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So you trust snopes.....


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I gave up on them long ago and if I need to verify the facts on something I use truthorfiction as snopes is biased at best. If I can't find it there I Google. This was sent to me and I am too tired after working all night to check it out but I hope snopes is finally exposed for being liberal, bias and untrustworthy.


Heavily financed by George Soros

By: Randy Keith

In our Search for the truth department, we find what I have suspected on many

occasions. I went to Snopes to check this out and they said it was false and

there were no such dockets, so I ‘Googled’ the Supreme Court, typed in

‘Obama-Kagan,’ and guess what? Yep, you got it. Snopes lied. Every one of

those dockets is there. So here is what I wrote Snopes:

Referencing the article about Elena Kagan and Barack Obama dockets: The

information you have posted stating that there were no such cases as claimed and

the examples you gave are blatantly false. I went directly to the Supreme

Court’s website, typed in Obama Kagan and immediately came up with all of the

dockets that the article made reference to. I have long suspected that you

really slant things but this was really shocking.

That being said, I’ll bet you didn’t know this.

Kagan was representing Obama in all the petitions to prove his citizenship.

Now she may help rule on them. Folks, this is really ugly. Chicago Politics; and

the beat goes on and on and on.

Once again the US Senate sold us out! Well, someone figured

out why Obama nominated Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. Pull up the Supreme

Courts website, go to the docket and search for Obama. She was the Solicitor

General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof

of natural born citizenship. He owed her big time. All of the requests were

denied of course.

They were never heard. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn’t it?

The American people mean nothing any longer. It’s all about payback time

for those who compromised themselves to elect someone who really has no true

right to even be there.

Here are some websites of the Supreme Court Docket:

You can look up some of these hearings and guess what?? Elena Kagan

is the attorney representing Obama!!!

Check out these examples:







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She was the Solicitor

General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof

of natural born citizenship

either the OP and the author randy keith are completely ignorant to what the Solicitor General is or does, or why their name would be appearing on supreme court documents, or they DO know, and they are just hoping that no one else does, so that the article will seem to have credibility.

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either the OP and the author randy keith are completely ignorant to what the Solicitor General is or does, or why their name would be appearing on supreme court documents, or they DO know, and they are just hoping that no one else does, so that the article will seem to have credibility.


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just so everyone DOES know, the solicitor general is the person who represents the united states government in any supreme court case.

any supreme court case where the US is named as a party, the solicitor general will argue the case for them. therefore, their name is on virtually EVERY supreme court document.

further, many cases that are filed against the government often name the president as a respondent too, so their name is on the document too.

just to be totally clear they represent the federal gov. as a whole. they are NOT personal attorneys of the president.

Edited by John
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If someone types something up on the internet and posts it to a blog, then someone posts it on a Harley Forum it must be true. It's not like anybody can publish whatever they want on the internet!

Just like all those e-mails I get.

'FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW: People who ride Harley's are all closet homosexuals - Pass along or you will ride a Harley someday. This link proves it!'


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just to be totally clear they represent the federal gov. as a whole. they are NOT personal attorneys of the president.

It should also say "in his official capacity as president," or something similar; meaning that if a new president were sworn in tomorrow, their name would replace his on the court documents regardless of any prior involvement, or lack thereof.

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If you look at the OP posts, he's a 'hit and run' kind of troll... like that other guy that put me on ignore. I wouldn't hold your breath for a logical answer, or any answer at all.

Edited by JRMMiii
an before words that start with vowels, 'logical' does not start with a vowel.
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so OP, which was it? did you have no clue what the solicitor general was, or did you know and just hoped no one else did?

Actually just passing on an inane emailing I got....lol, loved reading your reactions. Especially self proclaimed know it all JRMMiii.

Its a good way to find out what kind of brains and lame brains that roam these halls.

Keep yappin, its some fun reads.....;)

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Actually just passing on an inane emailing I got....lol, loved reading your reactions. Especially self proclaimed know it all JRMMiii.

Ohh see John, it was just a "joke", he wanted to "test" us :rolleyes:

And Protip -- while I don't remember making ANY self proclamations on this site, understand that you could be a "know it all" too! All you need to do is have some facts at hand, do some reading, and have some critical thinking skills. It's really not difficult, it's just people like you and crb that make it look difficult.

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Ohh see John, it was just a "joke", he wanted to "test" us :rolleyes:

And Protip -- while I don't remember making ANY self proclamations on this site, understand that you could be a "know it all" too! All you need to do is have some facts at hand, do some reading, and have some critical thinking skills. It's really not difficult, it's just people like you and crb that make it look difficult.

What, and be like you????

Brother, you are full of yourself, aren't you. Now there's a question for you that I'm sure you have the answer to. Not that you'd truthfully admit it.....loll. Lots of spkia's in most every forum anymore. Its fun reading how you like to indulge others in your fantasy....

Most who are well versed in a subject really don't need to make such an effort, the natural realization will just show itself. But once again I guess I didn't need to tell you that now did I. :rolleyes:

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What, and be like you????

ZOMFG!11!!1!1 :eek: That'd be terrible, it requires research and reading. But you're right, that might be above your skill level.

Most who are well versed in a subject really don't need to make such an effort, the natural realization will just show itself.

What makes you "well versed" in anything? You have some credentials that qualify you as an expert? Or "Because it's MY opinion, and that makes it right! *rabble rabble rabble*"

Talk about being full of yourself.

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ZOMFG!11!!1!1 :eek: That'd be terrible, it requires research and reading. But you're right, that might be above your skill level.

What makes you "well versed" in anything? You have some credentials that qualify you as an expert? Or "Because it's MY opinion, and that makes it right! *rabble rabble rabble*"

Talk about being full of yourself.

Proof you cannot read and comprehend. Try it sometime in all your researching and reading....lol.

Just to set you straight, nowhere, not once, did I make any claims about being 'well versed'.

Continuing with you is like arguing with a deaf man.

I'm done with this. Continue on without me oh 'expert of whatever you claim'. :rolleyes:

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