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Daytona Bike Week 2011


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My dad and his buddies go usually. Not sure if he is planning on going this year with all the money he dropped on his GTO restore but if they go and I can get off work I figure its worth a trip to check out

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Never been there.

You're not missing anything. It used to be awesome. Now, it is less about bikes and more about cruising and drinking and acting like an idiot...

Wait... That's what made it awesome. I was referring to the races and the reason for the event. The racing is a waste now and with them running SX a week prior, it is going to really kill the attendance.

But, if you have never watched them race the road course, it is worth going at least once. We used to go every year, but as of the last 5-6 years, I go down to see my parents and don't care about it...

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Two years ago made a banzai trip for supercross. Left Thursday evening, got there around 9am Friday. Didn't realize how warm it was going to be, bought swim trunks and towel at Walmart, swam in the ocean, slept on the beach. Walked down A1A and found a motel with vacancy. Went to Daytona 200 Friday night, since I was there I couldn't *not* go. Left before that race was over - was tired, it was cold after the sun went down, and some may recall what a fiasco the race was. Crashed at the motel around 10pm. Woke up Saturday and went to supercross all day. Headed home straight out of the parking lot around 11pm, got home sometime Sunday evening.

I missed the whole nighttime party scene because I was beat tired from the trip and the racing - I don't even think I drank a beer down there. The weather was a pleasant surprise, it was not so nice last year. All the bikes on the road were cool for about the first five minutes, then it just gets annoying. I don't know why you'd want to ride around down there other than to say you did, that you were part of the "scene".

That weekend was the "end" of bike week. This year they are putting supercross at the beginning, and the roadracing at the end. They think this will bring more fans to the roadracing - I think they're dead wrong. The Daytona 200 Friday night was VACANT - and I bet half those people were there for supercross and just decided to swing by and check it out like I did. The Saturday supercross was PACKED. I couldn't believe the crappy seat selection we had first thing Saturday morning. No big deal, we bought a trackside upgrade and watched from the banking. Do they really think anyone is that big of a fan that they are going to spend the entire week in that hole to see both supercross and roadracing? I'm not. The AMA has been trying to get the rest of the bikeweek crowd up to the track for years without success, I doubt this will have any effect.

"Daytona Beach" to me looks like a place that was built in the 70s and never, ever remodeled. Lots of vacant buildings down there. If it wasn't for Embry-Riddle and whatever other schools are around there the whole area would probably be totally trashed. I say let the college kids, bikers and NASCAR fans have it.

Of course, if the weather and logistics work out again, I'd be down for a quick trip to watch the supercross. THAT is an awesomely unique event.

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now were talkin, id love to hit laguna

The track itself is nice, but the facilities suck balls. Sitting in dirt, 3 port-a-potties for the whole track, shitty food concessions (both of'em) and some infamous traffic jams getting outta the place. Buffoons (SCRAMP) running the place. One of the shittiest race facilities on the GP circuit. Worthy of a third World country..but even they have better tracks.

Miller has to be one of the best tracks in the US right now. Can't wait to see the new GP track in Texas when it gets done.

Edited by Earache
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The track itself is nice, but the facilities suck balls. Sitting in dirt, 3 port-a-potties for the whole track, shitty food concessions (both of'em) and some infamous traffic jams getting outta the place. Buffoons (SCRAMP) running the place. One of the shittiest race facilities on the GP circuit. Worthy of a third World country..but even they have better tracks.

Miller has to be one of the best tracks in the US right now. Can't wait to see the new GP track in Texas when it gets done.

the traffic on the pennisula blows. agreed. if you are into camping thou you can get some pretty views.

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the traffic on the pennisula blows.....

That's if you can get to the roads. 3 years ago, the only year that I drove a car, we sat in our parking space for 4 hours waiting to be allowed to even move out pof the parking lot we were in. Sucked!

Then they switched to shuttle buses a couple of years ago. Made people park way out in Bumfuck and bused them in. Huge lines waiting on buses after the race.

Local places gouge te shit outta ya for hotels - we stay in Santa Cruz and still pay $300 a night for a Hampton Inn. Deals can be had of ya wait for last minute, but that's hard to do when you're travelling from a long distance.

I've been loads of races all over the World and none are worse than Laguna Seca. Can't say enough shitty things about it from the spectator's point of view.

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