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Daughter Deployed To Theater Today.


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Fazer, way too impressive!

:10: Chicks in uniform! (with a SF patch)! WOW!

I will ask the difficult question... Will she be home for the holidays? If not do you have a address for her to send stuff to? Maybe the fellow sand kickers on OR can put a care package together for her. My buddies all put one together for my Bro-n-law last year. Homeade cookies and candies and we all chipped in and got a box of varied stoggies and sent them over to him last year with a couple local brewers beer house shirts and assorted cards from each of us. Tried to make things a little more tolerable, for being stuck in a sandy shit-hole of a coutry during the holidays.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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I'm gonna make it my mission to do something for the group too. They took in a little girl and made her a special ops soildier. I owe them big time.

Hey Fazer, don't sell yourself or your daughter short here.

Her unit took her in, but she made herself a a special ops soldier. They just showed her how. Just like you showed her how to excel long before she ever enlisted.

Congratulations to both of you. You have every right to be proud.

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She's gonna be in country for a whille. She may even extend her tour and stay longer.

We been sending her stuff all along.

Nicole Persing

Unit 3-C

APO AE 09354

Been sending food, candy, coffee, tea, motorcycle magizines and stuff like that.

Text box she asked me to send a couple MagPul P-mags

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I havent had any luck getting her any free stuff from and of the tactical suppliers. She is pretty well off, her biggest gripe is bad M4 mags. Her boyfriend set up her rifle pretty good (unit Armorer) before she went out, he's still at Bragg. He actually "care packes ME with a New X300 weapon light for my duty Glock 21 and a Gen 2 Beta-C for sh*ts and giggles) The unit was pretty stacked with sure-fire lights. She recently busted her rear sight but has the EoTec on the rifle, (I'm not an Eotec fan, but she likes it) She told me she was getting a new rear sight on the double. I'm gonna see if the local guys who stock MagPul will cut me any deals...http://bandbarmory.com/

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I would purchase some mags if someone wants to send them to her, PM me what she wants and someone that can send them and i will purchase and get them over ASAP. Its the least i could do for her protecting my way of life.

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I have one text back, no luck but a good lead. I am making some more phone calls now. I will send them Bowdog. I am going to send her a care package.

If anyone else wants to add to it, let me know.

I know my shop has a few of the Pmags left for $14

Has anyone said anything to 8mmDale? See what a deal he can get us?

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I will send them Bowdog. I am going to send her a care package.

If anyone else wants to add to it, let me know.

I know my shop has a few of the Pmags left for $14

Has anyone said anything to 8mmDale? See what a deal he can get us?

Sounds great, Fazer let me know if there is anything specific as far as color or anything. I will be picking up some stuff i ordered from Dale hopefully soon. I can grab them while i am there or if something special that she is looking for just point me in the direction that i can get them and i will make sure beegreenstrings has them.

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Sounds great guys, I'm sure color or style wont matter to much for teams in the field, SF is not all that hard core on the dress right dress and uniformity stuff in combat ops. If you guys send her stuff make sure she knows who its from. She thrilled with stuff like Snickers bars & anything involing peanut butter. I'm pretty sure Matt & the guys frome Rice Patty Cycles allready sent her a care package.

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I would like to help as well can't help with supplies since it seems your all around cbus and I'm at least 2 hours away but I can PayPal some money if that helps for said supplies. Also can get some M16 mags if that's of any help buddy is a Marine and has a crap load from his tours I believe. If there's anything I can help with please let me know

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Awesome guys, thanks.

TheBrown: the unit has plenty of GI mags. Sending her and the A-Team guys the PMAGs is more if an "upgrade"

Just throwing out there what I can think of :D again if there is any way I can help via donations or can I send things directly to her Unit? I've never done this before and really want to help

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Just throwing out there what I can think of :D again if there is any way I can help via donations or can I send things directly to her Unit? I've never done this before and really want to help

They happy to get ANYTHING, candy bars, motorcycle or hot rod maginzines, peanut butter, beef jerky, any asorted junk food or anything to geek out their gear. If you want chip in sjust box up some goodies, write a short letter to introduce yourself in there and mail it out. Alot of guys on the web I know have sent her and the unit care packages. Anything that she gets she shares with the other female soldiers in the FET teams and the Special Operators in 3rd SF Group.

Nicole Persing

Unit 3-C

APO AE 09354

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Picked stuff up from Bowdog last night. Master Sargent is coming home tonight. Might raid his stash when I bring him back to his house. Start boxing stuff up and getting it ready to go. Anyone else. interested? If I remember right, last year when I sent the package to mst sgt I did not have to pay a dime? Uncle sam picked it up. All i had to do was drop it off at the post office.

Fazer, does she or the guys in the crew smoke? I sent one of the variety packages of cigars last year and I guess, from the reaction when we all went out to dinner, It was a tremendous hit for the holidays.

Give me some more ideas man. Sending a package with PMAGS and snickers bars and a couple motorcycle mags just looks light... I have been constructing a letter. Fiance and I got some pictures this past weekend with some of my family (had out thanksgiving yesterday).

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