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if you carry a firearm i got a question.

kawi kid

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I'm not for carrying pepperspay as primary defense. 2 reasons, 1. Overspray sucks been there. 2. It doesn't work on everyone, and isn't always immediately affective and you still need to fight. I would use it as a tool but not rely on it 100%. After spraying you may still need to fight. That's where krav comes in. The classes teach to stop the threat then escape. Also it is real world based so it looks at variables like multiple attackers and environmental conditions. If you get pepperspray go with fox, its the worst I've been sprayed with.

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I'm originally from Rochester NY. I've been in Columbus since 1999. I had a CCW permit when I lived in NY but I never renewed it here although I still have my gun(s). Up there we were never allowed to carry in a bar and I didn't need to. Sure I've been in my fair share of bar brawls. I've been in places loaded with mobsters (I'm Dutch BTW so I won't claim to be a mobster). Never once have I needed my weapon. So, that being said, do I think we "Need" to carry in a bar? No, we don't "Need" to. Should I be allowed to should I choose to? Yes.

Most CCW people I know would really hesitate to pull it, yes, even my mobster friends. Why? Because it brings too much heat, too much attention, and nothing good comes from it. now, would I pull it if I had to? You betcha. Would I shoot someone? Yes, but it all depends, and not for status. Most people that pull them like they pull their dick wouldn't shoot you anyway.

Like the mobsters, it's not the loud mouths you need to be careful of, it's the quiet ones. I'm pretty quiet.

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Knives are not regulated in size or scope in ohio as long as they are not concealed. Yes a clipped in the pocket in not concealed as long as you can see the clip.

Although some city laws do regulate length of blades.

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I'm not for carrying pepperspay as primary defense. 2 reasons, 1. Overspray sucks been there. 2. It doesn't work on everyone, and isn't always immediately affective and you still need to fight. I would use it as a tool but not rely on it 100%. After spraying you may still need to fight. That's where krav comes in. The classes teach to stop the threat then escape. Also it is real world based so it looks at variables like multiple attackers and environmental conditions. If you get pepperspray go with fox, its the worst I've been sprayed with.

Its less primary but more optional.

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Well, I guess that we can glean from all this that OC isn't 100% effective, and that overspray sucks 100% of the time.

As an option I think it's a good idea. As, is a beveled flashlight with a strobe function, as is a taser/stun gun...

Personally a standard 3.5" to 4" knife seems like a pretty good secondary weapon as do the flashlight and taser/stun gun.

For myself, it's OC spray, a knife, then my gun. But, mostly my gun. The OC and knife would be a secondary consideration.

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I'm originally from Rochester NY. I've been in Columbus since 1999. I had a CCW permit when I lived in NY but I never renewed it here although I still have my gun(s). Up there we were never allowed to carry in a bar and I didn't need to. Sure I've been in my fair share of bar brawls. I've been in places loaded with mobsters (I'm Dutch BTW so I won't claim to be a mobster). Never once have I needed my weapon. So, that being said, do I think we "Need" to carry in a bar? No, we don't "Need" to. Should I be allowed to should I choose to? Yes.

Most CCW people I know would really hesitate to pull it, yes, even my mobster friends. Why? Because it brings too much heat, too much attention, and nothing good comes from it. now, would I pull it if I had to? You betcha. Would I shoot someone? Yes, but it all depends, and not for status. Most people that pull them like they pull their dick wouldn't shoot you anyway.

Like the mobsters, it's not the loud mouths you need to be careful of, it's the quiet ones. I'm pretty quiet.

Do we need them in a bar? My opinion yes. Say you go to applebees with your family, its considered a bar. What's safer having your gun unattended in your car or safely on you? Now as you leave the restaurant you notice your car has been broken onto. Your guns in the hands of a criminal now. Or you leave and get attacked. All the more reason to be able to carry inside.

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I cant imagine having no hearing protection...i went to the indoor range and just had orange ear plugs and every time the guy next to me shot his competition 45 i jumped

I only have the orange plugs, but ya, I agree that the earmuffs need to be purchased sooner than later.

my .22 is fine with just hte orange plugs, but the 400 lbs. guy in the stall next to me, shooting a damn S&W 460 at a target 6 feet away doesn't care that I've only got a .22

He literally caused the light bulb in his range stall to burn out. The shock wave was crazy every round.

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I only have the orange plugs, but ya, I agree that the earmuffs need to be purchased sooner than later.

my .22 is fine with just hte orange plugs, but the 400 lbs. guy in the stall next to me, shooting a damn S&W 460 at a target 6 feet away doesn't care that I've only got a .22

He literally caused the light bulb in his range stall to burn out. The shock wave was crazy every round.


earmuffs today

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I have a set of surefire ear plugs that are sweet! You can hear people talk but they block everything above 80 decibels.


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