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Do you think the military is gearing up for an "event"


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Saudi Arabia gearing up against Iran.

Turkey on the Syrian border and threatening to invade.

USA has double assets near both situations.

Qaddafi won't quite leave Lybia.

North Korean arms recently intercepted on the high seas headed toward Burma or similar.

Cyber warfare continues. USA dot mil got hit hard last year, and it didn't make much news.

Pick one or two.

Stuff like this goes on all the time. And sometimes it's good to flex a little muscle.

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gotta justify your budget SOMEHOW. spend the money on something, or next year they think you didnt need that much, and you get less.

gotta keep those greenbacks rolling in so we can go free the shit out of people.

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:eek: I hope nothing goes down on the fourth....but it seems to be heading that way with all of the unrest across the world...oh well good thing I went to the range today and practiced on zombie targets just in case
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At the end of the Vietnam War, all us rear echelons started marching and training and exercising. The threat was to send all of us on the island of Okinawa and some other places, to Vietnam and increase the combat level. Threat was noted, negotiations got a little easier. Timing is everything sometimes.

The point is, nothing happened, but the training had double results. The military gets more for their money that way, by training when potentially needed somewhere, the somewhere calms down a bit and it isn't necessary.

An example: Yeah, 10,000 Marines is a good number. When compared to the previously 50,000 Lybian Army, half of which are draftees. (And 40,000 untrained militia.) And realize this is 10,000 support troops, for an extended expeditionary stay somewhere sometime. The amphibious combat troops are already off shore somewhere waiting.

Most of the training is to determine what needs repaired to be good to go. The rest is practice in packing up, moving, and setting back up.

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