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I'm officially one of you yuppy bastards now...


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only things that I didn't like about HTC was their antenna wasn't nearly as good as motorola (live in the middle of nowhere) and their battery life sucks (on any phone I've ever heard about)

Yea battery is a issue if ur on it non stop but app killers and the brightness tweaking helps. If you use it like a regular phone and check a couple things here and there it last all day. But what kills it the most is YouTube and using 3g. The only thing I like about my Incredible more then iPhone is the screen is a lil bigger and it has the home menu back search buttons at the bottom.

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i do have a spare actually.

a removable battery is also good if your battery goes bad, or if the phone gets a little damp.

as for the memory, 32gb sd card + whatever gb your phone has internal = > 32gb ;)

Everyone that doesn't have an iPhone complains about the same thing. How many times do you need to remove your battery? If it all, your battery probably sucks to begin with so no wonder it's "removable." I've had my iPhone 4 since launch (just over a year I think now) and I still have incredible battery life. I listen to the iPod at work for 8 straight hours, text all the time, play a couple games through the day, have maybe a couple calls and usually have about 70% battery life by the time I get home late at night and set it on the charger. No need for a "spare" for me.

Larger than 32gb? Seriously? I have over 2,100 songs on my iPhone and 10 or 11 movies and still have about 3 gig left. Plus, who wants to buy an SD card larger than 32 gig with how expensive they get. I'll buy the phone with all the storage and be happy with just that. No need to buy a phone for $200 and then go buy an SD card for the same amount.

On a lighter note, welcome to the iPhone family :metal:

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Doesn't really matter IMO. I looked them up and they range from $138 - $350. Again, why pay $200 for a phone and then have to turn around and pay that kind of a price for an SD card? If you really want that much storage, you don't need a phone - you need a laptop or tablet.

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and their battery life sucks (on any phone I've ever heard about)

the problem is that you get some noob who sets his screen to 100% bright, has everything set to update every 5 minutes (email,fb,twitter etc), has GPS and WIFI on when there is no signal etc and then they complain that the battery life sucks.

duh! thats like leaving every electronic device and light on in your house 24/7 then complaining your electric bill is high.

I've had my iPhone 4 since launch (just over a year I think now) and I still have incredible battery life.

if the android system was as crippled as the iphone, its battery would last forever too :rolleyes:

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Doesn't really matter IMO. I looked them up and they range from $138 - $350. Again, why pay $200 for a phone and then have to turn around and pay that kind of a price for an SD card? If you really want that much storage, you don't need a phone - you need a laptop or tablet.

i need gigs of HD pr0ns on the go :lol:

besides, the 64gb cards JUST came out. the price will go down quickly.

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if the android system was as crippled as the iphone, its battery would last forever too :rolleyes:

Never had a bad experience with the OS until I jailbroke my phone. But that was MY doing...it's hacking a phone's software so obviously, things are bound to go wrong. And actually, it wasn't even a big deal - the phone froze, wouldn't start up so all I did was connect it to iTunes to do a restore and voila...started new and fresh.

i need gigs of HD pr0ns on the go :lol:

besides, the 64gb cards JUST came out. the price will go down quickly.


Article is from Feb 22, 2010....over a year and a half ago. They've been out there for quite some time now. But yes, I could just see someone out there that needed some "extra" spank-tra-vision so they would buy that card, haha

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hey, take your battery out for me for a second...

oh wait....

how about your SD card?

oh wait.....


LOL, I have to do with with my stupid Blackberry every few days for it to work. You can add me to the "yuppy bastards" list as well...I have to carry two phones. My BB is my personal and my work is an iPhone. Me + 2 phones = Lame :nono:

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