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I just did my taxes and I am SO disgusted!!


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If people knew any better they would never get a SS card/number, tell employers to NOT with hold any SS/MEDICARE/MEDICAID and then see how quickly the government starts to employ LOGICAL changes to the shitty system(s) they've created. Tube tying would probably be quickly implemented along with other sensible mandates.

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It's pointless to blame the "welfare system" on the taxes. Get real. The taxes are used to pay interest on spending for the year 1990, or whatever year bond that China wants to push to the forefront.

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It's pointless to blame the "welfare system" on the taxes. Get real. The taxes are used to pay interest on spending for the year 1990, or whatever year bond that China wants to push to the forefront.

So you're saying we should be paying more taxes so we don't accumulate debt?

I think there should be a federal law that all government budgets have to be based on the previous year’s revenues. If we were forced to pay taxes at a rate that keeps us from deficit spending we would have a tax revolt real quick like.

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everyone likes to bitch about "welfare", but it is such a small percentage of total government spending. the vast majority goes to military.

you are pissed that an american citizen may be getting some assistance somewhere, but you dont care that we have spend 700 billion dollars on a war we were LIED into?

THAT is whats disgusting. that americans are so god damn selfish they would rather pay for bombs to be dropped on the other side of the world, than to help out some people at home.

A 16 year old girl was in there with her TWO kids. The nurse looked disgusted and said the reason she was in there was because she was pregnant AGAIN. Who do you think is going to be paying for those kids? You and me.

well, thats what you get with abstinence only education.

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We should shoot grandma and grandpa when they are 75. Force the welfare mom to abort her second child and snip that tube. Snip the tube of every person that is found guilty of drug related charges, 'cause they will end up being addicts and will need support in the future. If snipping is more than $200, just shoot them. And if we get attacked, just nuke the fuk out of them without spending all that money on conventional warfare. Might as well cut Education as it is, maybe shoot all the kids that are stupid.

There, I've given you 50% surplus for the next 10 years. Oh... we could nuke China and every other country that holds our bonds.

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just to be a dick and make everyone sad, I don't pay social security tax and I get to "double dip" on pre-tax retirement contributions. The old lady and I are putting in a cool 65K pretax into retirement. I'll send you guys a postcard from the beach when I retire early.

Maybe I will refinance my home and pull out all the equity so that I can have a larger interest write off

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I'm not so worried about the dirt poor people that are freeloading as much as I am the super-ultra-rich that pay no taxes because of the tax shelters they've been afforded by certain political parties.

The dirt poor people can only live so good before they reach a ceiling.

I agree... about the ultra-rich..

I'm not talking dirt poor. I'm talking those that "abuse" the system.

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everyone likes to bitch about "welfare", but it is such a small percentage of total government spending. the vast majority goes to military.

you are pissed that an american citizen may be getting some assistance somewhere, but you dont care that we have spend 700 billion dollars on a war we were LIED into?

THAT is whats disgusting. that americans are so god damn selfish they would rather pay for bombs to be dropped on the other side of the world, than to help out some people at home.

well, thats what you get with abstinence only education.

I'm not bitching about welfare when applicable and needed. everyone has times when they could use assistance. I'm talking about those that "abuse" the system and use it to acquire luxuries at our expense.

I studied hard in school and chose to have a smaller family so I could live comfortably. Why should I pay for someone that refused to study, passed up opportunities to go to college and chose to have 4 or 5 children?

I'm not talking someone down and out that needs temporary assistance.

In regards to the military.. I agree with the comments made in that respect irregardless of whether anyone was lied to or not. Hard to staomach the expenditures when other countries just sit back and reap the benefits. I'm not knowledgeable enough regarding that topic to hold a meaningful discussion though.

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Medicare/Medicade, Social Security and the trillion pound gorilla in the room, defense spending are what makes up almost all of the budget, everything else is a rounding error in comparison.

The old people are the one that vote and won't let you touch their programs, hell the teahadists even scream "don't socialize my Medicare"lol and there's a big segment of the population that says we're giving the country away if a politician even thinks about reducing the defense budget.

On top of that, over the past 25 years or so the tax burden has trickled down from the people that have 90% of the money, the top 1%, to the people that only have the rest of the 10%, us.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Many of the welfare folks have been transfered to SSI disability. The last house I rented out, I took 26 application, 1 had a job, 1 was in rehab and mommy was gonna pay the rent and 24 were on SSI. None of which were elderly. One girl was deaf. Personally I'm disgusted by all the hand outs. Most people on it dont even realize they are enslaved by it.

Personally I believe in a strong military and dont mind spending money on it. Your home has to be safe first, otherwise you have nothing.

All the crap about the rich paying no taxes is BS. They pay the bulk of it.


I'd like to see a few years tax free for corporations. Talk about job growth! Its the rich who provide decent jobs and make a strong economy!

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