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June 27, 2010 meeting for Coshocton ride

Uncle Punk

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Thanks to the Coshocton crew for having our collective asses run through their back yards again. Always a pleasure. Tod and others...running sweep was no problem. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I was running on only 45 minutes of sleep..and to compensate, I had about 2 caffeine pills in me, a red bull, and god knows what else I found to keep me awake. By the time I got to McD's I was severely dehydrated...and exhausted. That, plus the early cluster fuck made for a short day for me. My loss.

Black Betty, you were fine...kept up a good pace...form was good...no worries. Speedy...I'm gonna mail you a damn battery! :)

Sounds like no one went down? Good things.

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I think we proved no katanas = no wrecks.

Udell how did your riding partner do riding home? I had her follow me a bit but never got the chance to follow her again to see if she improved.

She's doing better. I don't ride with her much, but when I do I try to help her out. Unfortunately, there aren't any curves up here. She just needs more seat time..and the confidence will come. She also needs to look through the corners...which I think is one of her biggest problems. It's a trust issue.

She's still kinda new to that bike (Shitty, that's Randy's Gixxer..before he bought the K12)...so she'll get there eventually.

I noticed today..for me...that music in the corners in a no-no. I did a test today, and turned the music off while hitting the corners, and it was a big difference for me. That's what threw me off last ride...music is great for distracting me during the boring straights to/from the ride, and it's great for distracting me in the corners too. Never again.

I slept from about 6 to 11:30. I'm fucked for the rest of the night.

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Soooo, what happened at the beginning that people keep mentioning?

We had three groups all with ten to twelve riders each one with a leader and a sweep rider. There was a slight lack of communication with the group leaders so all three groups rode a different loop, this spread us out all over the place. We stopped several times trying to communicate with the other groups. Two of the groups had bike problems that either stopped the group or got them separated. I was riding sweep in the slow group when we had a bike overheat so three of us stop, the guy knew he could make it home but was going to let it cool off before heading home. The two of us left couldn't find the group at the next stop and I couldn't chase them down or I would have left the bike alone in the middle of nowhere. This left us stopping trying to communicate with the other groups so they could talk us into where they were since I don’t know the area very well. There were less locals helping out than in past rides and we had more bikes than ever show up. The mistakes that happened this time won't happen the next time even if I have to go down there and ride around with the local guys to learn the roads so I can help out with leading a group sometime, I'm willing to sacrifice for you guys like that.

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She's never complained to me about it.

She seemed to take it in stride but she has ridden off-road vehicles in the past and knew that shift pattern, I thought it would help her out not to have to think about one more thing while riding. I could watch her thinking about what she was doing following her.

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We had three groups all with ten to twelve riders each one with a leader and a sweep rider. There was a slight lack of communication with the group leaders so all three groups rode a different loop, this spread us out all over the place. We stopped several times trying to communicate with the other groups. Two of the groups had bike problems that either stopped the group or got them separated. I was riding sweep in the slow group when we had a bike overheat so three of us stop, the guy knew he could make it home but was going to let it cool off before heading home. The two of us left couldn't find the group at the next stop and I couldn't chase them down or I would have left the bike alone in the middle of nowhere. This left us stopping trying to communicate with the other groups so they could talk us into where they were since I don’t know the area very well. There were less locals helping out than in past rides and we had more bikes than ever show up. The mistakes that happened this time won't happen the next time even if I have to go down there and ride around with the local guys to learn the roads so I can help out with leading a group sometime, I'm willing to sacrifice for you guys like that.

you're a good man charlie brown. Really two thumbs up to you being completely awesome with getting this stuff done. I wish I could have attended but hoping to in the future

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Sweep riders and lead riders need to have cell phone #'s exchanged. Probably not an issue if the locals are doing both..but in my case it could have saved some time. And I don't think that taking the separate loops is a bad idea..as long as we are all meeting at the same point..at some point or points in the loop. With that many bikes..it's a challenge to keep all three groups together.

I would love to go back down there and ride the better roads to get familiar with them.

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Other than the communication issues, I thought you guys did very well. I have never ridden the area, and never once felt pushed to "have to keep ". Uncle Punk was excellent IMO for taking the time to explain to the young lady some different techniques to try when she is cornering. Alot of guys would have said fuck it, and left her.

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