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Why carry a gun?


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I call BS on that statistic.

Furthermore, why carry and only pull?

If I carried...which I may start doing because you people are starting to make me paranoid...and I found myself in a situation that justified pulling, rounds would be going down...no two ways about it.

Questions for those that do carry...

Do/would you only pull to shoot?

Do you even consider the possibility of pulling and not shooting?

Please explain your thoughts.

No I would not only pull to shoot....yes I would highly consider the possibility of pulling and not shooting. It is very much going to depend on the situation and the heat of the moment, given the choice I REALLY don't wanna shoot anybody if at all possible. Now break into my home or attempt to attack me in my car........there will be no hesitation from me "I would imagine". Many attacks and potential bad situations have been stopped by simply pulling a gun and holding their ground, there are many great personal articles in the monthly gun magazines. Whatever you end up doing you must make a split second decision, all will have its consequences.

You have poked a bit of fun at me for carrying, which in all honesty kind of surprised me. I thought you would be a shoe in for carry, and I never dreamed that you would feel like you do. I respect ya 100% and you know that,........there is no paranoia for me I just like having the security, option and freedom of leveling the playing field. This country is becoming a sewer for criminals, now many have to wonder and worry if Joe Q Public is packing heat!:cool:

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nope, I'm not carrying health insurance, because the last time I saw the business end of a hospital I was 17 years old. Right now it makes good econmical sense to not throw a bunch of money into the insurance industry. What is a typical health insurance premium? $300 a month?

multiply that by the last 10 years, and I've saved $36,000.... that could buy you a halfway decent house around here.

If it weren't for the law, I would probably forego auto insurance and just drive more carefully. There would be another $20,000 - $40,000 saved.

Hope you have that $36k in the bank. That won't go far. Of course there's the rest of us who make good choices that will happily be mandated to fund your recovery if you should ever need it. Your philosophy speaks volumes about you and your views. Allow the government to provide for me... healthcare, safety, income. In the animal world, we refer to those as parasites. Interestingly though, under the shitty current system, you have the freedom to be irresponsible. Under the great king's new law, you will be required, under penalty of law, to PURCHASE and continue to carry insurance. Back on topic...... I just couldn't browse past that one.

Edited by C-bus
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If you don't trust Wiki, go directly to Gary Kleck's or John Lott's websites. BTW, Lott started out on the premise that guns were not necessary. But as he did more and more real research, he found that "More guns mean less crime".

It is estimated that well over 90% of all uses of defensive handguns, no shots are fired.

I personally had one situation where just having the gun holstered (not concealed) may have prevented me from being assaulted.

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nope, I'm not carrying health insurance, because the last time I saw the business end of a hospital I was 17 years old. Right now it makes good econmical sense to not throw a bunch of money into the insurance industry. What is a typical health insurance premium? $300 a month?

multiply that by the last 10 years, and I've saved $36,000.... that could buy you a halfway decent house around here.

I hope that you are fair and decent enough not to expect the rest of us to pay for your hospital bill when you do get seriously sick or injured.

That $36,000 you feel you "saved" won't pay for two days of ICU care after a serious accident. You want to skimp, yes, that should be your right, but then be man enough to live (or die) with the consequences of your decision.

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I call BS on that statistic.

Furthermore, why carry and only pull?

If I carried...which I may start doing because you people are starting to make me paranoid...and I found myself in a situation that justified pulling, rounds would be going down...no two ways about it.

Questions for those that do carry...

Do/would you only pull to shoot?

Do you even consider the possibility of pulling and not shooting?

Please explain your thoughts.

Honestly its all circumstantial!

Let's say guy pulls a knife and I draw my firearm he drops knife and runs, no I don't pull the trigger. Guy pulls a gun and I feel my life is endanger if I get the chance to pull my gun I pull the trigger. Too many situations we can play what ifs all day, in the end its up to a judge, jury, and prosecutor to decide if you were justified.

I believe I have stopped a crime against me just by uncovering my firearm. Many of the 600,000 the trigger doesn't even get pulled. I'm not sure 600,000 is correct I have no idea, I'm just using that figure since it was thrown out there.

I personally started carrying when the bank across the street from the one my wife worked at got robbed. The robbers were stalking the tellers and other employees of the banks. They killed the loan officer of the bank that got robbed in his home. The only time I got real nervous while armed was just after I got my permit we were followed 4 miles all around town trying get home, we only lived 10 blocks from the bank. The police told the bank employees not to take the same way home and to zig zag and watch for people following you.

It's not only people that you may need to defend yourself from, a rabid dog, coyote possibly. Carry don't carry its up to you!

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This is the statement where I realize you have no clue what you're talking about where firearms are concerned. Well' date=' it's the statement the confirms my thoughts that arose from your previous posts where I started to realize you had no clue what you're talking about where firearms are concerned.[/quote']


Because I refuse to believe that I need a gun on my hip to feel "safe" in the greatest country in the world, or because if I did carry, I would only draw if I fully intended to shoot.

You say I know nothing about firearms?

You know nothing about me.

You don't know I spent 8yrs in the United States Marine Corps.

My original MOS was 2621 Signal Intelligence.

Boring ass shit for over 5 yrs.

When I had the chance to switch MOS's, I chose something I loved(shooting).

I was a firearms instructor for 2.5 yrs of that 8.

0933 Coach for a little over a year, then 0931 for the rest.

I couldn't even begin to guess the amount of rounds I've shot or assisted in shooting.

I think I know a thing or two about firearms, thank you.

Here's my thing...

I realize there are bad people in this world, but I also believe there are more good people.

I realize times are tough for some, and tough times lead to the increase in crime. I watch the news, I'm not naive.

I am not anti-gun at all. Quite the contrary, in fact.

When I called BS on the earlier statistic, I thought that number represented concealed carry holders ONLY using their guns during an attack, not guns used to defend as a whole. That was my misread.

There will always be two sides to the carry/not carry debate.

Those that do will justify with statistics, what if's, and scenarios.

Those that don't will justify with the same, but in their views favor.

I don't because I REFUSE TO BELIEVE, that IN THIS COUNTRY, I have to walk my everyday life armed. I absolutely, 100% without a doubt, refuse to believe that things have gotten so bad, that I need to constantly be armed to feel safe. If something does happen...say I was to get held up or car jacked, you can have it. If you want my POS 1998 Subaru, take it. My wallet that never has any cash in it, it's yours.

Someday, if my views do change, you'll find me in a fully armored HMMWV, wearing a flak jacket and helmet, a pistol on each hip, a riot shotgun slung over my back, carrying a machete in my right hand.

I'm done.

Carry on.

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I do believe in some areas it has gotten so bad you do need to carry for personal protection. I will always prefer to avoid a situation and area but there are times out of our control. But I will not be a statistic or victim because I didn't protect myself. I would hand over my keys and my purse if I thought it would save all lives involved.

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Someday, if my views do change, you'll find me in a fully armored HMMWV, wearing a flak jacket and helmet, a pistol on each hip, a riot shotgun slung over my back, carrying a machete in my right hand.

I'm done.

Carry on.

This sounds how Midget Todd and I roll in the Hemi.

Oh and BTD, 0311 here and a couple other MOS that I can't remember.

Semper Fi!

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Because I refuse to believe that I need a gun on my hip to feel "safe" in the greatest country in the world, or because if I did carry, I would only draw if I fully intended to shoot.

You say I know nothing about firearms?

You know nothing about me.

You don't know I spent 8yrs in the United States Marine Corps.

My original MOS was 2621 Signal Intelligence.

Boring ass shit for over 5 yrs.

When I had the chance to switch MOS's, I chose something I loved(shooting).

I was a firearms instructor for 2.5 yrs of that 8.

0933 Coach for a little over a year, then 0931 for the rest.

I couldn't even begin to guess the amount of rounds I've shot or assisted in shooting.

I think I know a thing or two about firearms, thank you.

Here's my thing...

I realize there are bad people in this world, but I also believe there are more good people.

I realize times are tough for some, and tough times lead to the increase in crime. I watch the news, I'm not naive.

I am not anti-gun at all. Quite the contrary, in fact.

When I called BS on the earlier statistic, I thought that number represented concealed carry holders ONLY using their guns during an attack, not guns used to defend as a whole. That was my misread.

There will always be two sides to the carry/not carry debate.

Those that do will justify with statistics, what if's, and scenarios.

Those that don't will justify with the same, but in their views favor.

I don't because I REFUSE TO BELIEVE, that IN THIS COUNTRY, I have to walk my everyday life armed. I absolutely, 100% without a doubt, refuse to believe that things have gotten so bad, that I need to constantly be armed to feel safe. If something does happen...say I was to get held up or car jacked, you can have it. If you want my POS 1998 Subaru, take it. My wallet that never has any cash in it, it's yours.

Someday, if my views do change, you'll find me in a fully armored HMMWV, wearing a flak jacket and helmet, a pistol on each hip, a riot shotgun slung over my back, carrying a machete in my right hand.

I'm done.

Carry on.

Let me preface this by stating my MOS was 2111 (Armorer) if that means anything to my ability to think critically about my own personal defense.

I do not feel unsafe if I were to go out unarmed maybe that has to do with being a dumbass Marine that thinks he can handle most situations. I do however feel unprepared if I'm not armed. I certainly don't carry because I'm afraid, I carry because I think it gives me an advantage to win if a situation arises that I can't control. I have no more of a chip on my shoulder when I carry nor do I go to or put myself in what I perceive as harms way because I carry. No one is in danger of me harming them when I carry unless they intend to cause me harm. I don't trust the judgment of someone who has decided to take something from me by force to not cause me harm if I surrender my possessions to them peacefully. You undoubtedly have seen very many mistakes in firearms handling as I have by people who have been instructed on proper protocol. I have bloodied many a face for returning a firearm to me barrel first. Why would you think I'd be willing to accept someone who has a weapon to handle it properly throughout taking my possessions and not accidently cause me harm.

Semper Fi

Edited by Uncle Punk
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Meh, Like Punk said, I'm not afraid to go out unarmed but I prefer not to. I know carrying is the only thing that puts me on equal grounds (or as close as possible) with someone who might want to hurt me. I want to go home to my daughter each night and if she's out with me, I want her to go home to her mother. She's my main reason to carry. No matter what I do today, I will go home.

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