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Christian SportBike Association Ride #2 for 2010


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Yea, about that..... turns out I was bluffing

I pretty much figured that one. I don't think that even playing opera would slow Todd down anyway. He'd just go faster to try to get away from it! :lol:

Turns out I didn't stay right at the front either ;) Although you guys were always within sight this time.

A good bit of the group did stay pretty close, I was at the end of that pack.

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Yes you were chebby soldier man........ however my spidie sense tells me John was sandbaging to get people to stop crashing ;) . But sandbagging or not it was still a great time!

The bold part is the point of it all anyway! I was able to figure out some things that I;ve been doing wrong, and started riding much better.

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Yes you were chebby soldier man........ however my spidie sense tells me John was sandbaging to get people to stop crashing ;) . But sandbagging or not it was still a great time!

Wouldn't surprise me, but I liked the pace. I felt comfortable yet still able to push myself somewhat. I'm ready for next month!!

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Thanks for all the pics Chevy. I failed to bring my camera with me this ride so I was hoping someone would snap some.

I would not say I was sandbagging, it was more keeping an eye on my other bike. I did not want to see that thing slide across the pavement in my mirror. I thought it was a good pace, never felt like I was above 80% ability.

As far as the Sheriff passing, I was more concerned with the second group since I spotted him right away and was able to go by him at 55 and slow the bikes down behind me. The second group was not able to see us slow down though so I thought for sure someone would have been pulled.

Todd, we will miss you next month, I hope we won't have a bunch on no shows since you will not be there. :)

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Thanks for all the pics Chevy. I failed to bring my camera with me this ride so I was hoping someone would snap some.

I would not say I was sandbagging, it was more keeping an eye on my other bike. I did not want to see that thing slide across the pavement in my mirror. I thought it was a good pace, never felt like I was above 80% ability.

As far as the Sheriff passing, I was more concerned with the second group since I spotted him right away and was able to go by him at 55 and slow the bikes down behind me. The second group was not able to see us slow down though so I thought for sure someone would have been pulled.

Todd, we will miss you next month, I hope we won't have a bunch on no shows since you will not be there. :)

Your welcome, glad I could get a couple. I understand about holding back for the sake of your other bike. ha.

All of a sudden I saw nothing but bike brake lights and was like "What the heck" then I saw the light bar. Got the speed down somewhat but don't know what he clocked me at. Someone said they saw him watching his radar and shaking his head. Probably too many bikes and too much paperwork to deal with, or he figured he wouldn't be able to catch up.

As of right now I am in for next month. I've been having so much fun on these ride. Thank you to the CSBA and to you for leading us. You do a fine job.

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I would not say I was sandbagging, it was more keeping an eye on my other bike. I did not want to see that thing slide across the pavement in my mirror. I thought it was a good pace

It was a good pace lots of fun, good time. I too would hate to see that Ape slide across the pavement, its an awful sexy bike.

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It was a good pace lots of fun, good time. I too would hate to see that Ape slide across the pavement, its an awful sexy bike.

I agree. Seeing an ape slide at 50mph leaves a lot of fur and blood on the pavement, which is simply bad for it and for those in trail. Seeing as how I spent most the day behind it, I can tell you that it sounds very, very, good.

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Glad u'll had a great time. How many showed up?

I was out on 555, 339, 78, 83 & 284 great ride but I'm tired!

All that riding and you did not meet up with us. What is up with that?:dunno:

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