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If you were a set of keys...


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Haven't learned to walk backwards through the same path? Good luck. Those days the keys get dropped in a new place, can take a while to undo.

Oh, and one of the times I lost my car keys... they were in my pocket. While I was searching the front lawn with a metal detector...

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Haven't learned to walk backwards through the same path? Good luck. Those days the keys get dropped in a new place, can take a while to undo.

Oh, and one of the times I lost my car keys... they were in my pocket. While I was searching the front lawn with a metal detector...

you neighbors must love you :lol:

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Look in the fridge or freezer...speaking from experience here. On a funny semi related topic, I was getting groceries out of the car one day and my girlfriend had to get into the house and pee so I threw her the car keys so she could unlock the door and go in and pee...well I kinda over shot the porch and they went on the roof. I was laughing so hard she had to climb up on the roof herself and get them down all the while screaming about how bad she had to pee. Our neighbors LOVE us...lol.

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- Were you wearing a different jacket / pants?

- Fridge / pantry (seriously)

- Under mounds of papers etc? (speaking from experience)

My last couple of epic key searches wound up with me finding the keys:

- In the garage on a shelf next to my wife's car

- In the wrong car (had them on me while I was a passenger in someone else's car and they wound up staying there for whatever reason.

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Victory is mine!!!!!!!!!!!! after 2 days of searching I finally found them. I checked the freezer/fridge, the trash, my laundry basket, the vents in the floor, the back yard to see if the dog took them, checked the couch about 5 different times and around the 6th time I found them tucked away is some small little nook that is only visible if you let the foot rest out. I guess that's what I get for keeping a small set of keys.

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Either the mattress or couch cushions, always.
checked the couch about 5 different times and around the 6th time I found them tucked away is some small little nook that is only visible if you let the foot rest out.

That's a win!

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In the dark of the night, in a foreign land, I dropped a motorcycle key right beside the bike. I could not find it even with a flashlight. A dusty dirt parking lot. I curled up on the ground and waited for dawn. At which time, I found the key right there next to the bike....

I tied a big long red cloth streamer to the key...

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