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Schools saying what can be brought to school - opinions?


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Everybody knows from when we were little that the school has a list of school supplies that are to be brought at the beginning of the year. When I was a kid, it was pens, pencils, notebook paper, tissues, crayons etc.

Now it's very specific such as Kleenex tissues, Crayola crayons etc. Supposedly this is so that no one gets picked on, so that they all have the same stuff. But what about families who choose not to buy name brand stuff to save money? Isn't it going to get them picked on when the parent can't afford the name brand stuff? They do stuff like this and don't have try-outs for sports teams so nobody get's their feelings hurt. Isn't this just making a bunch of wussy kids?

And there are schools who have a list of acceptable foods the kids can bring. No chocolate, not even choc chips in trail mix, no juice boxes unless they are 100% juice, no added sugar, etc and all kinds of stupid stuff. I thought we lived in a free country?!

And the floor is open for discussion...:popcorn:

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Maybe if parent's would teach their kids some values instead of making the schools and government do it, they wouldn't be saying to buy certain brands. And if parents would make their kids go outside and play instead of sitting in front of the TV with a bag of chips, they wouldn't be saying 100% juice.

Now I am not saying I think them saying what brands to buy is right by any means, for a public school system. Private schools, they can say whatever, you don't have to go there.

I have more to say, I just can't find the words. Its late and Im tired.

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I guess parents are told not to feed kids peanut butter before they are two so they don't develop a peanut allergy. Um, isn't eating something you're not used to going to make it worse? I mean how many kids did you know in school who died of eating peanut butter? I know it's a real allergy but I think it, like many other things today, are over diagnosed.

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ye shcools these days give kids tropheys for anything everything. used to be kids had to go to state to get a troph.

you hear about the school in PA that gave students laptops, then recorded images at random through the webcam? getting sued and investigated by the feebeeye

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  hummingbird said:
ye shcools these days give kids tropheys for anything everything. used to be kids had to go to state to get a troph.

you hear about the school in PA that gave students laptops, then recorded images at random through the webcam? getting sued and investigated by the feebeeye

I think you're making it sounds more sinister than it is.

first of all, all the students' parents signed an agreement when they accepted the laptop. I'm certain that notified them that there was a web cam on it.

Second, if i'm remembering the story right, the web cams were accidentally activated, and were only there in the first place as a security measure to catch anyoen who stole one of the computers (and was too dumb to tape over the camera lens)

Regarding the original post, I'm with ChevySoldier on this one.

Parents need to do more parenting, and stop expecting teachers to do it for them. And if we ARE going to expect teachers to parent, we need to let them DISCIPLINE kids like a parent. that's right, i'm advocating corporal punishment in schools.

Re: teasing because johnny has off-brand crayons? Get the fuck over it. It's a cruel world. I'd make fun of someone riding a Hyosung. I GET made fun of for riding an EX500. That's life. better learn to get over that kind of shit or stand up for yourself when you're a kid. It doesn't get any easier with age.

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  redkow97 said:

Re: teasing because johnny has off-brand crayons? Get the fuck over it. It's a cruel world. I'd make fun of someone riding a Hyosung. I GET made fun of for riding an EX500. That's life. better learn to get over that kind of shit or stand up for yourself when you're a kid. It doesn't get any easier with age.


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At the school my son goes to they have pre-boxed school supplies you have to buy. (It's a Catholic school).

Makes it handy - no running to 4 or 5 different stores looking for something that's sold out.

Doesn't seem like anyone was allergic to peanuts when I was in school. No one had those tubes in their ears, either, but it seems like all kids are diagnosed as needing them these days. Guess those graphite-shafted Yonex golf clubs won't buy themselves...

Someone asked me when he started kindergarten how he liked Catholic school. I told them "he's got 13 years to see girls in Catholic schoolgirl outfits all day - how do you think he likes it???" :D

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My kids elementary school would send home the supply list so we'd go buy the stuff and then the teacher would collect everyones supplies and put them in a basket she said it was so the kids who couldn't afford supplies had them WTF!!! tell their dead beat parents to get a job and buy their kids stuff

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  conn-e-rot ninja said:
My kids elementary school would send home the supply list so we'd go buy the stuff and then the teacher would collect everyones supplies and put them in a basket she said it was so the kids who couldn't afford supplies had them WTF!!! tell their dead beat parents to get a job and buy their kids stuff

:nono: oh, you're one of THOSE parents. The ones who probably raise this kids the same way. Good job. Obviously, poor people are always deadbeats without a job.

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The issue is too many people (seems to be a US issue only) thinks the world owes them everything, and then when they have kids they think the world owes the kid everything too. We have become so damn politically correct that we are told it is wrong to tell others they are wrong. Then they started in with the "It takes a village to raise a child" bullshit. Really that does 2 shitty things, first it enables the dumb asses that are lazy to continue to be lazy, and second it provides justification for every self important pompous ass to think they can stick their nose in and tell everyone else what to do.

The system is broke. It was broke when I was a kid and parents could get away with all kinds of abuse, but now it is broke by swinging to the other extream. You want an example, look at all the kids ending it because they where picked on. I feel sorry for the parents, but really the parents had a roll in it as well. They did not do their job in preparing their child for the real world. The real world suck ass, it IS NOT a Disney sit-com. Bullies happen, they rarely get what is coming to them, and we all have to deal with it and do what we can to soldier on. The sooner kids learn that, they better life they will have.

Ok I am going to get off my soapbox now because I can go on for hours on this subject

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  F4iBunny said:
I guess parents are told not to feed kids peanut butter before they are two so they don't develop a peanut allergy. Um, isn't eating something you're not used to going to make it worse? I mean how many kids did you know in school who died of eating peanut butter? I know it's a real allergy but I think it, like many other things today, are over diagnosed.

I found out about my middle kids nut allergy when he was 1 because we had to go have allergy testing done because he broke out in HUGE welts when he had a milk product. The nut allergy showed up huge and since the schools will not let him keep his epi-pen with him I honestly am scared to death of him going but I am going to send him only cause i do not have a choice.

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schools are absolutely stupid now. Kids are so coddled and soft its ridiculous. My buddy who is currently teaching 4th grade isn't even allowed to call them tests or quizzes anymore, he has to call them "assessments". What a crock of shit. People wonder why kids are so fucked up.

Between schools and these stupid "cartoons" I'm really not shocked though

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  jporter29 said:
I found out about my middle kids nut allergy when he was 1 because we had to go have allergy testing done because he broke out in HUGE welts when he had a milk product. The nut allergy showed up huge and since the schools will not let him keep his epi-pen with him I honestly am scared to death of him going but I am going to send him only cause i do not have a choice.

this is a health issue which needs to brought to the attention of the school board or principals. if they are the ones not allowing it, go higher.

or tell him to take it anyways and write a note telling the teachers/principals to fuck off or you will sue if something serious happens.

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  F4iBunny said:
Everybody knows from when we were little that the school has a list of school supplies that are to be brought at the beginning of the year. When I was a kid, it was pens, pencils, notebook paper, tissues, crayons etc.

Now it's very specific such as Kleenex tissues, Crayola crayons etc. Supposedly this is so that no one gets picked on, so that they all have the same stuff. But what about families who choose not to buy name brand stuff to save money? Isn't it going to get them picked on when the parent can't afford the name brand stuff? They do stuff like this and don't have try-outs for sports teams so nobody get's their feelings hurt. Isn't this just making a bunch of wussy kids?

And there are schools who have a list of acceptable foods the kids can bring. No chocolate, not even choc chips in trail mix, no juice boxes unless they are 100% juice, no added sugar, etc and all kinds of stupid stuff. I thought we lived in a free country?!

And the floor is open for discussion...:popcorn:

They are so specific because they throw all of the stuff together and the kids then use what they need out of a "common supply". That masks the fact that a certain percentage of the kids aren't asked to bring anything because single momma chooses $6.00/day in cigarettes instead of paying for less important things like school supplies and the kid's lunch. Maybe I'm a prick, but I ask the teacher to give my daughter's scissors back at the end of the year for our own supply. Entitlements have killed charity.

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