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Punched my first mirror today...


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Alright, I'm cooled off now. Here's what happened:

I'm on smithville Rd. southbound in Dayton, just turned left onto it from US35. As anyone in Dayton knows, there are tons of shitty roads in Riverside(the suburb of Dayton). Smithville is one of the worse roads, with sunk manholes, and raised concrete lips around them, and big bulges in the road from heat expansion or some crap, cracks, etc. I was in moderate traffic, but you can't avoid that in Dayton.

Anyway, driving down the 2,1,2 lane road, I'm in the left of the two southbound lanes. I'm on the left third of the lane when I see a manhole, and swerve around it, staying completely in my lane, switching to the right third and going back.

Over a second and a half later, the mid 40's, balding man in his white minivan, blares his horn, scaring the crap out of me. At that point in time he is just diagonal behind to my right. He could probably swerve into my lane and not touch me. But, I slow down and check myself. Noone's trying to hit me, and I didn't cause any distress behind me that I can see. We're going 40-ish in a 35.

As I'm slowing, I come parallel with him and he guns it. Almost surprised me for a minivan. At this pint in time, I'm not mad. I'm kinda scared, because I'm still not sure exactly what happened, even if it was me that caused a problem. I wouldn't expect any motorcycle to sit in the same lane position and take all those bumps to the butt. Not pleasant. I speed up, switch lanes to get around a car that was ahead of me, and get back to the left to get parallel with this man again. The intent was to talk at the next light, as Smithville has a lot of them. But, I guess he took that as a threat

This is where I get mad. He starts coming into my lane, WHILE LOOKING AT ME! I was on the left third, bu decide to get closer to stave him off of his swerve. Nobody is actually just going to cut a bike off the road, right? In the middle of Saturday traffic? Right.

Wrong. Well, he keeps coming... I'm in panic mode cuz we're pretty much boxed in by traffic. Rather than slamming the brakes, as that could have been even more hairy, I just punch his mirror. Held the clutch and fired my carbon wrapped knuckles into that thing. I expected more, but it just pivoted inward. But, I guess it scared him because he laid off.

After letting off the clutch, I continued to decelerate and left him a gap plenty wide. As a light ahead turns red, he and I maintain our positions until probably thirty feet from the light, because I generally slow sooner, in the hopes of not having to come to a complete stop. He saw this, and apparently wanted to stay close. He swerved into my lane while slamming his brakes. We stopped, I just sat there. So did he. The people in the car next to me were smiling and having a hoot of the situation...

Light turns green, and he accelerates very slowly. I didn't start moving yet, so as to give him a larger gap. When I did, I'll admit that in my adrenaline fueled panic mode, I cranked the throttle before starting off nice and smooth. Nothing eventful happened afterward, and down the road, I pulled into Jacks Pets, where I was going to drop off some saline solution to my fiancee who works there, and was having contact issues.

I stayed outside for a bit though, cuz I didn't know what this guy would do. Tuned out that was a good idea, because he circled the block three times in a matter of fifteen minutes. That struck me as odd, because it shouldn't have taken that long for each circle, but idk. I already had his license plate memorized, and had already decided I wouldn't pursue violence if he did pull in. After 20 minutes of sitting in a hot parking lot, still wearing my jacket and gloves, I decided he was done, so I went in and continued with my intentions.

Thought I'd share and vent. Anybody have any advice for handling situations like this? I don't have marbles or guns or anything that was mentioned in the road rage thread, so that's a no go.

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. I speed up, switch lanes to get around a car that was ahead of me, and get back to the left to get parallel with this man again. The intent was to talk at the next light, as Smithville has a lot of them. But, I guess he took that as a threat


why would you want to talk to this guy?

honestly that's just retarded. sorry, you're retarded...or mentally handicapped:D

next time slam it down. they will pop right off.

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Best to stay away from turds like that. If you break the guys mirror and glass hits the road, what happens next? Someone totally innocent blows a tire?

Just let it go.

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negotiation before violence...? i understand the risk though, sometimes you really oughta be aggressive to dissuade aggressive actions from others.

I'll remember the down slam. :-)

negotiation? you have one of the fastest vehicles sold. just hammer it down and don't look back.

don't fuck with vehicles that out weigh you by 35 times.

of course I had a chat with a lady once who cut me off in a turn through an intersection. she acted like it was my fault she forced me into the oncoming lanes with cars coming. I just got in front of her at a traffic light and got off the bike lol

Edited by serpentracer
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Since when is a minivan as fast as a bike?

Best thing to do was exactly what you did...eventually. pull off and let the jackass take out his aggression on someone else. Either that or drop a gear and mash out and remind him he's driving a fucking minivan.

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Mini van drivers are dicks I had one scare the crap out of me in a parking lot. Went around me at like 10 MPH in a parking lot with cars in it then stopped and asked if I was scared. WTF really?

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Mini van drivers are dicks I had one scare the crap out of me in a parking lot. Went around me at like 10 MPH in a parking lot with cars in it then stopped and asked if I was scared. WTF really?

Hey! I drive a minivan! :bigfinger:

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Instead of trying to talk to drivers like this I try to let them go and then stalk them from a safe yet visible distance. It's kind of fun when they start making lots of turns and not really stopping at stop signs.

devil's advocate?

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Years ago I was near UD on my GSXR. Dude in a truck behind me was closer than I liked, so I stomped the rear brake very briefly to make the back tire screech. It did, and he almost hit me. Then he followed me, so I turned into a parking lot, thinking we'd work it out. He wasn't interested. He was a biiig mofo (height and build) and came flying out of his truck before I could put the kickstand down and get off of the bike. One shove, and me and the bike were on the ground. It could've been verrrry ugly, but that action and a few words from him were enough for him. Thank goodness.

Moral of the story: Let it go. Its not worth the beating, the trouble, or jail time.

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As others said, just let it go. There will always be another dumbass and you will just stay in a bad mood.


Instead of trying to talk to drivers like this I try to let them go and then stalk them from a safe yet visible distance. It's kind of fun when they start making lots of turns and not really stopping at stop signs.

This!!! ^ If you have the extra time.....OMG too much fun!!! :D

Normally I would feel bad about making little girls cry. (okay not really :p)

When some asshat pulls out in front of you and then they spend about 25 minutes driving in one big circle and the little girls in the back keep turning around in the seat and start crying.....awesome!

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This!!! ^ If you have the extra time.....OMG too much fun!!! :D

Normally I would feel bad about making little girls cry. (okay not really :p)

When some asshat pulls out in front of you and then they spend about 25 minutes driving in one big circle and the little girls in the back keep turning around in the seat and start crying.....awesome!

Reminds me of the Jack Vale Paranoid clips.


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Years ago I was near UD on my GSXR. Dude in a truck behind me was closer than I liked, so I stomped the rear brake very briefly to make the back tire screech. It did, and he almost hit me. Then he followed me, so I turned into a parking lot, thinking we'd work it out. He wasn't interested. He was a biiig mofo (height and build) and came flying out of his truck before I could put the kickstand down and get off of the bike. One shove, and me and the bike were on the ground. It could've been verrrry ugly, but that action and a few words from him were enough for him. Thank goodness.

Moral of the story: Let it go. Its not worth the beating, the trouble, or jail time.

I'll take the beating, Let the other dude have the jail time. One of the main reasons i want a go pro. Have it running all the time.

Full gear, i don't care how big and nasty the guy is. Last beating i took was from a 6'3" 260 pound guy after i nailed his girlfriend. I'm about 5'11", 130 pounds dripping wet. Got set up by one of his friends, and came to a party where he was waiting on me. Pulled up, took my helmet off, and let him fuck me up. Regained consciousness, Spit out a few teeth and rode to the police station and filed a report. Made about 1200 bucks off that fiasco. Didn't learn a fucking thing. :D

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I'll take the beating, Let the other dude have the jail time. One of the main reasons i want a go pro. Have it running all the time.

Full gear, i don't care how big and nasty the guy is. Last beating i took was from a 6'3" 260 pound guy after i nailed his girlfriend. I'm about 5'11", 130 pounds dripping wet. Got set up by one of his friends, and came to a party where he was waiting on me. Pulled up, took my helmet off, and let him fuck me up. Regained consciousness, Spit out a few teeth and rode to the police station and filed a report. Made about 1200 bucks off that fiasco. Didn't learn a fucking thing. :D

have fun keeping a GoPro running all the time. They use up a lot of memory quickly and you gotta have enough batteries, whether its AAA's or the Lithium, or hook it up to the battery if you know how!

I dont hit mirrors, i kick doors (after looking in my mirors whos around me) and then i either gun it or slam on the brakes and 180 it. Thats leaves them a nice lil present to always see. Funny thing is, ive been driving my car and seen a car ive kicked, dent still there, guy still driving like a maniac. So sometimes, nothing can help the Fucking Stupid.

One good thing with having my gf on the back, she calms me down when she knows im pissed at someone on the road.

Edited by ICEMAN
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