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Mid Ohio Indycars


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Anyone going?

I should be getting tix from my cuz and heading up there for Sat and Sun, a few hours each day.

I may also be able to snag a few extra tix if anyone wants to go, but I won't know for sure, or how many until next week.

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im kinda pissed at IRL right now though, after last week's shenanigans at the end of the race.

Definitely a bullshit call by Barnhart. What the fuck was he thinking? I'm pissed that Will Power said he blocked him. And Will is my guy!! I don't blame Helio or Cindric for being pissed. It WAS a lousy call.

However, let me just say: One bad call in a very long time, compared to NASCAR making them every week...


I'll take Indy, kthxbye

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I forgot "IZOD Indycar" existed until Castroneves made some headlines. Was a huge fan back before the CART/IRL split. Went to their website to see how many cars were on the grid these days and that was honestly the first I heard of the Midohio race coming up...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Indy's at MO are amazing. Saw them many years ago, after having been to the AMA races for years. The cars blow the bikes away as far as speed. Was walking through the pits, and one of the teams was sorting out carbs/ FI or something. Walked behind the car, and my eyes started burning immediately, from the exhaust. Wicked. Cool.

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They also do not use the chicane the bikes do... Not saying it would make them closer to bikes, but the bikes are production based where they are not...

Anyways, we will be there. Watching from the 5th floor of the tower! We're really there for the LeMans cars. Indy cars are spec now and it is cool to watch for a while, but not near as cool as they used to be...

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It's cool and we will be back tomorrow to watch the Indy guys. Thing is, though it is really boring. You only see machine out there. Sure, the way the car works and the way it moves, but it is really tough watching vs. watching man on machine like the bikes...

Fucking fast though! 1:07s!!:eek:

Really cool. But, boring...

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