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Daughter Deployed To Theater Today.


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Kid went "wheels up" to Afganistan today with 3rd Special Forces. She's 19, a PFC E-3 with one year in. Prowd & scared but more the former. Talked to her alot last couple days, admin sh*t, when are we getting her car, bank account info, the old Yamaha got sta-bil in it and on trickle charge, cell phone suspention, blah blah blah...

I was all business with her on the phone, just said good buy like I allways do sive she joined up, "Love ya, Kiddo. Be safe"....

I hit one last post on her facebook page a little while ago...

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great ...enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt

Me to her: Be safe, do the job, pay attention to the little things, action beats inaction... all I got kiddo. You got the ball. Good Hunting.

Been on the other side of this more times than I care to remember. Little different this time. Every formerly broken bone in my body wants to take her place. But I have been there and done that. Probably why I'm taking it hard. Questioning myself if I gave her enough along the way. I can probably look at her and know the answer to that, but not at the moment.


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I'm sure you did great raising her and taught her well. Don't worry too much, she'll be fine. The good thing is you can relate to her and what she is dealing with. Your bond will be that much stronger when she redeploys back stateside.

She'll be part of that special group I am honored to call family. Wish her good luck and to keep her head on a swivel. Come home safe and soon.

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First of all, salute to your daughter for stepping up to that challenge. You as well as a few of us others on here know for a fact that title that she carries is not easy to obtain. ESPECIALLY for a 19 year old.

There are no words in these situations, you should know that. What you said to her, said more to her than you know. The fact that you said "something" to her told her what she needs to know.

The idea there is someone back here that wants to see her again; should stick with her and all she should need to know. Sometimes knowing that you are not all alone in this world helps tremendously.

Good luck to her and as you said, Happy Hunting...

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Thanks for the kind swords, guys

When she joined she wanted PSYOPs (one of the 2 Spec Ops MOS's females can hold) but the active duty was not taking green privates & got slotted as MI in a leg unit. She wanted to Jump bad so I called Bragg and got some old contacts rolling for her. Special Ops Recruting Batt (SORB) found her in MI school "moved" her tp 3rd SF before she knew what she was getting into ( I DID warn her!). But as she got more involved with the unit, the commando type forces, the mission and ATTITUDE of SpecOps she was hooked and got even more hard core.

She is supposed to be at HQ-HHC S2 shop as inell, but she volenteered and train on the FET's

Spec Ops Needs a Few Good Women

but she did conferm that there is a load of shooting and blowing up stuff in the training for a NON-Combatant role. She Freaking Loves it.

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She landed in Kazakhstan in the staging area today and gearing up to move again.

I'm aweful certain it's all my fault, me at her age:


Lil shit is 5th generation Army, 2nd Gen Special Ops. Grew up around Paratroopers, Rangers, Snipers, Green Berets and later SWAT guys. Probably why she can drink like a fish and swears 'nuff to make a sailor blush. The character trait that I'm most prowd of is she understands WHY to fight, not just the how part...


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