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Who is still riding?


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I went for a quick one on Christmas day. And then I just added some stabilizer, drained the carbs (I had just changed the oil and filter), and charged the battery. If the mood strikes me, it won't take long to fire the bike back up.

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Once salt hits the roads I'm done until the first rain washes it all away after the LAST snow fall. Salt will never touch my ride. Plus it's hard to get traction under full throttle and while leaning.

I agree my bike is too pretty to be covered in salt.

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Rust is my biggest worry. I have also heard that the road salt can really make any aluminum on the bike look like shit. Now that could just be a myth. My bike is mostly black and even if the roads are dry it gets covered in salt. After a cold ride I hate to spend the time in the cold garage cleaning the bike.

As far as riding the salt makes the road seem "sandy" like the tires can't get a good grip on it. Also the tires and road are cold so that lessens the grip also. I normally go out and ride in the early spring there's still some salt on the road and its cold I just take it easy while I ride.

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I try to ride year-round. If you are concerned with rust and corrosion get the hose and bucket out and wash her down. I don't worry about it as I figure to get at most eight years out of a bike. Since I buy used and ride an average of 15-20k annually, I figure I have used the majority of the value of the bike. Depending on condition, I sell it outright or I break it down for parts.

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Eh...I've ridden through lots of this crap and the bike's still fine. I guess I see it a little differently; I have no reason to sell my bike and the thing is never standing in one place long enough to even look pretty. It's not like anyone would want to buy my FJR with the amount of miles it has anyway.

I bought it to be my primary mode of transportation and my all-purpose bike. It's with me until the day it dies so it will continue to do its job and be a long distance motorcycle. Salt...that's what water hoses and soap are for! :)

Flying Brick borrowed the bike to ride to work, so I'm riding tomorrow. And New Year's Day. And until the snow comes back.

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I ride year round, even in salt. No rust on my bike. If it's so cold you can't clean it off (water), the salt won't affect it. When it gets warm, spray some water on it. Big whoop.

Salt's only an issue if it sits prolonged periods on the bike. I sure as hell don't let it stop me from enjoying myself.

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When I left work yesterday afternoon about 3:45, it had been flurrying for about 30 minutes. The roads were mostly clear until I go to the rest area on 71 between Columbus and Delaware. The remainder if the ride was slow and unnerving. 36/37 and the rest of the ride (12 miles) were on fully snow covered roads. Several times I had to correct the bike when the rear end slid out. Steady throttle and brake control were critical. While the ride was difficult and scary, it definitely helped build my riding skills.

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