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Totaled my bike the weekend before skills test


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I got my ninja 250 back in march after passing the written test and have been riding it almost everyday back when it was still snowing, and kept riding when it rained for 2 month straight. Then came memorial weekend and I was just trying to go to taco bell for lunch when a SUV came out of a small road and stopped in front of me and totaled my bike.

It was a blonde woman in a GMC Arcadia (go figure), and she had a stop sign on her side but there wasn't one on my side of the street. She was trying to turn left so she drove out to the street while looking the other way and didn't think there's anything coming this way, except i was right there, so the police gave her a ticket for failing to yield and I went to the ER. Good thing I went home and grabbed my jacket and helmet right before then.

Anyway 3 month of waiting and physical therapy later I'm pretty much all back to normal, but I'm still on my permit and the whole Ohio is booked up for their MSF classes for the rest of the year. So I came here and wonder if any one here can just lend me a bike to take the skills test? I'm in columbus and i'll be driving to the site, take the test and drive home. I've thought about this for a while because I don't think I'll be riding anytime soon, not in cities anyway. But I don't wanna waste my money getting the permit, as once you get your endorsement it's there permanently. So I'll just get that and maybe come back to riding when I have more money and have the time to riding out in the country rather than local roads filled with traffic.

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I know only 8 of the scheduled 12 people showed up at my class.

Buildit, a member here, was a walk that class as well.

You're giving up before you've even tried. Waddupwitdat?

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Your best bet is to be a "walk in" on an MSF class.



Returning Rider is different from the BRC in that it's only one day and expects that you already have at least 1000 miles of riding experience. This is the description straight from Motorcycle Ohio:

This 9-hour course will be offered during the training season at many sites in Ohio. It is designed for those over 18 years of age who have been riding with a temporary permit for longer than one year (over 1,000 miles of experience ) and for experienced riders returning to riding, with or without a motorcycle endorsement, after several years of not riding.

The cost of the course is $25.00 and is non-refundable. To take the BRC-RR course, you must have either a valid motorcycle temporary instruction permit identification card (TIPIC) or a motorcycle endorsement on your license.

Basically, show up to the class and bring a blank check and your temps.

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you can register for a future class then take proof of payment and walk in to a class....or walk in and pay when you get there, someone in my class did that also

theres 2-3 walk-ins usually per class from what ive heard, and i walked into mine first try

another thing to look for, try to find one in delaware county - the one i took was like 15mins away from polaris mall and was delaware county

if i was you, i would just start walking into them...you will get in one

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You have to be enrolled in A class to be a walk in.

So get to scheduling.

you sure?

someone walked into mine and i dont think they registered....unless you can register without paying?

if you do need to register OP and get find any openings in franklin, try to register somewhere else - you can still walk-in to franklin

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I know only 8 of the scheduled 12 people showed up at my class.

Buildit, a member here, was a walk that class as well.

You're giving up before you've even tried. Waddupwitdat?

This weekend will be a good time to do that. The day I showed up it was threatening to rain so I figure a lot of people didn't show because of that.

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here you go

Walk-in Policy (State Sponsors Only)

Private Provider: Contact Your Private Provider for their policy Any scheduled student not present at the start time has forfeited their seat in the class, as well as their tuition. Once the lottery for walk-ins has begun, the class is closed to any students. The only priority walk-in students are minors, and minors are given first choice for open seats over adult walk-ins. Any walk-in student whom is registered for a later class may also attempt the lottery.

If a student registered for a later class gets in through the lottery, the required paperwork for the class that has yet to happen must be presented to show proof of payment. Any student whom has missed a class and is getting in to a class through the walk-in process must pay again. MO encourages walk-in students to sit in the class with the possibility of a no-show on the first morning off the range exercises. The walk-in process does not guarantee a student getting into a class.

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If you want to improve your chances try walking in to a class when the weekend weather prediction is poor. Thats sure to drive up the no shows. :D

You can always let your permit expire and get a new one when you are ready to ride. It only takes a few minutes for the test and another $25+-.

Sorry for your mishap. Good luck with your riding.


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I think the whole ohio is booked up lol. every single county that I looked or within a reasonable distance is full so I can't register if i tried. i'll go to the one in franklin next tuesday if that doesn't work out then the one in delaware the day after.

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I think the whole ohio is booked up lol. every single county that I looked or within a reasonable distance is full so I can't register if i tried. i'll go to the one in franklin next tuesday if that doesn't work out then the one in delaware the day after.

That's pretty normal. When the first day for registration opens in up in February, there's always a mad dash to get the first available spots online. And then they forget that they even registered and miss their class day. I guess only paying $25 can do that to you.

I took the class eight years ago in CA and it was "only" $75 for those under 21. Nowadays it's $275. That'll help remind people to actually show up. :rolleyes:

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I got my ninja 250 back in march after passing the written test and have been riding it almost everyday back when it was still snowing, and kept riding when it rained for 2 month straight. Then came memorial weekend and I was just trying to go to taco bell for lunch when a SUV came out of a small road and stopped in front of me and totaled my bike.

This story sounds familiar - do you have a dad who works on the railroad? If so, I worked with him RIGHT after this happened.

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