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June 27, 2010 meeting for Coshocton ride

Uncle Punk

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I do take offense. It was a sound bike when it arrived, it was only till we got pretty far out that anything started to happen. A broken fairing (read: cosmetic in this case) hardly justifies not being to ride, especially if it has been that way for hundreds of miles. I guess bike problems never happen to you without prior notice.


-It wasn't sound when It arrived at adams house man, you had a pool of coolent in your bottem fairing. :rolleyes:. I don't know about you, but I am certainly not taking a bike on a spirited ride that has the possibility of puking coolent all over my rear tire. I don't know what more to say other than that. A fellow in particular even tried to explain to you that the "thermostat, not kicking on" is not the problem with you fan not coming on, and you just sorta blew him off. Don't get me wrong, I have 0 problem with you. I just was stating that your bike needed some help. Theres two wheels here.. not four. theres alot more at stake. double,triple, even quadroople check things.

as for spending 10k. I sure as hell don't have 10k in my bike. Whatchu think im riding... a harley?

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Is she on here? I met her and I am so bad with names....I would really like to ride with her sometime, maybe we could hook up and it would make her more comfortable riding if it was with another girly. I was with the 2nd group the whole time and didn't get to hang out with her.

I have no idea if shes on here. I belive she was riding a newer gsxr.

Ross: I didn't even know you were there untill today reading through the threads, I was hoping to get some old s10 talk in! LOL

Edited by oldschoolsdime92
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Other than the communication issues, I thought you guys did very well. I have never ridden the area, and never once felt pushed to "have to keep ". Uncle Punk was excellent IMO for taking the time to explain to the young lady some different techniques to try when she is cornering. Alot of guys would have said fuck it, and left her.

I was riding in the back of the third group so I had time to watch what people were doing in front of me. I will help anyone if I see something I think will make a difference or if they ask for some assistance. I had her follow me after I explained what inputs she should be using so I could exaggerate them for her. She told me they helped her but I didn't get a chance to follow at the back of the group again to see any improvement because they lost us. I talked to several people about riding help and never thought about telling anyone fuck you, that could happen but you would have to big a total asshole for that to happen.

I did get the chance to ride a little harder after the McDonalds break. I didn't feel so much like riding all that hard after the break so I started out mid pack, around people I know that led to a little fun and I started to step up my pace so I ended passing up some folks I didn't know, I hope the baby didn't piss anyone off flipping them the bird.

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The dead battery was my brain fart. I forgot to shut off my key at one of the longer stops. It was left on for about a half hour I am guessing? It started right up today when I rode into work and again on my way home so it seems to be fine now. I had a chat with prezz(ornge bike guy) on the ride home. He seems to be pretty level headed for his young age. And I understand he is working on the bike to try to fix it, it just sucks that it had problems on a big group ride?! So is anyone else tired as hell from loosing all there water yesterday or was that just a problem I had?

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So is anyone else tired as hell from loosing all there water yesterday or was that just a problem I had?

I went home, parked the bike safely in the garage, peeled off (yes peeled) my leathers, and fell into bed at 6 pm. Didn't wake up until 8 am. So yes. lol!

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The dead battery was my brain fart. I forgot to shut off my key at one of the longer stops. It was left on for about a half hour I am guessing? It started right up today when I rode into work and again on my way home so it seems to be fine now. I had a chat with prezz(ornge bike guy) on the ride home. He seems to be pretty level headed for his young age. And I understand he is working on the bike to try to fix it, it just sucks that it had problems on a big group ride?! So is anyone else tired as hell from loosing all there water yesterday or was that just a problem I had?

I took a nap after getting home and drank as much as I could, slept through the night and took a nap today. I don't know how you guys do it in these temperatures wearing full leathers. I was wearing textile mesh jacket and pants while sweating my ass off. I have been PMing with imprez55 about this and he has been replying in a reasonable responsible manner so I hope this doesn't get blown up more than it should. It did suck having problems on a big group ride and with the organizational issues combined with the heat it made for a frustrating day. We will learn from these issues and hopefully the next ride will go smoother.

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I have been PMing with imprez55 about this and he has been replying in a reasonable responsible manner so I hope this doesn't get blown up more than it should. It did suck having problems on a big group ride and with the organizational issues combined with the heat it made for a frustrating day. We will learn from these issues and hopefully the next ride will go smoother.

I hope he gets his bike straightened out, and gets his overheating issue taken care of, and enjoys the ride! He did seem like a very nice guy, just still learning.

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I hope he gets his bike straightened out, and gets his overheating issue taken care of, and enjoys the ride! He did seem like a very nice guy, just still learning.

I PMed him in an attempt to keep this from turning into a flame war that was unnecessary. His bike had issues and he thought they were fixed, done with his situation. In the future we can't let something like that affect the whole group to the extent that we did and that wasn't his fault it was mine. In the future if we have issues, as long as you're safe and can contact other help or can get yourself home you will be left where you have your issue. This doesn't change the schedule for the rest of the group and no grown man should need thirty babysitters. This is not the same as leaving someone behind who has crashed or is riding too slow.

I would like to thank the Coshocton crew again especially since I'm somewhat talking like this was my ride. I really enjoy riding in that area and have been bugging Adam to do another ride. When he agreed to another ride he is the one who got the other guys from down there to help him, I didn't talk to them about the ride to organize it, they did it themselves. I could have never gotten that many people around an area I don't know. I think they did a fine job considering the number of bikes and they all sacrificed their rides to lead and follow groups because all of them can ride in the front of the fast group. Udell and I were honorary Conshoctonites for the day but Udell got the brunt of the work between the two of us.

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Didn't mind riding sweep since it needed to be done. If I had been in better shape starting the ride, finishing it wouldn't have been a problem. I was expecting to put at least 4-500 miles in.

So...when are we doing this again?? I need to get it on the calendar as soon as possible.

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Didn't mind riding sweep since it needed to be done. If I had been in better shape starting the ride, finishing it wouldn't have been a problem. I was expecting to put at least 4-500 miles in.

So...when are we doing this again?? I need to get it on the calendar as soon as possible.

Always startin' never finishing. :nono:

I didn't know you were leaving the group after McD's, I was at the back of the pack going WTF and then ended up being sweep, lol. Probably a good thing, I was tired and needed to back off.

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Always startin' never finishing. :nono:

I didn't know you were leaving the group after McD's, I was at the back of the pack going WTF and then ended up being sweep, lol. Probably a good thing, I was tired and needed to back off.

I was starting to cramp up...I caught a cramp in my left hip leaned over, mid turn. Ever stick your left leg out straight while leaned over to the left? I don't recommend it.

Next time I'll come in better shape...I'll try to at least. I normally don't get home until 3 AM Sunday mornings, so I don't have much wiggle room for the little stuff like...oh..sleep. :)

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Sorry about that Don after the break I got a little selfish and decided to run up front for a while. Thanks for running sweep. How many bikes where there in that last group?

On the ride home I stuck my leg out to point out something in the road and cramped up my left hip, I used my hand to point shit out the rest of the ride home. There were only two of us riding home out of the twelve that went down from our area. I would have stayed to ride longer but after my bike fell over and knocked Ross’s bike over it ruined the rest of my day. Thankfully Rob didn’t insist we stay because I was ready to come home and just missed getting rained on by about three minutes.

Udell, I think I have the last three weekends in July open let me know which one you don't have the kids and we will do a ride. Would a Saturday be better? My girlfriend is taking two accelerated college classes this summer so I'm supposed to stay away from the house to not bug her. That means we go to the river to kill most of a day.

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It looks like the very last weekend in July is the best for me. The other weekends are hit and miss.

I don't think I want to wait that long before I get back on some good roads though...it's a sickness. I also need to burn this back tire up so I can get a proper color on these rims.

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@ UP & Inya...FWIW, Kev and I have been talking about a ride up around our area up here (though its not as twisty as Coshocton) and coming back to my place and grilling out. I am more than happy hosting the gang post ride and maybe it would be a shorter route if we'd all be coming back here and hanging out, but I'll throw it out there. And it would be around end of July that we'd be talking. I would want to do it on a sans kids weekend myself, so I can PM you those dates if you are mildly interested, either of you.

Edited by RVTPilot
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i think i'd lmost definitely be in for a ride in the last weekend of july.

assuming i wake up in time and the weather is nice and there isn't a track day and there is a solar eclipse.

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Sorry about that Don after the break I got a little selfish and decided to run up front for a while. Thanks for running sweep. How many bikes where there in that last group?

It was no problem, like I said, I was getting tired and slowing down to run sweep was just what I needed for a bit. Kept an eye on the backrunners. Elliot and I swapped near the end of the day so I could get one last run up in the middle of the pack. I don't even remember the count off the top of my head.

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