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trade mustang for a bike?

Steve Butters

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Tyler I see it this way, most of your friends have cars and seem to enjoy them. IF you were to trade off the car you would be the one bike guy in the group of cars guys which isnt fun, ask me how I know. Secondly bikes on the street just arent were its at. There are too many terible drivers and terrible riders. I have heard countless times about how well people can ride and then when I finally get to ride with them I want to be nowehere near them, granted there is a core group of people I WILL ride with but I trust them with my life. Its uncomfortable and wearing the proper gear is key but you sweat your ass off doing it, I would rather just throw on some shorts and a white T ( Im so hood) and just cruise with the stereo cranked.

I was in the same postion as you with the Lightning, I traded it off for my little 1k beauty and I regret that choice since day one. However I understand your different than me I just want you to hear both sides instead of all the two wheeled nazis here.

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You love that car bro, Plus hows come you didnt mention this to me when i called you? lol

lol because i had pretty much changed my mind by that time...all it takes is looking out in the garage and seeing the car and im over selling it...i think im just having the itch to go riding..i need to finish the vmax

DUDE!! you cannot get rid of that car! It's come so far! just chill and save up some money for tires for your V-Max.

i need to fix that starter clutch and then im going to ride it how it sits...$200 or whatever it would cost for that rear tire ide rather put into the mustang...ill just be easy on it lol ive ridden it on that tire before and its fine

Tyler I see it this way, most of your friends have cars and seem to enjoy them. IF you were to trade off the car you would be the one bike guy in the group of cars guys which isnt fun, ask me how I know. Secondly bikes on the street just arent were its at. There are too many terible drivers and terrible riders. I have heard countless times about how well people can ride and then when I finally get to ride with them I want to be nowehere near them, granted there is a core group of people I WILL ride with but I trust them with my life. Its uncomfortable and wearing the proper gear is key but you sweat your ass off doing it, I would rather just throw on some shorts and a white T ( Im so hood) and just cruise with the stereo cranked.

I was in the same postion as you with the Lightning, I traded it off for my little 1k beauty and I regret that choice since day one. However I understand your different than me I just want you to hear both sides instead of all the two wheeled nazis here.

ive kinda wanted to hear your opinion, im glad you posted in here since i know you were in the same position...

at this point i think im going to just finish the car and enjoy it...i can always pick up a sport bike down the road, but i can never replace the mustang

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