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Drinking and riding.


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Do I need to remind everyone the safest method available?

If you need to ride drunk the key is to ride as fast as possible... if you have 10 miles to get home and you ride 10 mph it's going to take AN HOUR on the bike to get home! Do you realize how likely you are to be in an accident?

Now if you ride 120 mph you'll be home in 5 MINUTES! You're so much safer if you're only on the rode for 5 minutes!!

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Do I need to remind everyone the safest method available?

If you need to ride drunk the key is to ride as fast as possible... if you have 10 miles to get home and you ride 10 mph it's going to take AN HOUR on the bike to get home! Do you realize how likely you are to be in an accident?

Now if you ride 120 mph you'll be home in 5 MINUTES! You're so much safer if you're only on the rode for 5 minutes!!



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Do I need to remind everyone the safest method available?

If you need to ride drunk the key is to ride as fast as possible... if you have 10 miles to get home and you ride 10 mph it's going to take AN HOUR on the bike to get home! Do you realize how likely you are to be in an accident?

Now if you ride 120 mph you'll be home in 5 MINUTES! You're so much safer if you're only on the rode for 5 minutes!!

I used that logic with my patents when I was 16, one night. Once. I was reintroduced to riding the bus to school for a week.

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My rule (and I'm disciplined enough that I've never broken it) is always that I'll allow myself exactly one beer while I'm out, but only if I'm eating and intend to stay there at least an hour after before leaving.

Of course, I'm like 6'2'' and 220 lbs-- One beer, even without the other precautions, is not generally going to do much to me.

Anyway, this rule allows me to have a beer with my wings or whatever, but not enough to even get anywhere near a buzz.

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I yelled at Jbot on another forum once, for just mentioning a bar on one of our ride threads. I was just toeing the party line of course. In all honesty though - I'm with Isaac's Papa, riding is a bit dull without a few beers or a smoke.

It's great not knowing where you're going or if you're going to even get there. Drunk riding at night: I like the light show quite a lot.

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Thanks god I am not in the video compilation.......not even a beer for me while I ride.......though, I got comfortable driving after having way too much......then I got it a hard after 22 years of driving, you know what I mean :o.....now will limit two per hour....

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I see the same situation every Thursday at QS&L in Austintown.

I think the worst part is,that the LEO's watch these ppl drink and let them ride off.

I just don't get that.

yeah then they pull over the sportbikes for something gay like a plate or turn signal violation. :rolleyes:

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From what I ahve been told, and what I've read about this is if a LEO watches someone leave a bar, then pulls them over for to get a DUI charge, they call that entrapment. I don't totally agree with this, as the LEO is watching them do something illegal and very dangerous, but cannot do anything about it. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to how this works, and why?

im not sure if thats true. entrapment is when the police use considerable pressure to get you to commit a crime that you were not predisposed to doing in the first place.

cops can initiate the idea of a crime (i.e. the undercover cop can ask you "hey know where i can get some good weed? can you hook me up?) thats not entrapment.

what would be entrapment is if he asked you for weed every half hour for 3 months, you say no every time, then finally relent just to get him to shut up. or if he said something like "get me some weed or ill kill your family"

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