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What would you have done....


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Cheap shot the biggest, look who has piercings and mangle them, and get a crazy eyed look and see who steps up next. That's just me though.

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I can see where you are coming from but she was drunk, at least it sounded that way. Now if a girl squares up to fight me and starts swinging, not sure I'd do, probably just contain her till she calmed down, maybe.

I was actually kidding, but it is a bit different when a female is the aggressor!

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I may have said a few things and drove off waving my phone at him.

oh wow. how bad ass is that?

im sure your frantic phone waving put some fear into him :rolleyes:

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They were fighting in public. Both might be arrested or detained for that, pending further charges. I think I would have quietly gotten the license plate number and physical descriptions, and called it in. Then step in if you wish, but be aware that once you are also fighting, you might also be arrested or detained. And with the CCW, that won't be appropriate. When in doubt, ask the dispatcher what to do. Most likely answer is to step back and be a witness. Your new CCW obligations are to stay out of trouble. Either leave, or call for backup. Or better yet, leave and call for backup. You can watch from across the street.

You never know, she might have started it, and can kick his ass on a good day.

edit: ask me sometime for stories of what happens when you decide to intervene. Anything can happen, of course. It's even possible for the gal or both to attack you, and quite common. Bad situations, it's a domestic fight/assault in public.

That is a very good point Tom. Just because you walk up on someone getting beat doesn't mean the aggressor is not defending themselves.

I don't know... it could have gotten ugly. If you tried to intervene they both could have turned on you. If you let it go he could have beaten her to death. If you let your wife go she could have gotten hit.

Not sure there is a "right" thing to do. You made a decision and nothing bad happened. I guess that's the best you can hope for.

Like Jerry Springer "He beats me because he loves me. I won't leave him"

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oh wow. how bad ass is that?

im sure your frantic phone waving put some fear into him :rolleyes:

LOL!! I'm a BA dude! I didn't want to get in the middle of something I didn't need to, but I'm a very sarcatic person, so it was more of a funny gesture then trying to be a hero.

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Cheap shot the biggest, look who has piercings and mangle them, and get a crazy eyed look and see who steps up next. That's just me though.

Hahahah Same here... I dont have wife and kids to worry about so I'd woop one guys' ass, do a few tae kwon do flips, add a little bruce lee sound effect or two and end with a kung fu pose... If they didnt get the idea well then i'll just kick all their asses, im not sure of the stereotype but im pretty sure im more fit and trained than HD riders lol

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I wouldn't defend her because she's a woman. I'd defend her because she's smaller and was in danger of being seriously injured. I'd do the same for Rosso if Ananda decided to whip his ass. (well' date=' maybe I'd wait a few minutes.. but you get the idea)[/quote']

:lol: :lol: OMFG that was funny, but funny cause it's true, she probably would kick my ass! But thanks for saying you'd pull her off me, eventually!

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They were the HD/cruiser type guys, not just HD guys. Not the out of shape HD guys...lol. You know, the guys who think they are Jesse James...

hahaha... Thinking you're like jesse james, that itself deserves an ass beating lol... But you prob did smartest thing, keep your fam safe, stay out of trouble and let authorities handle it... But i aint got nothing to lose and woulda had fun sparring again :boxing: haha

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same thing happened in a bar to me 11 years ago... except I was alone, and decided to step in and stop the dude from beating her silly... my mistake cause she jumped on my back and started wailing on me as I was slammin the dude across a series of tables... of course the cops show up and haul them both off to jail, I was freinds with the bar owner and everyone at the place said I just broke it up... so no bad shit happened to me... guy left with a broken arm and missing teeth, she was just battered and blue...looking back on it I should have just let him knock her out then kicked his ass...:lol:

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