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What would you have done....


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So, if you were at a gas station with about 5 Harley guys, all with ladies, and one of them starts yellin at his girl, swearin left and right and then rides off leaving the girl. After all this, the guy comes back gets the girl, she punches him in the back of the head, and then he gets off, picks her up by the neck and throws her on the floor. Then picks her off the floor and throws her down again.

Just curious as to what you would have done.

My crazy PREGNANT wife gets out of the SUV because I didn't see what happened at first and starts yellin at the dude! I told her to get back in the car and his buddy came over to where he was and was talkin trash to me and my wife. I'm not stupid. I may have said a few things and drove off waving my phone at him. Yeah, I called the cops. What a bunch of douchebags...

It been quite the entertaining day today.

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What a freaking a-hole. Anyone who treats a woman like that is less of a man than she is...f-ing pusswah... I'd have definitely called the police - and good call on getting the preggers wife back in the car.

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The wife flipped out. I was getting ready to pull away and she was like, "HELL NO!" You have to understand, my wife does not swear, and I was like what? So, I look over and this dbag was doing this crap. I got out of the car and yelled at her to get back in and told the guy he was an idiot. She got back in and I was like dude... I said, I'm not gonna get into this with these guys, especially when I'm out numbered. So I left and called the cops. Thought about running them over if I needed too. Just got the gun last week and I left it at home. The one day I do and I knew I should have brought it. I would never took it out though unless needed. I think my wife called him a pussy...

The guy was like, "She hit me in the back of the head!" I said, "SO!" Well, I'm callin the police. He said, "she's the one going to jail", and I said, "I don't care, yall are stupid."

Man, please tell your wife not to put those unborn kids in danger like that again. Oh and don't take that the wrong way either. ;)

I did let her have it on the way home. I told her to listen to me next time. Who knows what those dbags would have done, preggo or not. I was furious on the way home.

I would have called the cops and been ready to pull my gun :D

Didn't have it in the truck....

If the harley chick was alright looking you should have given her a ride to your house and gone for the 3 way

She was plastered it sounded like.

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If the harley chick was alright looking you should have given her a ride to your house and gone for the 3 way

But if she was ugly, go over and pick her up, throw her down on the ground and kick her in the baby maker. Right in the ovaries. Or just PIIHB

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I had similar situation about 7 years ago dude was slamming his girls head into the dash at sheetz so I parked behind him and called the cops turned out he was on parole from west virginia from a previous domestic violence and my testimony sent him back to prison in west virginia to serve the 10 years he had left and his girl was saying he did nothing up until she hit the court and knew he was going to jail.

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The guy was like, "She hit me in the back of the head!" I said, "SO!" Well, I'm callin the police. He said, "she's the one going to jail", and I said, "I don't care, yall are stupid."

I think his assessment is likely half-accurate. Leaving someone at a gas station is an a-hole move, but it's not adequate provocation for her to hit him. She could have been charged, but...

he responded with greater force, not like-force. That makes him the "aggressor," and he could probably be charged as well.

It doesn't matter in this situation, but IF the woman had continued to fight back, the fact that the guy became the aggressor would mean should could then start claiming self-defense. If he had replied with equal force, she would have remained the aggressor.

does your phone take video? I'd have tried that, then called the cops from the wife's phone.

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does your phone take video? I'd have tried that, then called the cops from the wife's phone.

No, it doesn't....

I know she would have went if he didn't do anything back but he did. I'm sure they didn't chage each other, but I did what I felt needed to be done. I hate dude that hit women, just a punk move...

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No, it doesn't....

I know she would have went if he didn't do anything back but he did. I'm sure they didn't chage each other, but I did what I felt needed to be done. I hate dude that hit women, just a punk move...

i don't care what the circumstance is (other than a woman seriously threatening a male life in some manner) but I completely agree its never right for a man to hit a female. It may just be my upbringing but to me its absolutely unforgivable in MOST instances

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They were fighting in public. Both might be arrested or detained for that, pending further charges. I think I would have quietly gotten the license plate number and physical descriptions, and called it in. Then step in if you wish, but be aware that once you are also fighting, you might also be arrested or detained. And with the CCW, that won't be appropriate. When in doubt, ask the dispatcher what to do. Most likely answer is to step back and be a witness. Your new CCW obligations are to stay out of trouble. Either leave, or call for backup. Or better yet, leave and call for backup. You can watch from across the street.

You never know, she might have started it, and can kick his ass on a good day.

edit: ask me sometime for stories of what happens when you decide to intervene. Anything can happen, of course. It's even possible for the gal or both to attack you, and quite common. Bad situations, it's a domestic fight/assault in public.

Edited by ReconRat
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I understand about the whole CCW thing but if they would have tried to attack for for some odd reason, "I would have feared for my life!" I felt bad and said something to him for being a douche but I knew not to try and stop it, especially when there were 4 other dudes in waiting for him. I left and called the police as I was pulling out so if anything there were others that saw the whole thing as well. I looked in the station and the clerk was watching it cause they were loud at first.

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With all this talk about it being so wrong to hit a woman... What about the women's lib crap? If they want to be equal, they need to take a hit like a guy.

I can see where you are coming from but she was drunk, at least it sounded that way. Now if a girl squares up to fight me and starts swinging, not sure I'd do, probably just contain her till she calmed down, maybe.

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I wouldn't defend her because she's a woman. I'd defend her because she's smaller and was in danger of being seriously injured. I'd do the same for Rosso if Ananda decided to whip his ass. (well' date=' maybe I'd wait a few minutes.. but you get the idea)[/quote']


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