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Cut holes in your frame for instant horsepower!!!


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How funny that he has a, "Failed Projects" section in in FlickR account. Seems to me ALL of his "projects" should have ended up there.

If he really wants to reduce weight, he should just replace his frame with a bicycle frame. That would give significant performance gains.

I can't stop laughing at the fact that this guy thinks he is an engineer. All he is doing is destroying his bike, and making himself look completely retarded.

I wish I could talk him into putting me as the beneficiary for his life insurance. If he's even smart enough to have any.

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I just got done looking at some more pictures of his projects. He inspired me to make some brake lines out of the empty Miller Lite case I have waiting for the recycling.

I'll post some pics when I get 'em finished.

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I just got done looking at some more pictures of his projects. He inspired me to make some brake lines out of the empty Miller Lite case I have waiting for the recycling.

I'll post some pics when I get 'em finished.

Awesome! I've been thinking about soldering crushed beer cans onto the frame bolts to use as frame sliders.

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omg.......this guy is so messed up I had to google him and found his flickr site. I don't even think a double face palm would be enough after reading this.


I am hot. I am sexy. I am cool. I am sweet. I am funny. I am serious. I am unbelivable. I am impossible some times. i am down to earth. i am generous sometimes. I am nauthy and i have high high high feelings,expectataions and unlimited mind.

I had 17 fatal accidents and involved in more than 1000 small collision. I had more than 100 traffic tickets in my life. I escaped from police 18 times mirror to mirror and i did it just to challenge my driving skills when i was young and when i was in my country. I also got the highest traffic ticket fee from a court because i dueled with a car in the street (I didn't want to do, the other guy was pushing me and he started it. When i was finishing him he ran to police and there was a husband wife with a small baby in hand so i stopped. I also trained many people and help many (atleast 100) to get their driver liecence that i am proud of. I have trained 14 years old to drive and 72 years old to drive. I don't train people under 18years old, that 14 yo asked me many times and cried so i decided to teach him. I drove all type of cars, different class,different shape, different category, fancy gearboxes and .... I got my driver licence on my 18th birthday and i got a racing driver licence from Rally Fedration in Mashad when i was 19. I was involved in many official races and i won but there were no medal by the time i was racing In Mashad (between 1999 to 2003). I also worked as a ambulace driver, private driver, and tow truck driver.

I say all this becasue i want to give anybody who drive some advise. I did many mistakes and now i understand how risky there were and how dangeours they could became but thanks God nothing bad happened and today i am more mature and i don't drive fast in the street to satisfy myself becasue i am thinking there might be a woman (or man) crossing the street or there might be an older driver infront of me and get scared of my driving. Plus there are people in the houses sleeping or people who are ill or patients who get offence or scared from hearing an agressive move. I am 28 years old and i don't like to drive fast in the street any more. I plan to go to tracks and different races and challenge my self there. The defenition of a prefect driver doesnot come in one sentence or one page; There will be pages to define a prefect driver. However in my oponion a good driver is a driver who always has control on the car and directs the car in a safe way for others outside of the car, for passengers, for car, and for him self.

A good driver pay full attention to driving.

A good driver looks at the panel to see if a turn signal is on unwanted. to check the light engine and other hazard lights, and to check the oil, fuel and temperture of the car, consequently.

A good driver checks his car reguarly. Check means tires, oil, brakes, engine, and etc....

A good driver always watch out for mistakes of others.

A good driver does not go for limits on the normal roads (all roads execpt race tracks)

A good driver check his mirros again and again when he drives.

A good driver does not drive more than 90km/h (55miph) in the city regardless how good he is. (it 's a city! it's not the matter of one driver, it's the matter of drivers, and kids, and children and intersections and ....

A good driver always put some space and time for the move he is making so anything in his caculation changes he has time and space to put everything together.

A good driver never act emotional on driving (NEVER)

A good driver always respect other drivers as well.

the things I am writing right now all came from my experience. I was involved in accident in order to learn many of them. When I was reading the DMV book for driver licence in United States, every single in the book was my one skill that i learn by experience. I respect the rules not becasue i am scared of somebody, i respect the rules becasue i understand the rules; Many damages came until that certain rule become mandetory for every body, many accidents happedn, some people died, and....

A good driver or rider take the steering wheel or handlebar with both hands and from outside of the steering wheel.

A good driver always take the driving seriously.

A good driver is NOT the person who make the least time to pass a distance; A good driver is a diver who make sure he will pass the distance.

An exprienced driver has less gear change, brake, gas, and maneuver compare to unexperienced driver.

A good driver put less pressure on the vehicle and it's parts.

An experienced driver get more MPG, more life of tires,brakes, gear box, engine and every thing else in the vehicle compare to unexperienced driver.

A good driver is always ready to stop the vehicle at any moment.


I did help many people in many ways that i am proud of. One of them was to check a vehicle if it is a good choice to buy. Since i want to help more people and my time in this world is so limited i write some tips about checking a vehicle before buying.

* If you don't know much about mechanical parts or don't have sales talents only purchase vehicles with clean titles.

*Do not buy any vehicle without title. Remember! the registration is not title of the car. The registeration is just a permet of the vehicle to trasport in the country. (A registeration has the licence plate, kind, make and model and other information of the vehicle and the vin#/Serial # but it is not valid for owning at all. A title is a paper document that indicates information about the vehicle and it's owner. Donot buy a vehicle with a copied title. Do not trust somebody who is asking for the price when he is giving you a registeration and his driver licence.

*If you are not a mechanic or don't have a mechanic for your self do not buy a car that it's engine does not run.

* When you go to see the vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, etc...), take a round around the vehicle and search for dents,scratches, broken light or cracks on any glass, search for bents on rims as well. Remember that if there is any damage to the body of the car that you do like, it needs to be repaired and it costs money so always try to go with the vehicles with no body damage.

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  RR_MIKE said:
what an fucking idiot... i've already seen 3 newer kaws with cracked frames almost in the same exact place without being cut lol....that front end is gonna fold up on him for sure lol...can you say lip skid hahahahaha..

you sure you're not confusing that with the weld failures the GSXR's experienced?

I believe it was 2005/2006 that had the recall.

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If you wanna do some light-weight mods on a bike, why do it half-assed? Brake rotors are too heavy-- try cutting two circles out of a cardboard box! Gas tank? Too much metal! Use a 2-liter pop bottle with a hose fitting on it! Fork tubes? Hell no! Broom handles, bitches!

Also, the engine runs much cooler if you put chipped ice in instead of oil!

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  Casper said:
Don't you ride GSXR's? And you're making fun of ZX10's? :nono:


I've ridden ZX10s and have PLENTY of buddies that have raced them to form a somewhat firm opinion.

plus, what's riding GSXRs have to do with making fun of ZX10s??

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this is too funny. he made "RRR" decals...

"Since I follow automotive industry news, it is common that the faster version of a vehicle comes out with an extra letter R at the end. On some motorcycles manufactories use RR; Since i always want to be the first and only the first I decided to create the RRR version! "

I couldn't make that up if I tried.

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omg.......this guy is so messed up I had to google him and found his flickr site. I don't even think a double face palm would be enough after reading this.


I am hot. I am sexy. I am cool. I am sweet. I am funny. I am serious. I am unbelivable. I am impossible some times. i am down to earth. i am generous sometimes. I am nauthy and i have high high high feelings,expectataions and unlimited mind.

I had 17 fatal accidents and involved in more than 1000 small collision. I had more than 100 traffic tickets in my life. I escaped from police 18 times mirror to mirror and i did it just to challenge my driving skills when i was young and when i was in my country. I also got the highest traffic ticket fee from a court because i dueled with a car in the street (I didn't want to do, the other guy was pushing me and he started it. When i was finishing him he ran to police and there was a husband wife with a small baby in hand so i stopped. I also trained many people and help many (atleast 100) to get their driver liecence that i am proud of. I have trained 14 years old to drive and 72 years old to drive. I don't train people under 18years old, that 14 yo asked me many times and cried so i decided to teach him. I drove all type of cars, different class,different shape, different category, fancy gearboxes and .... I got my driver licence on my 18th birthday and i got a racing driver licence from Rally Fedration in Mashad when i was 19. I was involved in many official races and i won but there were no medal by the time i was racing In Mashad (between 1999 to 2003). I also worked as a ambulace driver, private driver, and tow truck driver.

I say all this becasue i want to give anybody who drive some advise. I did many mistakes and now i understand how risky there were and how dangeours they could became but thanks God nothing bad happened and today i am more mature and i don't drive fast in the street to satisfy myself becasue i am thinking there might be a woman (or man) crossing the street or there might be an older driver infront of me and get scared of my driving. Plus there are people in the houses sleeping or people who are ill or patients who get offence or scared from hearing an agressive move. I am 28 years old and i don't like to drive fast in the street any more. I plan to go to tracks and different races and challenge my self there. The defenition of a prefect driver doesnot come in one sentence or one page; There will be pages to define a prefect driver. However in my oponion a good driver is a driver who always has control on the car and directs the car in a safe way for others outside of the car, for passengers, for car, and for him self.

A good driver pay full attention to driving.

A good driver looks at the panel to see if a turn signal is on unwanted. to check the light engine and other hazard lights, and to check the oil, fuel and temperture of the car, consequently.

A good driver checks his car reguarly. Check means tires, oil, brakes, engine, and etc....

A good driver always watch out for mistakes of others.

A good driver does not go for limits on the normal roads (all roads execpt race tracks)

A good driver check his mirros again and again when he drives.

A good driver does not drive more than 90km/h (55miph) in the city regardless how good he is. (it 's a city! it's not the matter of one driver, it's the matter of drivers, and kids, and children and intersections and ....

A good driver always put some space and time for the move he is making so anything in his caculation changes he has time and space to put everything together.

A good driver never act emotional on driving (NEVER)

A good driver always respect other drivers as well.

the things I am writing right now all came from my experience. I was involved in accident in order to learn many of them. When I was reading the DMV book for driver licence in United States, every single in the book was my one skill that i learn by experience. I respect the rules not becasue i am scared of somebody, i respect the rules becasue i understand the rules; Many damages came until that certain rule become mandetory for every body, many accidents happedn, some people died, and....

A good driver or rider take the steering wheel or handlebar with both hands and from outside of the steering wheel.

A good driver always take the driving seriously.

A good driver is NOT the person who make the least time to pass a distance; A good driver is a diver who make sure he will pass the distance.

An exprienced driver has less gear change, brake, gas, and maneuver compare to unexperienced driver.

A good driver put less pressure on the vehicle and it's parts.

An experienced driver get more MPG, more life of tires,brakes, gear box, engine and every thing else in the vehicle compare to unexperienced driver.

A good driver is always ready to stop the vehicle at any moment.


I did help many people in many ways that i am proud of. One of them was to check a vehicle if it is a good choice to buy. Since i want to help more people and my time in this world is so limited i write some tips about checking a vehicle before buying.

* If you don't know much about mechanical parts or don't have sales talents only purchase vehicles with clean titles.

*Do not buy any vehicle without title. Remember! the registration is not title of the car. The registeration is just a permet of the vehicle to trasport in the country. (A registeration has the licence plate, kind, make and model and other information of the vehicle and the vin#/Serial # but it is not valid for owning at all. A title is a paper document that indicates information about the vehicle and it's owner. Donot buy a vehicle with a copied title. Do not trust somebody who is asking for the price when he is giving you a registeration and his driver licence.

*If you are not a mechanic or don't have a mechanic for your self do not buy a car that it's engine does not run.

* When you go to see the vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, etc...), take a round around the vehicle and search for dents,scratches, broken light or cracks on any glass, search for bents on rims as well. Remember that if there is any damage to the body of the car that you do like, it needs to be repaired and it costs money so always try to go with the vehicles with no body damage.

This paragraph is so full of win, I almost want to marry the guy! My hero!

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  Dubguy85 said:
I don't get it

Plus when do you see zx10's being fast on a track? http://www.worldsbk.com/en/news/latest-results/3421-kyalami-superbike-race-2.html

Don't worry... He used to be a ZX10 owner and is probably upset we speak the truth... Drag racing? Bike works well. Gotta turn? Bike is pure shit. Unless you have REALLY deep pockets and can machine things to make it CLOSE...

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  jporter12 said:
I really :lol: at that one!

What's someone that doesn't even have a bike doing on here anyway? :eek:

Well, more than likely he is one here getting all those posts because he isnt out riding all the time like the rest of us WITH bikes. Just a thought.

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  alab32 said:
Well, more than likely he is one here getting all those posts because he isnt out riding all the time like the rest of us WITH bikes. Just a thought.


I can't say too much, I haven't put many miles on the bike this year. I HAVE been a couple nice group rides with the CSBA though.

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