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How much did it cost?


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I've owned more than just a few bikes over the years and it never fails when someone I know or work with sees it that's their first question. Getting pretty tired of that as imo it's not their business. When I feel it's time to upgrade my ride I scrimp and save until I reach my goal. I guess most see bikes as a luxury item but weather permitting it's my main transportation. I like to ride. Any good replies to use to these types that wouldn't offend too bad as some I have to deal with on a daily basis. Rode my new KTM 990 sm-t into work today and had 3 different people ask the same thing, two non riders and 1 that poses as a rider, has a Victory that makes it into the shop maybe twice a year. :popcorn:

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It used to be taboo, but a lot of people are curious. I'm in the same boat as you regarding my opinion - it's pretty tacky to ask. It's not like the MSRP isn't public knowledge though... so people can get a pretty good idea if they do ANY research.

OTOH, I might ask in order to do some comparison shopping using first hand accounts and dealerships. So, I'm guilty of it too. I don't expect an answer though if people are uncomfortable. In the grand scheme they're only asking about a motorcycle (I could find out what you paid for your house whether you like it or not, that's public record and probably more intrusive into your finances) and if they're judging you because you saved up by sacrificing other things to get what you want -- that's on them.

Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins.

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Witty comebacks. Hmm.

The bike was free. The money I paid just puts me on a fasttrack to speedbagging a clit.

It costs more than your mother charges in the Champagne Room.

It costs less than if your dad would have been the responsible type and paid for the abortion.

This bike makes your minivan look like a glittery rainbow. Time to step up your game.

(que playstation sound clip)

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I always just say.

Sticker was XXXXX. Depends on the dealer for what you can get it out the door for.

Allot of people want a bike and area curious as to what they cost and have no idea. There is nothing wrong giving them the sticker price and telling them to head to a dealer if they want to know more.

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I didn't ask my girlfriend when she gave me the keys is a good one too. Dumbfounds them. Mention a boyfriend got it for you- it might give you some quick space too.:dunno:

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