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Saturday 7/3 NE to SE Ride


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Anyone interested in a ride saturday, I'll be leaving Youngstown headed down 11 to rt. 7, and down towards routes 556 536 255 etc. Centered around woodsfield . I've never organized a ride before, and this will be pretty informal. Just a spirited ride on some great roads. I'll be on a 05 Speed Triple.... email address is nopulse95@hotmail.com we can meet anywhere along the way.

Its a late notice, but weather will be great.

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The best way to tackle 536 is to ride it once to check for gravel as well as to get a feel for those 15/20mph curves. Once you have established that the road is pretty clean, turn around and go back, which is less nerve-wracking since you are heading uphill, or just take Rt.7 until you hit 800N. Riding any unfamiliar road with tight turns is asking for trouble unless you do what I like to call a "Bitch" run and just take it easy at first. The curves will be there when you decide to turn around and take it up a notch. The track is THE safest place to ride if you want to get aggressive but for lots of people, the time and the money make it very hard to do. So, we have to use the street but in a safe and practical manner...

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If you're going to ride 255,you might want to start at the south end since the road is closed at the little town of Langs.Go all the way to the closure point and take a left...it'll take you back to 255.I'm thinking it was about a two to three mile detour.

Since you're going to be in the area...check out the freshly paved 260/537 loop off of 26.If you like 536 I think you'll like this one.

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The closure on 255 makes the road that much better to ride because there is very little traffic on it. It will reopen July 8th but like Tpoppa stated is passable with a motorcycle at this time. 536 is sharper and hillier with shittier pavement compared to 255, if you've never ridden it and you're in the area it's worth a look at but I could never ride it again and not miss it. 536 is about 11 miles compared to 255 being 18 miles and 536 is more of a workout.

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Just a heads up for those headed down this way.

I had a bit of a difficult time getting thru 255 last sunday.... trackhoe in the way made it pretty dicey...

260 out of New Matamoris(15 miles below Hannibal) is being repaved all the way to the intersection of 145. All was done except for the westbound lane from New Mat to the intersection of 26. I did an out an back. Great fun NO traffic.

speed safely...

Edited by EOdesmo
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