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What's to your left?


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Ok, I saw this on another forum I am a part of and thought it was fun.

Say you had to defend yourself from zombies using only whats to your left right now...

Xbox controller

Surround sound controller

TV remote

Phone and charger

Basket of laundry

Couch cushion

Leather chair

I'm shit out of luck unless zombies turn out to be vulnerable to Downy fabric softener or couch leather.

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Two small guitar amps, a giant old-fashioned desk stapler, a large bookshelf, and a ton of paperback sci-fi. Hmm, I could feasibly club zombies with the amps, but the stapler's an old hunk of metal about a foot long- probably my best bet.

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1 katana 2 broad swords a spartan brass helmet and pillows and a remote all within 5 feet

I have no doubts about this!

I guess I'm pretty well screwed. All I have is an empty water bottle, and the rest of the couch. Maybe I can try this again when I go to bed, then the wife is to the left of me? Then she could talk them to death? (I'm probably gonna pay for this one, when she lurks and sees this!)

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I have no doubts about this!

I guess I'm pretty well screwed. All I have is an empty water bottle, and the rest of the couch. Maybe I can try this again when I go to bed, then the wife is to the left of me? Then she could talk them to death? (I'm probably gonna pay for this one, when she lurks and sees this!)

So she got her voice back then?

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I have no doubts about this!

I guess I'm pretty well screwed. All I have is an empty water bottle, and the rest of the couch. Maybe I can try this again when I go to bed, then the wife is to the left of me? Then she could talk them to death? (I'm probably gonna pay for this one, when she lurks and sees this!)

At first when you said your wife would be on your left I thought you meant, she could be the sacrifice, or she couldn't run faster than you.

But her talking them to death is hilarious. I think my wife could do the same.

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