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Roommate needs to get a room


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So my roommate and her boy friend who lives with us don't understand the concept of using their room to be gross. I really feel like vomiting right now. Seriously?!?!!?!??! I am trying to watch tv not porn. It has been 48 hours since you guys have seen each other. I am all into cuddling and shit but its usually after sex or a lazy weekend morning. The weather sucks so I can't take the bike out to get away from them and I have work in the morning so going out to the bar and get shit faced so I can just pass out and not hear them.

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i really cant think of anything for a girl to do that would cause them to want to leave the room, everything I've got is from experience with my roommates

You could shit in your hand and start playing with it. :dunno:

Or just stare at them while they make out.

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This is either a cry for attention "I have no way to get them back" or a genuine problem.

If it's a genuine problem snap a quick picture of them making out and post it, then we'll help you with the problem...

Otherwise you won't get any real advice :D

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Set up a camera in plain view and start recording them. I guarantee they will stop and if not, post that shit.

And just to clarify a few things.. Cuddling is NOT for after sex!! Going to sleep, drinking a beer, or watching TV is for after sex. Dont forget that the best is to just leave after sex. My personal fav by the way. :)

Maybe if you quit being a prude and brought a guy home and went at it in front of them, they may change a bit. Im sure there are enough leg humpers on here that already want to meet you. Or you could just put out a Craigslist ad.

:) :) :)

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From a woman's perspective...without being cruel like the guys suggest...try talking to your roommate first. Tell her it makes you uncomfortable. Then tell her if they do it again you'll do something to make them stop....like splashing them with cold water...that way you wont cause any damage but you'll get their attention. Good Luck!

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