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I got audited today!!


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GEt a lawyer....For what?

You obviously arent the brightest crayon in the box if you think he needs a lawyer for this.

I have had a Dozen of these and never an issue as long as the buyer and seller put exactly whats on the title.

End of Story.


will it be ok if i just dont respond to this. My seller is scared and is not willing to reply.

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Classic prisoners dilema on submitting the form without talking to the seller: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner's_dilemma

OK, I didn't read through all the pages but I have done this twice in other states. In both cases, the bikes were actually gifted to me.

In both cases, DMV looked up the value of the bike (NADA, KBB or the like) and applied a sales tax. Pissed me off as the bikes were xfered to me for nothing. I just took it as a "gift tax" and moved on.

I am suprised that Ohio doesn't do something similar to avoid this issue?

Edited by Revelstoker
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They do if you gift over, I believe, $13,000 per year or you can one time gift of 1 million dollars. Not sure on "titles' but the last time I did a title as gift it cost more than if I said it cost me $50 bucks.

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The state wants their money on something that has already been paid tax on, possibly even multiple times. Honestly it is none of their damn business, a private transaction is exactly that. Just respond to their letter by writing them a letter, explaining it was a gift, seriously doubt you will hear back from them, they have no proof otherwise unless the buyer and seller have conflicting stories. Then that would be stupid on both parties, people give legitimate gifts in forms of vehicles all the time.

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