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Back when I was a kid....


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Riding in the back of the caprice station wagon in sleeping bags on long family trips. spending entire summers at the camp ground playing outside with no electronics. my kids are crying we took the dsi/ps3 away for a week. kids would get into a fight at school when one was down they let him up said it was over and it was, now they get kicked out of school if they even touch another kid.

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...oh yea what a bout (phone) party lines where you would pick up your phone and listen to the neighbors gosip

We had a party line with our neighbor for awhile, that was so lame having to

share a phone line :p

Atari and Intelevision were the hot game systems. No call waiting. Revco was the drug store and Lawsons was the quickie mart.

My family was to cheap to get one of those systems, we had a Magnavox Odessy2 system! We had a Revco and Lawsons right down the street.

And to this day I go out of my way to find Lawsons Chip Dip, it was theeee best, you can still get it at Circle K!

Edited by SWing'R
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Riding in the back of the caprice station wagon in sleeping bags on long family trips. spending entire summers at the camp ground playing outside with no electronics. my kids are crying we took the dsi/ps3 away for a week. kids would get into a fight at school when one was down they let him up said it was over and it was, now they get kicked out of school if they even touch another kid.

:lol: @ after school fights. I swear we had them every week almost. There was a designated place too off school grounds. The kids go all out and spent themselves within the first 2 minutes and they laid on the ground acting like they were still fighting until someone said it was over because they weren't doing anything. Building #8 in this farm town near the school was where we had them at, or a pond called Fishers pond.

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all i can say is summers were the best woke up and went out on the bikes (mountain bikes) with the sister and neighbors. New fax in the house every time a fax was coming in all yelled don't pick up the phone got chewed out a few times for that. Street light meant time to come in or dont leave the block within eye sight of mom. Water balloon fights were always fun.

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We had a party line with our neighbor for awhile' date=' that was so lame having to

share a phone line :p

My family was to cheap to get one of those systems, we had a Magnavox Odessy2 system! We had a Revco and Lawsons right down the street.

And to this day I go out of my way to find Lawsons Chip Dip, it was theeee best, you can still get it at Circle K!

circle k right by my house :D....and yes, nothing can compare to Lawsons dip

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circle k right by my house :D....and yes, nothing can compare to Lawsons dip

Kroger's cheap french onion is similar, but not quite the same. I pick up osm eof the Lawson's stuff once in a while.

The first TV I really remember was black and white, later when we had cable, the box was wired, and had push buttons for each channel. The first wireless remote controls were HUGE. How about cordless phones that had METAL antennas? If you knew a geeky kid with a programmable scanner, you could eavesdrop on them!

I played video games at friends houses on Atari, Intellivision, etc... At home we had a TI99/4A computer. We could play some of the games on it by typing in the BASIC code for it, and that was COOL!

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I think many of you would agree that the '80s were a good time to grow up.

I'm part of the Atari 2600, BMX bikes, home at dusk generation too. It was a good time. You didn't have to worry about getting kidnapped and killed. I used to get on my bike on summer mornings when I was 12 and never come home until the streetlights were on. Our idea of getting into trouble involved toilet paper in trees and soap on windows. You could watch TV and it typically had a laugh track and a plot. People generally believed in right and wrong, and tended to respect each other. It was definitely a different time. I feel sorry for my kids, growing up in this world as it has become.

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Yep..... 80's here too..... freakn you could get a half a tank of gas for 5 bucks. we rarely lock the doors.... but your talking about covington ohio. Total of 5000 people...... and I stil have the atari, with about 30 games. LOL walking around with a boom box listening to twisted sister................... sigh

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76 here.

Rotary phone with the 100' cord that started out as a 50'

no cable

one television in the house

You actually rode your bicycle to see your friends

had to go to the library for school reports since there was no internet.

Made forts in the woods to play black ops. Sticks were our Commandos and Barretts

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When I was a kid cartoons were awesome and now they are the absolute shit worst. I love blaming lack of quality cartooning of contributing to the reason kids these days are the worst

"Saved by the Bell" killed cartoons. That's a cold hard fact.

I'm not so old that we didn't have gaming systems or a billion TV channels available, my parents just refused to pay for them.

I didn't own a gaming system until my friend gave me his Xbox after he got an Xbox 360. My brothers bought an original 8 bit Nintendo at a garage sale for $5 when I was in 8th or 9th grade...

We got cable in 1998 for the World cup, then canceled it after it was over.

I played baseball all day every day in the summer; except on weekends when I would do stuff with my family.

I was the TV remote.

My brothers and I were the lawn service. We were also the snow-blower.

I rode my bike to the convenient store and bought packs of baseball cards and sunflower seeds with my friends.

I got in fights in my friends' back yards, and no one got sued; in fact, 3 of those guys were in my wedding. 5 if you count my brothers.

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Peeling back the tab on my dad's PBR. Something about those ancient tabs.... now we have to save the damn seagulls with these new-fangled bendy, stay-on tabs. Crap, I tell you... crap!

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No remote for the TV and had to use the VHF dial to get PBS to see Cosmos or Marty Stouffer Wild America. Most afternoon shows were still black and white even if the TV was color. Pong lasted for a while but soon died with the Pac Man craze. Summer meant fishing, back yard football, and Ghost in the Graveyard. Ricardo Montalbán was pushing real Corinthian leather seats, Coke was still a carbonated beverage not a drug, Dallas was the evening drama, Billy Beer was a joke, MASH was on every night during dinner, parents went out after the kids were asleep, we had pinball machines, roller skates were still cool and Skating birthday parties were almost a weekly event. I listened to Rush, ACDC, Judas Priest, Led Zepplin and Pink Floyd a lot.

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Child safety in the car? Dad <might> roll the window down while smoking. Cars didn't always have seat belts, let alone airbags, ABS, all that crap we take for granted today.

No cable, 3 stations (NBC, CBS, ABC) plus PBS. (black and white until '72 when Pop dusted off the wallet and bought a 12" color. I thought we were the Rockefellers...

PBS shows: Sesame Street, Mister Rogers, Electric Company

Broadcast shows: Fat Albert, Jetsons, Looney Tunes, Flintstones, Batman

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If you grew up on home cooked meals, you rode a bike with no helmet, your parents house was not "child-proof" , you got a whippin' when you misbehaved, had 3 TV channels you got up to change or went outside to turn the antenna, school started with the Pledge of Allegiance, stores were closed on Sunday, you drank water out of a water hose and still turned out okay, re post this and show that you survived!!! AMEN.

Um, I'm only 22, and a vast majority of that applies to me.

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When I was a kid cartoons were awesome and now they are the absolute shit worst. I love blaming lack of quality cartooning of contributing to the reason kids these days are the worst

This is sooo true! Bugs Bunny, Transformers, GI Joe, etc... Saturday mornings were the best!

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