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Will you marry me, Air Conditioning?


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I'm just a simple Yorkshire lad... I'm used to average july highs below 70, and record highs in the low 80s. Ohio's average highs are higher than the record highs for all of history in the UK.

BTW, watch out for a similar post in the winter time. Average lows that are ABOVE freezing are so much easier to deal with than mid-teens.

After 14 years you'd think I'd be used to it, but apparently not... :mad:

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Yeah Ohio has some pretty crap weather, we get the bad weather at both ends of the spectrum...hot and humid in the summer and extremely cold and snowy in the winter. Why I moved here is beyond me....

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NOAA just changed their "normals" up a few degrees. They change the normals every 10 years based on the averages taken over that period. Here's a scary fact,

The hottest decade ever recorded was this last decade.

The second hottest decade ever recorded was the previous decade

The third hottest decade...any guesses?

Notice a trend? In fact this last change to new "normals" was the largest increase that NOAA has ever recorded.

I have no idea if global warming actually exists, I've heard compelling arguements in both directions but wether its just a normal rise in temps or global warming due to greenhouse gasses, its not your imagination.

Oh, almost forgot the Chilean 9.8 earthquake that leveled chille also managed to tilt earth a little more on its axis which also contributes to new sun angles and magnetic fields that scientists don't yet understand how effects earths weather yet.

if it seems that tornados are getting stronger, hurricanes are more powerful, areas are seeing more drought and more flooding and weather is just crazier lately, it probably is.

Justa random poll, do U believe in global warming caused by consuming fossil fuels?

Edited by Jamez
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Odd that when I travel to Florida, it's often better weather up in Ohio. That's weird in December. There are some changes in weather patterns going on, without a definite well understood cause for the effect. The only answer I know that makes sense, is a shift in the Atlantic ocean currents up over the top of Greenland, instead of going South and below, on it's way to Europe. This is also melting the North polar ice cap.

Global warming, according to NASA, can't quite be found yet. Even though temperatures over some or all of the continents is going up, the temperatures over the oceans are not. The oceans are releasing even more heat to space than before. And it's all about the oceans, the massive amount of water there and it's temperatures rule everything about the weather.

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We passed the sustainable carrying capacity of the earth a while ago in my opinion. Besides it's not like human life is endangered or anything. We could stand for a good uncontrolled plague or world wide famine to lower the population a few billion.

I know I'm a bit low on warm fuzzies these days. :lol:

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Ever think the planet is trying to cook us off? Like your body uses a fever to cook off a disease? Are we the disease?

Oh, and if the planet ever needed to have its temperature taken with a rectal thermometer, we'd stick it in Canton.

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Most of the world will run out of an easy supply of fresh water probably long before a fuel crunch or oceans rising or global warming. Wars will be fought over water. Or... as said, less people need less water...

edit: Don't forget that the human population dropped to about 80,000 once. Determined from genetic DNA tracing. Barely enough to start over. Not sure what caused it.

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Wow, somehow this thread took off...

I guess since were on the subject I believe our demise will be from a super-volcano or ELE asteroid.

These things can happen any time with very little warning.

Yellowstone National park for example is a massive super volcano that if erupted would wipe north america off the map and according to scientists could plunge the rest of the world into a mini ice age due to all of the ash and debris blocking the sun.

On the otherhand Asteriods hit earth everyday and have been for millions of years. Just a few weeks ago an asteroid the size of a truck missed earth by like 28,000 miles which is from what I understand a "near miss". We didn't learn of this asteriod until a few days before it wizzed by. We could literally have less than a week from right now.

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On the otherhand Asteriods hit earth everyday and have been for millions of years. Just a few weeks ago an asteroid the size of a truck missed earth by like 28,000 miles which is from what I understand a "near miss". We didn't learn of this asteriod until a few days before it wizzed by. We could literally have less than a week from right now.

I'm not worried about the truck sized asteroids...now a Texas sized asteroid would be different. lol How much damage could 1 truck sized asteroid do...maybe wipe out a small town if that??

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Its not just the size but the speed and momentum. Asteroids average 25 miles per second. An asteroid mabe 10 miles big is estimated to be able to cause a K/T event.

Google search k/t and asteroids, really fascinating and scary stuff

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It also matters what the asteroid or comet is made of. Iron would be bad, stone not so much, ice would go poof before it got to the ground. Actually, most of them burn up. Even one that hits, isn't much more than a local event with a crater. It takes a truly large chunk to cause actual damage. Which is generally measured in Megatons like a nuclear explosion. There's a blast radius size and crater size and all that stuff. And yes, velocity matters...

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Here, asteroid and comet impact calculators.

Fun to play with and see how big of a hole you can blast in the ground...





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I think the end of the world issues will be lack of water. For objects hitting the earth, we already have team that can help prevent that:


"When an asteroid the size of Texas is headed for Earth the world's best deep core drilling team is sent to nuke the rock from the inside."

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I think the end of the world issues will be lack of water. For objects hitting the earth, we already have team that can help prevent that:


"When an asteroid the size of Texas is headed for Earth the world's best deep core drilling team is sent to nuke the rock from the inside."

Great. So instead of being hit by one rock the size of Texas, we're hit by three rocks the size of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. With a few chunks of Rhode Island-sized shrapnel thrown in for good measure. :nono:

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the worst thing about the heat is going from indoors to outside.

that time it takes your body to acclimate is always the hardest part. once you get out in it for a length of time and get a good sweat going you don't notice it as bad.

just remember to keep drinking water...stay away from caffeine and sugar.

it does honestly make it worse.

(I work outdoors).

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A/C is my saviour. I did the proper conversion from R12 to R134 in the Gimpmobile (new compressor/ascumulator/all o-rings, evacuated to 29" for an hour, made sure it held for 24h, recharged...) Just got in the car to go to lunch now, 93F outside, 130F inside the car - within 2 minutes of driving it's spewing 44F air.

When I first got the car it as R12 and all leaked out - 85F days were horrible. 95F would have been unbearable for my 7yo.

If anyone is thinking of the R12-R134 conversion kits, don't do it unless you can evacuate the system. It didn't work well at all (only 20deg temp drop across the evap, 10 minutes to get to 50F vent temp) with the R134 added into an "empty" r12 system, but once the job was done right it it much cooler.

Edited by Scruit
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When I first got the car it as R12 and all leaked out - 85F days were horrible. 95F would have been unbearable for my 7yo.

I haven't had A/C for 8 years in my 92 accord :D

4 windows down and maybe the sun roof now and again works great for me

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I haven't had A/C for 8 years in my 92 accord :D

4 windows down and maybe the sun roof now and again works great for me

Do you leave the windows open during that day? Too many pop-up storms for that... I work in an office shirt/dockers type setup - I can't do my Lumberg impression with massive pit stains.

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Do you leave the windows open during that day? Too many pop-up storms for that... I work in an office shirt/dockers type setup - I can't do my Lumberg impression with massive pit stains.

Windows cracked I bought the rain guards so I can keep them open a little bit and I have the same dress code as you I just dont care since I go from a AC cube to a non ac warehouse all day back an forth and just try and wear dark colored shirts to help mask the sweat since I sweat like a stuffed pig no matter what I do lol

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I too believe that a population plunge of some sort wouldnt be the worst thing for our world.. i don't think that I want it too be a plague though. and i'm pretty sure we are in an ice age right now. So an increase in temperature isn't so abnormal.

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from wiki...

" Glaciologically, ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres;[1] by this definition we are still in the ice age that began at the start of the Pleistocene (because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist)

its a very technical thing I guess.. but just because its hot doesn't mean it cant get a lot hotter.

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