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Someone waves you out...


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That's how I dropped my bike and almost got hit. I took the "wave out" pulling out the Speedway by my house' date='

almost got creamed by someone flying up the left turn lane and dropped the bike with a sudden stop.

Thanks, but I'll wait.[/quote']

I watched some moron woman waving cars making a left turn across her lane. Traffic was stopped ahead of her, so she stopped and started waving cars across to make a left onto a side street. This was a US highway, and was about an 1/8th of a mile away from an intersection of another state highway.

First car goes across and nearly gets smoked by a car flying up the shoulder at about 50 to make a right at the next light. I'm talking missed by a few feet. if the shoulder runner didn't slam on the brakes, it would have been a very serious crash. To be fair, the turn lane starts right after this side street, it was probably an honest mistake on the part of the "shoulder runner"

Next car in front of me waiting to make a left, same woman sitting there. Not 2 seconds after this miss, the DUMB BITCH WAVES AGAIN! And the moron in front of me goes for it! Both of these dipshits saw what nearly happened, and did it anyway. When i stopped, I just sat there and shook my head and put it in my hands when she tried to wave me through. Sure enough, another shoulder runner passes at about 40 this time. I just pointed at it and shrugged my shoulders.

Some people should not hold drivers licences.

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That's why I only wave someone past if I'm the only lane that has to yield. If another lane has to yield, even if (apparently) empty, then sorry - I'm not gonna take the risk that I'm gonna wave you into the path of another car.

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Perfect example in Dublin last week.

161 westbound just before Corbins Mills. Two lanes in each direction with a shared center turn lane. The two lanes of westbound traffic stopped for heavy traffic and both waved a car out of a sidestreet on the north side of the street (this car wanted to make a left turn onto 161 to go eastbound. The eastbound lanes were empty, westbound lanes were stopped and both waving him out....

He goes for it, and crashes into a car that was using the center turn lane to pass the stopped traffic trying to reach the left turn lane.

The cop put the blame on both drivers. The car in the center turn lane was comitting a violation, but so was the car pulling out of a sidestreet (failure to yield).

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Don't go on a wave out / wave them back. yes if they wave you on and they go they should be found negligent. there is nothing in the traffic code on it. the motorcycle lawyer

(My emphasis)

That's the point I'm making. If someone waves me out and I hit a 3rd party then I'm at fault - but if someone waves me out and THEY subsequently hit me (and I can prove they waved me out) then I believe they should be held liable.

Of course then you get into the whole "I was flashing my lights to warn you, not let you out" or "I wasn't waving you out, I was telling you to stop" ugliness.

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The law says that you have to yield the right of way when exiting a private drive onto the main roadway. I had that happen to me as I was exiting a drive to turn left onto the roadway when two cars to my left stopped to let me out. As I inched forward a car in the left-turn lane from the same direction struck the front of my vehicle. My fault and I got a citation. Oh, and I was driving a marked police cruiser. Yep, you read that right. People trying to be nice to the cop in the traffic jam got me jammed. Oh, and I got a write up to boot. I knew better from all the cites I'd written for the exact same thing over the years.

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