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Always assume they don't see you.


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I've always assumed drivers dont see me and i think that's kept me out of trouble. I've had some o shit moments on a bike before, but nothing like yesterday:

While riding at 40 (speedo read) in a 35 this car decides to turn left in front of me from the oncoming lane. I was in the left most MC line. I grabbed a handful of front brake (way to much), which locked the front tire causing the rear tire to come up what felt like 2-3 ft. ~~~~

at this point i had one of those slow motion things. I conciously let go of the brake so i could regain control and not flip over the bike. my rear tire slammed onto the ground behind the car (i'm pretty sure was oblivious to me) - whose rear bumper ended up about 3 ft driectly to my right. if i had been in the center line or the right line i would have t-boned her. ~~~~

after a little wiggle I regained full ballance, and I realised I was still riding, and drove about 20mph for a few seconds trying to determine if i should pull over to collect myself.

I'm really glad that 3 years ago when i took the MSF we practiced emergency stops. yesterday was an eye opener that I deffinately need to practice a bit more on this bike as these brakes are a LOT more powerful.

Please watch out for cagers, as they're not going to watch out for you.

on the bright side, I just did my first and hopefully my last stunt ever: a stopy :banana: I can laugh about it today, yesterday not so much.

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Plus that. My last close shave was some dummy in an SUV trying to turn across two lanes in front of me on the strip in Cocoa Beach. He had a signal on but was not checking his rear view mirror. Uh-oh here comes. Front & rear brakes & horn applied simultaneously. "Ride like you are invisible"

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I had a couple in a BMW almost hit me a couple weeks ago.

I was on 670 just east of Clev Ave. when they decided to switch lanes with out signaling or looking. Then they were all pissed that I was in the lane and started flipping me off???

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Now, you iz a stuntah!!!!

correction I waz a stuntah. not planning on doing it again :)

I can't remember if I felt weightless or not, all i can remember was the sound of the skidding front tire and the "omg this is it" feeling.

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lol, I remember following a friend after work (him in his car) he stopped at a yellow I was expecting him to go through it... I hit an oil patch and locked the front and back tires.... I skidded for what felt for 100 feet...

That was the longest stop ever

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I just did my first and hopefully my last stunt ever: a stopy :banana: I can laugh about it today, yesterday not so much.

Congrats on the stoppy, now don't do that shit no more :p, glad you're ok.

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