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So, she's been telling my friends I spent all of Carie's dad's money he left her when he passed....

So for the record, we just got the first actual check yesterday. There was a bit we got right after he passed, but it wasn't much and went into the savings. According to her, I bought the DR650, VStrom, and jetski with Carie's dad's money. A) The jetski was bought for $4500 with the vacation time Columbus State bought back from me. B) The DR650 was bought for $2500~ after I sold the jetski for $4200 (yes, just a few hundred less than I paid for it). You can do the math on that one. C) I sold the ZX10 (which I had before we were married) for $4500. I bought the VStrom for $4500 (helluva deal). I think you can figure out the math on that one too. Haha.

Sad thing is, this isn't the first time she's talked shit about me and money. A few years back she told a friend of mine she was worried about how much money Carie and I were spending, and that we were going way too deep into debt. For those who know me, I have little to no debt other than the house and sometimes a car. That's the way I've always done everything. I hate credit cards, refuse to use them.

How sad does someone have to be to lie about someone else's financials? I mean seriously... Sorry, I had to get this off my chest. You all know I usually try to stay out of this type of shit as much as possible. I had another person ask me about this recently and it just really pisses me off. I'd love to spread lies about her, but the truth seems to be worse than any lie I can make up.

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oh the crap that was said about me and Theresa when we first got together was damn near unfathomable... its like she is a vortex of drama....

We were at a dinner,you two weren't, she was talking all kinds a shit about you two getting married and about details of the wedding. I already had her figured out by then. I never understood why she attends those Tuesday dinners since all of us were such lame losers. Didn't she go to your wedding?

fucking Pathetic.

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:lol: Casper spent all the money on the forum. VBulletin 4.x is going to bankrupt him.

Srsly though, it's shitty that she talks trash about you, period. Regardless of whether its financial in nature. I wouldn't worry too much though considering the credibility of the source... and I'd like to think most people would know that.

"In this life, one thing counts, in the bank - large amounts" ~Ludacris :p

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We were at a dinner,you two weren't, she was talking all kinds a shit about you two getting married and about details of the wedding. I already had her figured out by then. I never understood why she attends those Tuesday dinners since all of us were such lame losers. Didn't she go to your wedding?

fucking Pathetic.

oh never suprised me... and no she didn't we NEVER even thought about inviting her.. its just sad i'll say it again... you try and be cool.. give some one a chance.. some never change.

and no idea why she came to those dinners doesnt make sence she always talked shit to other people after them. she never realized that we know a lot of people and those people ARE our friends

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So, she's been telling my friends I spent all of Carie's dad's money he left her when he passed....

So for the record, we just got the first actual check yesterday. There was a bit we got right after he passed, but it wasn't much and went into the savings. According to her, I bought the DR650, VStrom, and jetski with Carie's dad's money. A) The jetski was bought for $4500 with the vacation time Columbus State bought back from me. B) The DR650 was bought for $2500~ after I sold the jetski for $4200 (yes, just a few hundred less than I paid for it). You can do the math on that one. C) I sold the ZX10 (which I had before we were married) for $4500. I bought the VStrom for $4500 (helluva deal). I think you can figure out the math on that one too. Haha.

By my math you've got 1800 left over, lemme hold a dolla.

I've been thinking about getting one actually. :lol:
Me too
Yeah. Me too. Right on top of my collar bone and I'm putting it off because I'm a pussy.


You can join us. We'll do 1/3 hearts!!!

me too so 1/4 hearts

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