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Places at where I won't be eating any longer


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Yikes.. U better go and shoot them then!
I think his point was if he had left his gun in the car they would have got it.

Exactly. Which is better? Securely in the possession of one who can meet the legal prerequisites to CCW, or those that break into vehicles?

Of course, that begs the sign question again. I'll print up some "Do Not Break Into This Car" signs, and the problem will be moot.

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Then keep it at the house! ;)

I have my beliefs and you have yours.. I seriously don't care if people want to carry or not..

I only know of 1 person who wasn't doing anything dumb and had a gun pulled on him.. He gave the dude his wallet and that was it... 1 person out of the thousands that I know.. If he had a gun and tried to show the dude that was pulling a gun on him his gun, he could have gotten shot...

U can play the what if game all you want but the odds of someone minding their own business needing a gun is probably the odds of someone winning the lottery.. Yes it happends, but not often.

I do know someone that was killed recently and you can say ya they should have had a gun. One of my friends was killed outside his downtown apartment last month, but it was because he was involved in drugs and what not and owed money.

Like I said.. U can believe in what you want and carry what you want.. Doesn't bother me..

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It's pretty much just a complaint fest... to carry or not to carry is ones own decision.. but lets face it the gov is always going to control it, so if you make the choice to carry then you are going to have to bide by the laws or lose your right to carry... if you want to boycot some place because they do not allow guns then that is your choice.. isn't choice a beauty... you have a problem with people that carry legally then that is your choice, but just like to crooks that carry ilegally, you have no control over it..

I would carry if I could but I have a felony record from when I was a stupid 19yr old kid, nothing violent, just being a kid... but now I cannot even hunt... now that I think is bullshit....

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Wow @ some of you in this thread. I try to dine at establishments that dont require me to CCW.

As a foodie, I like good food and that has nothing to do with CCW. I dont blame some restauranteurs feeling hesitant about allowing guns inside their establishments. Its their restaurant.

Did someone just try to compare CCW to race? wow.

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Wow @ some of you in this thread. I try to dine at establishments that dont require me to CCW.

As a foodie, I like good food and that has nothing to do with CCW. I dont blame some restauranteurs feeling hesitant about allowing guns inside their establishments. Its their restaurant.

Did someone just try to compare CCW to race? wow.

Yes... yes they did

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Then keep it at the house! ;)

I do when I plan on specifically going somewhere where CCW is prohibited...In this case, I do not plan on going to particular establishments.

I only know of 1 person...

So one should only carry if they are going somewhere or doing something in which they know they'll need it? Would be better just to avoid those places. As a motorcyclist, you should only wear protective gear when you know you are going to crash.

U can believe in what you want and carry what you want.. Doesn't bother me..

LOL...You sure type a lot for someone who doesn't care. ;)

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I do when I plan on specifically going somewhere where CCW is prohibited...

So one should only carry if they are going somewhere or doing something in which they know they'll need it? Would be better just to avoid those places. As a motorcyclist, you should only wear protective gear when you know you are going to crash.

LOL...You sure type a lot for someone who doesn't care. ;)

I don't care if someone carrys or not...

I do however think its hilarious when they stomp their feet and make a post saying they aren't going to a certain dinner spot because they can't carry their gun...

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I don't care if someone carrys or not...

I do however think its hilarious when they stomp their feet and make a post saying they aren't going to a certain dinner spot because they can't carry their gun...

Not trying to be argumentative, but I've not seen any foot stomping...Only folks commenting that they are willing to abide by the new law and not CCW where it has been prohibited.

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how do you know it was from the snack wraps?

honestly, eating at mcdonalds in the first place was your folly.

i mean, there is something patently wrong with food that make you take a massive shit like 20 minutes after you eat it.

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This boils down to the sheep and the sheep dogs.

Dub did make a good point about it being like the lottery and you having a one in a million chance of winning or it happening. But because of the odds millions of people play the lottery every day. There is always that chance.

Its your first amendment right to feel the way you do but its my second second amendment right to do what I do. And no matter what way you look at it the second amendment right is what has defended and to this day protects all the rest of our rights.

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@Dubguy - if you don't need a gun when out and about, why do you need one at home? Houses in Uppity Arlington have recently (past week or two) have been home-invaded, and Arlington's 'nicer' (for the most part) than Dublin.

If posting an establishment will ensure that no guns ever come in (your words, paraphrased), why not post your house on the front door?

Poor analogy, sort of: Do you wear gear when at the track? Why? You *might* wreck. Well, you *might* get accosted when out, and *might* be in a life/death situation.

To each his own.

I still don't understand having a weapon at home (where one would normally feel 'safe'), but not when out, where you have a lot less control of your environment. If you had no weapons (just didn't, or didn't like them), I would understand.

I thought you were trolling... :dunno:

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Oh please... All you friggin dinner tough guys? Why the hell would someone need a gun at dinner? When was the last time you were eating dinner and needed a gun?

PLUS, if no one has a gun, then why the hell do you need a gun?

I'm not sure where you guys were raised or where you hang out, but the only place I think I need a gun is 1 at home to protect my family or 2 walking around the freakin ghetto actin like an idiot.

I used to feel the same way a you Andy. Hated violence, and still do. Hated guns too. Literally kicked a friend out of my house when I found out he had one. (I was only 19, so I was young and stupid too). But several years ago i had three separate instances where either myself or a family member was put in harms way. You know my neighborhood. I lived in Westfield at the time. So I wasnt in the hood. Sisters ex at my house once, sisters ex threatening my mom in her car at a McDonalds, and a crooked previous business associate who I ran into at a vendor who was pissed because the FBI was asking me questions about him.

So now, I got my ccw and carry at all times legal except when sleeping.

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@Dubguy - if you don't need a gun when out and about, why do you need one at home? Houses in Uppity Arlington have recently (past week or two) have been home-invaded, and Arlington's 'nicer' (for the most part) than Dublin.

If posting an establishment will ensure that no guns ever come in (your words, paraphrased), why not post your house on the front door?

Poor analogy, sort of: Do you wear gear when at the track? Why? You *might* wreck. Well, you *might* get accosted when out, and *might* be in a life/death situation.

To each his own.

I still don't understand having a weapon at home (where one would normally feel 'safe'), but not when out, where you have a lot less control of your environment. If you had no weapons (just didn't, or didn't like them), I would understand.

I thought you were trolling... :dunno:

First of all.. I'm not trolling.. I'm just saying if you go out to dinner you don't need a weapon.

Second.. I'm not saying you NEED one at your house, but if someone is breaking in random houses than it wouldn't be a bad idea to have one.

Third I wear gear on the track because its a track policy and also that most people on the track crash at some point.. most people who don't go to dinner need guns to protect themselves.

Fourth I never said guns wouldn't come in, but if someone brought one in, then you could bring yours in too then right? I mean.. If its just that easy...

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So your question was "have you ever needed your gun while eating dinner", well no, but have you ever needed your gun while sleeping, or sitting at home watching TV? Maybe you should take your guns back to the store since you have never "needed" them while you were at home.

Apparently in your logic, the "criminals" will see your eating dinner and decide that its dinner time and not bother with robbing you. Since when do violent crimes only occur in the ghetto? Murders, rape, gang activity, and any other violent crime can happen anywhere.

People get fired everyday from many different places. So say you and your family decide to stop for dinner but because your a real man you decide to leave your gun in the car. You're going in for dinner why would you need a gun criminals don't shoot up restaurants. So you get your food and your enjoying your meal, when the door opens and in walk some guy you never met before who got fired from the exact restaurant, your now eating in, and he's back to exact a little revenge. Or maybe the guy didn't work there at all but he found out his girlfriend, who is at your table refilling your water, has been cheating on him. You and your family are now and danger and because your a man, your gun is in the car.

Yeah that's a made up scenario, but a bet I can find similar stories throughout the US. and yeah you're probably right 99% of us will never have to deal with that situation, but there is a chance. And no having a gun does not make you invincible, but it at least levels the field.

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how do you know it was from the snack wraps?

honestly, eating at mcdonalds in the first place was your folly.

i mean, there is something patently wrong with food that make you take a massive shit like 20 minutes after you eat it.

It was my night rotation that week, I got up around 1600, didn't eat anything since the night before. On my way into work, I stopped at McD's to grab dinner, because I didn't have time to pack my lunch. When I got to work, I ate them, and a few hours later, the madness started. I started out with bad gas, then got a headache. My stomach felt like it had knots in it. then I got the Hershey squirts, then I threw up. That was the longest shift I ever went through.

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So your question was "have you ever needed your gun while eating dinner", well no, but have you ever needed your gun while sleeping, or sitting at home watching TV? Maybe you should take your guns back to the store since you have never "needed" them while you were at home.

Apparently in your logic, the "criminals" will see your eating dinner and decide that its dinner time and not bother with robbing you. Since when do violent crimes only occur in the ghetto? Murders, rape, gang activity, and any other violent crime can happen anywhere.

People get fired everyday from many different places. So say you and your family decide to stop for dinner but because your a real man you decide to leave your gun in the car. You're going in for dinner why would you need a gun criminals don't shoot up restaurants. So you get your food and your enjoying your meal, when the door opens and in walk some guy you never met before who got fired from the exact restaurant, your now eating in, and he's back to exact a little revenge. Or maybe the guy didn't work there at all but he found out his girlfriend, who is at your table refilling your water, has been cheating on him. You and your family are now and danger and because your a man, your gun is in the car.

Yeah that's a made up scenario, but a bet I can find similar stories throughout the US. and yeah you're probably right 99% of us will never have to deal with that situation, but there is a chance. And no having a gun does not make you invincible, but it at least levels the field.

Wow.. Great story.

not 99% ... 99.999999%

So why get in a car, fly in a plane, leave the house? Holy crap, might as well just lock yourself in a room and never come out :rolleyes:

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