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Deer/bike collision at 75+ on OH-73


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This past Sunday around dusk I was heading home to dayton from portsmouth and had a hell of a meet and greet with a large doe. I had rode down to portsmouth via OH-73 and was heading back. (A gorgeous road btw.) I was about half way in between Rarden and Ottway, coming out of a real nice positive sweeping curve at 95+ and into a straight stretch when I saw a large doe run across the road about 100 yards(ish) ahead of me. "Oh shit" I thought, after all, when do you ever see just ONE deer? I braked down to the mid 70's and thought the coast was clear, and grabbed the throttle again. Right at that instant the 2nd dreaded deer came shooting out of the brush on my left. I had no time to react, just braced and hit the thing dead center at roughly 75-80 mph. I was immediately thrown off the bike forward, struck the pavement head first, and the proceeded to slide down the road in the opposing lane for about 45 yards. As soon as I stopped sliding I hopped up to my feet, looked down the road to make sure there wasn't any on coming traffic about to splatter me, and saw my CBR still on 2 wheels cruisin down the road still at a considerable speed. I then watched it careen into the left side guard rail. Yes it was a horrible sight. :( The bottom line here is that my gear saved my life. I was obviously wearing a helmet as well as an icon jacket and gloves. the jacket wore very well, I can't imagine what i would look like if I didn't have it on. All I ended up with was a little rash on my leg and a mild concussion from the impact. In the end I thanked god I was alive and am now beginning the rebuilding process. At least I have all winter!! I hope you enjoyed the thread, Be safe out there! AND WEAR YOUR GEAR!!!

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Glad you came out of this well, those oversized squirels love the dusk or dawn movement times. You are now a believer in ATGATT, isn't it amazing how fast it happens when it comes o testing the theory.

Watch the concussion though, and maybe your neck, those kind of impacts can sneak up on you down the line, watch for dizziness and possible blurred vision, if either come up, get someone to take you to the Emergency room, and a possible catscan.

Take care, and again, gla your OK.

Ride safe all, and ATGATT, please, read above if you question why.


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Ninja - I 'only' slowed down to the mid-70's because I was going about 95-105 when I saw the first one. And yes, it was dead about 20 yds from the road. (A local tagged it almost immediately lol...)

Simplysix - It was a mesh Icon and I sold it to a buddy who wants to 'repair' it real cheap so I no longer have it, but I will post a pic of the helmet here eventually.

I plan on making my own dent in the deer population this season, just with a bow this time.

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Glad your ok but if you saw a deer why would you only slow to mid 70's?

My thought too.....when you see one there are always more lurking

You are one lucky sob to have lived, I don't care what safety gear you had on. A good friend died when he hit one at a much slower speed, on a much heavier bike, and he had safety gear on too. It broke his neck and cut the deer in two.

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