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What is your favorite thing about Ohio Riders?


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Most of the hooligans here that provide me with lots of entertainment and info. Without OR I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have learned as much as I have about motorcycles in the last 18 months. I also would find myself extremely bored at work without the entertainment

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To be honest, it amazes me that the one thing we all have in common brings us together for many things. This isn't just a forum to talk bikes, it's more of a getaway. Connections get made all the time. If you need HVAC work, chances are someone here can help. If you need to vent because you had a bad day, people will listen. If you need put back in your place because you're being an idiot, well we do that here too. And that is a real friend.

Not only do you talk with people on this forum, but it spills over into other parts of your life. Some get added on to facebook, or you text them occasionally, you get together to go shoot some guns, or just to go out to eat. There is the opportunity to make some good friends on here, if you're willing. I guess unlike Uncle Punk, I use the "sign in" button most often.

/sappiness lol

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To be honest, it amazes me that the one thing we all have in common brings us together for many things. This isn't just a forum to talk bikes, it's more of a getaway. Connections get made all the time. If you need HVAC work, chances are someone here can help. If you need to vent because you had a bad day, people will listen. If you need put back in your place because you're being an idiot, well we do that here too. And that is a real friend.

Not only do you talk with people on this forum, but it spills over into other parts of your life. Some get added on to facebook, or you text them occasionally, you get together to go shoot some guns, or just to go out to eat. There is the opportunity to make some good friends on here, if you're willing. I guess unlike Uncle Punk, I use the "sign in" button most often.

/sappiness lol

Well, that's good to hear, but I kinda meant more of actual things on the site, like new posts, live, social groups, arcade, calendar, etc. :lol:

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Well, that's good to hear, but I kinda meant more of actual things on the site, like new posts, live, social groups, arcade, calendar, etc. :lol:

Well damn you then. lol I spent a lot of time on that post. :nono:

I dunno, I don't use a whole lot other than the forums themselves.

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The OR Asteroids in the "Freebies" section! There's something quite relaxing about jumping in a spaceship and shooting the front page to bits. :lol:

Of course, the usual...new people, connections, different POVs on motorcycles and just about everything else. I've sent a few people to this place to share in the madness, sheep :sheepfucker:, and :drama:. Always up for a laugh. Keep up the good work! :)

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The OR Asteroids in the "Freebies" section! There's something quite relaxing about jumping in a spaceship and shooting the front page to bits. :lol:

I just tried that out for the first time. I blew up some the stupid ass posts, made by Mr S Harris, that were making my head hurt

Edited by shittygsxr
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