Don't you have a phone that can get on the internet and play videos?

Lot's of good stuff in the link Justin posted. I want my rep back.

Whoooa, Black Betty, Ambalamps, Whoooa, Black Betty! Black Betty had a child…

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