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Christian Sport Bike Assoc May 21st Ride


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we are discussing parking locations. we're also trying to get craig (blue0363624265344652) to join the ride. he lives in new philadelphia, so after the coshocton portion is over, we can play around in our normal roads if there is time.

Not that I don't want to ride with you guys but if it were me I would trailer down to the parking lot across from Adam Parks house in Coshocton, meet everyone for lunch, ride the ride to Newark then head back to Coshocton, trailer home. Meeting me in Grafton still gives you 60 miles of straight roads to ride and truthfully it's quite boring until Millersburg so you will only have 20 miles of good road before the lunch stop.

I intend to take the CSBA route up 79 to 60 across 39 to 83 to get back home. You guys can break off at any time from there or head down 83 back to Coshocton.

I don't know where Inya or Tpoppa are meeting the group but they will end up doing the same route again if we break off from the CSBA group at the same time.

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Not that I don't want to ride with you guys but if it were me I would trailer down to the parking lot across from Adam Parks house in Coshocton, meet everyone for lunch, ride the ride to Newark then head back to Coshocton, trailer home. Meeting me in Grafton still gives you 60 miles of straight roads to ride and truthfully it's quite boring until Millersburg so you will only have 20 miles of good road before the lunch stop.

I intend to take the CSBA route up 79 to 60 across 39 to 83 to get back home. You guys can break off at any time from there or head down 83 back to Coshocton.

I don't know where Inya or Tpoppa are meeting the group but they will end up doing the same route again if we break off from the CSBA group at the same time.

I plan on breaking off with you and heading back to NEO. I know you like it when I break you off.


Depending on how many we end up with it is possible we will need to split it up into two groups.

You'll get no arguments from me. As long as there's someone leading the second group who knows where they're going. Been there, done that. got the t-shirt.

I gotta go change my oil.

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Just checked in,,,I was planning on leaving the greater Killbuck Metro area around 9:15AM, that being the intersections of USR62 and SR 60. Taking SR60 to SR36 (to Warsaw) and then running route backwards (as I did last time) iffen I isn't late I will be at the KFC at SR79 and SR16 at 10-15 ish.

I read that John called the Warehouse, er, Lock 27...guess that explains the sheriff's cars at the restaurant today, eh. So I snuck across the street to Capt Nye's and had ice cream...they keep moving the ice cream stand around. Omar Shariefs.....One likes to loiter in Warsaw as well. Sits at the parts store at the intersection where the only light in town, use to be.

Tamarrah. Smiling.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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Littlecarbsbigsmiles is also going to be scouting route 60 for water. The last time he was on it there wasn't any and it hasn't rained since then so it should be okay. He did mention that ClevetheGreat's corner has a lot of gravel in it.

60 is clear of water

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Got my stuff done today that coulda been done tommorow So im there.Never rode with any other sportbikes though so hopefully I can keep up.

Baltimore is in my backyard and I ride through there all the time! Ever want to ride just post up or pm.

I will be there bright and early! Well probably not real early.

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Yes we will be waiting at 79 and 16 and will just filter into place no need to stop for us. Im still getting over my cold and sinus infection and gonna need all the sleep and rest I can get. We did a short ride today at about 50% pace and it took all I had :(

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