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Discount day at Nelson for Ohio Riders - May 14 2011


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I am always tempting fate on the cool-down lap; even at trackdays. Once I take the checkered, I always give the CW's a thumbs up at 90% pace, and then try to drag my knee through 13 with my left foot off the peg. I've actually gotten to the point where it's pretty comfortable to put my right knee down with my left leg in the air.

my buddy Mike said I looked like a dog taking a leak, and one of the CR's started referring to my exit technique as "doggy style." :D

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  phoenix14 said:
So no renting out the KTM Jinu?

oh i didn't think you were being serious about "renting" my bike for an entire track day lol

i guess we could try and work out something? a fee to cover the wear and tear (tires, oil changes, and valve adjustments are expensive on ktm motards lol), an agreement to the effect of "drop the bike, you just purchased it at XXXX.XX price" and whatever else my attorney friends recommend. if you're up for it, i suppose we can try to figure something out? pm me if you're really interested.

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  jbot said:
oh i didn't think you were being serious about "renting" my bike for an entire track day lol

i guess we could try and work out something? a fee to cover the wear and tear (tires, oil changes, and valve adjustments are expensive on ktm motards lol), an agreement to the effect of "drop the bike, you just purchased it at XXXX.XX price" and whatever else my attorney friends recommend. if you're up for it, i suppose we can try to figure something out? pm me if you're really interested.

Probably just cheaper/easier to just wait til June 1 for my KtM day at mid Ohio...but yeah I was about 93% serious...

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Ballers list




AfroCBR (novice)

mykill (Novice)

madcat (novice)

Hutch (Novice)

rubbersidedown - (Novice)

Jarvis (Novice)

cbrbrent (Novice)

bmmw - (novice)



ohdaho (Novice)

grapesmuggler27 (race school)

Ducati guy....race school

Dubguy......race school

Termin8er (Intermediate)

2wheeler (intermediate)

JCMathis (Intermediate)

non-ballers, or possibly ballers list:


tyler524 - ?

redkow97 - advanced?

r1crusher - has a fancy track bike, has no more excuses, but still won't commit

SJC1000rr (Advanced) - Waiting to register after WERA round

natedogg624 - Advance - still deciding on what he wants to do

Lets leave this one as the only list. If you need to be added to the list post up and I will edit this one. That way we don't have half a page every time someone posts.

Edited by APCh8r
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  natedogg624 said:
i'm in as long as the weather looks decent at the five day forecase. when is the deadline to sign up?

L2read , you can sign up with OR before the raceday or you can sign up at the race, without the discount

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For the races yes.... for the trackday no. Its hard to say when a deadline will be as a class could fill up early and then its done. But as for when online registration will end (pending openings) I'd guess around the middle of the week before the event.

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  Ringo said:
L2read , you can sign up with OR before the raceday or you can sign up at the race, without the discount

Ouch. New guy is already throwing down...

I was talking about the trackday not the races like you assumed. Different dealios here. It's cool though newbies don't know any better.

Thanks steve that's what I figured it was like most other trackday orgs but I wanted to make sure.

Edited by natedogg624
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  Ringo said:
We should rent out our own track... with all these fricken people.

Myself and another guy would be interested for a whole day rental...during the week ... with the sun out.

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  APCh8r said:
Have fun, paying for track rental , EMS, liability, etc.

truth. Corner workers would be part of that "etc." and to be safe, you really need two EMS crews so you can keep riding if one of them has to roll.

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If im correct you need.

2x - Ambulances

2x - Trailers

- Corner Workers

- Corner Worker With Fire Extinguisher :p

Prolly more, back in the day in england all you needed was a trailer and you looked after yourself :p

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You need all that, insurance, legal waivers and more. This debate has been beat to death over the last two years. It was decided each year that having a current bike org and picking a track was the easiest and safest route. Usually upon contacting that org and talking about how many people we would bring, resulted in a discount. Like what Jbot has already done with Todd & Motoseries.

Last year we did it with STT at Gingerman.

Edited by SJC1000rr
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Im sure as a group we all could. I know we could rent out national trails, and i could set up a tournament :p or something.

Would have to do dial in times which is fricken lame lol.

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  Ringo said:
Im sure as a group we all could. I know we could rent out national trails, and i could set up a tournament :p or something.

Would have to do dial in times which is fricken lame lol.

I have nothing against drag racing per se, but I find it a lot more exciting to add braking and turning into the mix.

If you wanted to pit in and do a clutch launch from hot pit every lap, I don't think anyone would stop you.

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  Ringo said:
Im sure as a group we all could. I know we could rent out national trails, and i could set up a tournament :p or something.

Would have to do dial in times which is fricken lame lol.

The only straights I will be running will have one hell of a turn at the end.

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