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Morbidelli V8 - The ugliest motorcycle ever made?


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Okay, I take it back.

848cc V8? why?

100 horsepower? The torque numbers better have been re-freakin-diculous; oh wait, the cylinders were 1/4 of the size of a Ducati 848's... Probably not a torque monster either.



they wanted a boss hoss that didnt weigh 2k lbs...they had to sacrifice somewhere

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^ must be some old harley fag who wrote the article

(backed up by his review of the sv - mentioning the only good part is the v-twin)


F@*K Hal Licino (a rant)

Have any of you ever heard of this moron? He's some Canadian Lib (go figure)* who is all about making it seem like anyone who rides a bike over 250cc's is a planet destroying family killing time bomb. He is on Hubpages and claims to be a former editor of "several" bike magazines (probably like Nova Scotia two wheel rider weekly, eh). This ignorant ass manipulates statistics to suit his own purpose... the whole time crying out for outright bans on sportbikes... and our beloved Vmax. 2 articles against the VMX17 actually, one for the environmental impact, the other for safety. This little piece of scum doesn't even have the balls to let anyone who opposes him respond... so under his articles there's just row after row of bleating sheep echoing his opinions. Occasionally there will be the mild disagreement that is usually very easy for him to discredit.

It's great if you want to believe in the man made global warming myth. Sure, don't let the facts that the planet is cooling (as measured with equipment, not opinion), Antartica's ice is actually growing more than parts are shrinking, or that the Earth goes through temperature change cycles all by itself get in your way. But to say that the most efficient form of individual motorized transportation needs to be further regulated? (Actually he proposes an outright ban). (If you actually believe in MAN MADE global warming, what is the "normal" temoerature of the Earth? I'll accept answers in C or F).

This maple headed Mother Effer goes on to make every bike accident look like it's the overhorsepowered machines fault (or that every rider is some speed crazed teenager that takes out a whole bus full of orphans when they crash). Just forget for a second that the majority of fatalities are either unlicensed or drunk. A good part of the others were probably victims of poor drivers in the car that hit them (he discounts left turners as more of a "myth"). (I don't mean to make light in any way of anyone's loss, I have had motorcycle related losses in my family as well. I just HATE that someone would use that to further their agenda to outlaw something the majority of us safely enjoy).

Not being able to fact smack that little liberal pos down on his own site just sucks. Proposing common sense fixes like rider education, helmet use, cage driver education all seem to fall on deaf ears. His "fixes" are the typical liberal socialistic BS we are starting to get here: Higher taxes and fees. Yeah, the government does such a great job with all of the things it touches, and uses our money so wisely. The problem with people and websites like his are that people read them and believe it. Some of those people are politicians (with our "best interests" in mind, of course).

Try and resist the urge to find his site and post, he probably gets money for every hit. The rest of his stuff is a pile of negativity (Top 10 ugliest bikes, etc). Just a troll who hates life, and the Vmax.

I hope the little tree hugging safety Nazi liberal freedom hating pathetic excuse for a human is stuck in 3 feet of snow until May. Late May. Rant over, thanks I feel better. Is this what it's coming to?

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sorry to IP but i think the ugliest bike ever made is a multistrada....the front end of them is just a trainwreck...

Agreed. Even MTS owners admit it.

I admire Pauly's muscle control to be able to suppress the gag reflex each time he walks up to his bike. Perhaps the trick is to always approach from the rear.

However, it is sensational to ride and obviously therefore worth the pain.

The new model is nice looking and I would buy one, but now they screwed with the engine and put a 4 valve in it... :wtf:

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Uhm... maybe I'm the weird one, but I think it looks ok. Others have said it, I've seen much worse looking bikes. Hell, I've owned and riden much worse looking bikes. The V8 is just novelty. Very similar to that new V4 bike out there... Motus?

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It's odd, but I swear I've seen this with a single round headlight and it looked even more bizarre. Then again I could be imagining it. This one looks like a surprised penguin.

Get rid of the plastics and make it a streetfighter. That fixes every ugly bike right then and there. Hell, it might look cool without the rear plastics. Make the engine the focus. Then, up the power; as in double it.

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