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Coshocton area ride today.


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Short notice, yes. But here in a few hours say 11ish I'll be headed out for a ride of the area if any want to join.

Now before everyone gets all excited its gonna be at a pace that will bore everyone that I usually ride with because its with my wife who has exacly 5 miles of seat time on the road so we will not be at my normal pace. My daughter will also be my backpack on this one as well.

Wont be a huge amount of excitement and probally wont get alot of interest but figured Id throw it out there for those that want to ride Coshocton but dont because of the pace that is usually run out here.... this ride will be very very mellow.

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I missed another one.

There will be more you didnt miss alot we stayed at very relaxed pace since my 10yo baby girl was on the back. I can live with hurting myself but not her so I ride alot different when she's along. Just took a 2 hr stroll thru the country side... 586,541,79,36,60 and such.
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She chickened out because a couple others were comming so it was my daughter And I without her.

I figured a couple extra peeps would be good incase somthing went wrong but odviously she didnt think so.

I'd like to get her out with some of the other ladies of OR at some point. It would be good for her as ladies tend to ride different than guys so she could get some better tips from other ladies then from me. Atleast thats what I think anyway but who knows I could be wrong. :dunno:

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Aww, it sucks that she didn't want to go out with you. If she only has a few miles under her belt, it probably is a little intimidating for her. I say that you should plan some more rides with just the two of you so if she makes some mistakes there's not alot of stress from wondering if people are judging her. Which, we wouldn't, of course, but it can just add pressure to be around strangers.

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Aww, it sucks that she didn't want to go out with you. If she only has a few miles under her belt, it probably is a little intimidating for her. I say that you should plan some more rides with just the two of you so if she makes some mistakes there's not alot of stress from wondering if people are judging her. Which, we wouldn't, of course, but it can just add pressure to be around strangers.

Noted and good point. See thats the difference between guys and gals we just dont care, women do though I guess. I'll take your advice and go that route thanks.

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